The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1341: Husband and wife battle

"Nuo'er, although Feng Leigu is scary, it is also a good place to cultivate. There are advantages and disadvantages. Maybe Sect Master Su will benefit from it, and his cultivation level will increase?" Ji Tianfu looked at his daughter, and became anxious for a moment, and comforted him softly. road.

"Miss Su Yi, I promise you, I will come back intact! You see, I have never lied to you, have I?"

Su Yi's eyes became soft, and he stepped forward, wiping away her tears. Facing Ji Hannuo in front of him, Su Yi knew that only such a guarantee could make her feel at ease.

Ji Hannuo cried for a while, tears were running down his face full of watery eyes, Su Yi's handsome face made him unreal.

Suddenly, she understood in her heart that the man in front of her was something she could not stop even with determination, starting from being hunted down by the Hailong Gang.

She knew that this man had carried too many burdens and had too many pasts, and all she could do was accompany and wait. Feelings are really a wonderful and indescribable thing.

Ji Hannuo took a deep breath, calmed down the ups and downs in his heart, stretched out his little finger, and gestured to Su Yi twice.

"Huh?" Su Yi was a little stunned.

"Pull the hook! What can't be done is the puppy!" Ji Hannuo said with a pouted mouth.

Su Yi, who has been a human being for two lifetimes, has a heart and mind far superior to those of his peers, and suddenly feels that the little girl in front of him is as innocent and cute as a child.

"Okay! Pull the hook!" Su Yi smiled, and put his finger on Ji Hannuo's hand.

"Huh! Don't change!" Ji Hannuo laughed through tears, and a smile appeared on his small, weeping face, with starry eyes and a sweet smile.

Ji Tianfu was angry and funny at his daughter, he immediately blew his beard and stared, pretending to be angry, and said: "Girls, it's not proper to cry and cry!"

"Oh, Daddy is the best!" Ji Hannuo coquettishly said softly, as soft as boneless.

"Okay, okay, don't disturb Su Zongzhu, we should go back!"

"Is it so early? During my visit to Nine Star Valley, you can stay for a few more days, Master Ji. I will ask Ning Yue and Big Brother to treat you well!"

Ji Tianfu smiled and refused, and when Su Yi went to Nine Star Valley, Xuanjian Sect, as an ally, should also be prepared, just in case.

Su Yi was moved for a moment, and immediately sent the two heads of Ji to the sect.

Before leaving, Ji Hannuo's eyes were full of reluctance for Su Yi, and then he thought of Su Yi's important matter, so he could only give up and follow Ji Tianfu.

"Su Yi, remember my promise!" Ji Hannuo's voice, as crisp as snow, echoed in the sky for a long time, lingering endlessly.

Su Yi stared blankly at the sky, slightly at a loss, Su Yi couldn't tell the difference between Ji Hannuo's feelings, whether it was between brother and sister or between a man and a woman.

"If you don't like it, reject it, scumbag! Bastard!"

Ling Qianxue's faint voice came from her heart.

"Qianxue, are you awake?" Su Yi said happily.

"I didn't sleep!" Ling Qianxue said angrily.

"Then I just called you, why didn't you call me back?"

"Excuse me when you talk to my father-in-law! Huh!" Ling Qianxue immediately stopped talking.

Su Yi was a little confused by the sudden anger, and thought to himself.

"Why did this little kitten get angry all of a sudden? I didn't do anything! If I can't beat you, I really want to pull you out and rub you on the ground!"

Su Yi ignored Ling Qianxue, turned around and walked towards Zongli.

"Brother Su Yi!"

A soft call came from behind, it was Feng Qi'er.


"Why are you alone, big brother?"

"The master is in the back mountain. I obeyed the master's order and went to Lin Gu to cultivate the Soul Cultivation Orb."

Su Yi pondered for a while, and brought Feng Qi'er to the back mountain.

In the back mountain of Bawangzong, there are flocks of spirit birds flying across the cliffs, beautiful water and clear waterfalls, exotic flowers and plants.

The wild monsters around have already belonged to the Overlord Sect, and the beasts roared again and again, complementing the nature, creating a wild fun.

In the vast area behind the mountain, Xiwuqing and Wuchang Fairy are arguing.

"I said, I'll just go with Su Xiaozi, Xiaohan, can you stop meddling?"

Xi Wuqing was impatient, mumbling in his mouth, not daring to speak loudly.

"Then you are capable. Don't think that you can leave me when you are at the ninth level of the Yuanhuang Realm. I tell you never to leave me again!"

Immortal Fairy's beautiful eyes were full of rage, and her voice gradually became louder. When she thought of how hard she had been searching for for more than 20 years, she had finally found Xi Wuqing, so there was no reason to let her go.

Since joining the Overlord Sect, Immortal Fairy and Xi Wuqing have been together every day, full of sweetness.

"I didn't mean that, Jiuxing Valley, don't you know where it is? Kid Su and I are both on business!"

"Okay, Xi Wuqing, you're going to leave me behind, okay, come on! Let's fight, if you beat me, I won't go!"

As soon as the words fell, the vitality surged under the feet of Fairy Wuchang, and with a flick of her cloud sleeves, a powerful energy flew towards Xi Wuqing.

The space suddenly compressed like a group of energy light waves, and then expanded rapidly, forming a small energy storm, the rubble was stirred, and the surrounding trees instantly turned into dust!

Xi Wuqing's vitality attribute surged under his feet, and he turned several somersaults in the air while he was twirling around. He quickly retreated backwards, dodging all the attacks of Wuchang Fairy.

"Okay, old man Xi, do you look down on me?"

Immortal Fairy watched Xi Wuqing dodge repeatedly, instead of confronting him head-on, her heart became more angry, her palms turned continuously, and a more vigorous vitality was pushed out in the air, like a fierce sword of vitality slashing towards Xi Wuqing and go.

"Xiao Han, why are you doing this!" Xi Wuqing yelled while dodging.

The sounds of fighting continued to be heard in the forest, and huge energy fluctuations destroyed the land, and cracks began to appear, spreading like spider webs.

"Tsk tsk!"

Su Yi led Feng Qi'er to stand on a high place, and was shocked in his heart.

"This woman is really not to be offended! Women are the most terrifying existences, what is Nine Star Valley, how can Sister Han be as scary!" Su Yi's face showed horror.

"You bastard, it's all because of you that you still don't come down to help me!" Xi Wuqing saw Su Yi standing with his hands behind his back, his face was blue, and he kept avoiding repeatedly, which made Xi Wuqing extremely embarrassed.

"Hitting is kissing, scolding is love!" Su Yi sat on the mountain and watched the tigers fight, enjoying himself leisurely, cracking jokes from time to time.

Xi Wuqing didn't dare to yell at Fairy Wuchang, but she was able to vent her anger at Su Yi.

"Hurry up! Xiaohan, I dare not fight back. Believe it or not, I will beat you later?"

"Okay!" Su Yi spread his hands, Xiwuqing Yuanhuang Realm ninth level cultivation is not a joke.

Su Yi walked down slowly with Feng Qi'er, Fairy Wuchang saw Su Yi and Feng Qi'er's background, she stopped immediately, but she was still full of anger and her beautiful eyes were condensed.

"Hello, Miss Han!"

"Hmph!" Fairy Wuchang glanced at Su Yi, then turned her face away.

Su Yi remained silent, not knowing what he had done to offend Fairy Wuchang.

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