The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1355: Yunzhou Floating Silverwood

The waterfall falls from the void of the blue sky, and the rumbling sound of the water is like a thousand troops and horses. It is powerful and surging.

The long waterfall seems to have accumulated all its strength, pouring down with the momentum of rushing to the sea and never returning, trying to swallow everything underneath!


The huge waves of falling water are like flying flowers and broken jade, stirring up bursts of white flowers.

Tiny water droplets dance lightly on the gravel shore like elves. Under the sunshine, they shine brightly, rippling water mist, and golden rainbows appear frequently.

Listening to Nangong Hange's introduction along the way, this place is the famous Jinhong Waterfall in Jiuxing Valley, and it is an excellent place to exercise physical strength.

Everyone nodded one after another. It is reasonable for Nine Stars Valley to have outstanding people and profound background. It is reasonable to have such power as it is today.

I don't know how the Nine Star Founding Patriarch found this place, it is really a treasure of geomantic omen.

Su Yi thought to himself, the Overlord School was rebuilt from Fengjia Village, and it was originally a hidden geomantic treasure, but in comparison, there are many shortcomings. In Su Yi's mind, only Lingu Village can compare with it.

How could such a treasured land not breed young talents like Nangong Hange.

It seems that in the later stage, for the development of the Overlord Sect, if he wants to compete with the Holy Mountain, he still has to find a way to find another treasure land for the Overlord Sect to recuperate, and Nangong Ningyue will be more useful.

Speaking of Lingu Village, Shangguan Xiwei and other remains of Lingu Village are still in Chiqing, Canglan City.

In the five-year agreement, there are only three years left to protect Linggu Village, revive the Sky Demon Sect, find the successor of the Golden Dragon, and protect Phoenix and the descendants of the Golden Dragon.


Su Yi took a deep breath, suddenly felt that the burden on his body was too heavy, and there was no time to talk about the relationship between men and women under the huge pressure, and there was determination in his eyes.

"I hope this trip to the Nine Stars Valley will yield something! A real man will rule the world!" Su Yi said softly, as if to cheer himself up.

Su Yi's every move was under Xi Wuqing's gaze, and Xi Wuqing frowned.

"What is this kid thinking again? It feels like he's always been restless recently."

Immediately, Xi Wuqing handed the jug to Su Yi, and pouted.

"If you can't figure it out, just drink some wine!"

Su Yi looked at Xi Wuqing, and was slightly moved in his heart. Sure enough, the eldest brother still understood him very well.

Immediately unscrewed the gourd lid, took two swigs, a spicy feeling flowed from the throat into the stomach.

The whole person seemed to be ignited in an instant, dreaming back to the Holy Martial Arts Conference, the blood was boiling, and the fighting spirit was surging!

"Looking back at the chaotic mountains and rivers, the wind is ruthless and the rain is not clear, leaving me alone to laugh and sing! Why not!" Su Yi smiled and said to Xi Wuqing with pride.

"Good boy!"

Xi Wuqing also took the gourd and took a gulp.

"What's so good, you're as crazy as you've been drinking!" Fairy Wuchang spat softly.

After listening to Fairy Wuchang's words, Xi Wuqing and Su Yi even laughed heartily, and the mountain scenery at this moment became gentle and clear.

After half a day, everyone went round and round and finally came to a wide valley.

In front of the valley, a huge stone tablet stands on the ground, engraved with the image of nine stars shining on the moon, with mysterious runes hovering on it, and three large characters stand out - Kaiyang Valley.

The whole valley is majestic and open, the peaks on both sides go straight into the sky, and the high places are misty and misty, just like a scene in a painting. The houses on the peaks are row upon row, with graceful outlines, like living in the clouds.

Looking back at the undulating low mountains in the distance, it is like a huge wave in the raging sea rushing into the distance.

Passing over the stele, everyone enters the valley, where there are many houses, the low and humble curved eaves and the continuous distant mountains are all in line with the natural meaning and complement each other.

Most of the houses stand against the hills, and there is a large flat land in the middle, and everyone gathers in the square for the time being.

Nangong Hange turned around and said to everyone.

"This place is Kaiyang Valley. This time the Thunder Valley Sealing Ceremony is to arrange for all the guests to live here. Each faction lives in a separate courtyard. After you move in, if you have any needs, just ask the attendants. , and at the same time, Jiuxing Valley will send elders to deal with any problems that the people in charge of in the valley."

After finishing speaking, more than a dozen attendants stood respectfully by the side, leading all parties to their respective courtyards.

Wei Hong, Shang Wangchen, and Shui Yuechan all nodded to Su Yi and others, and left first under the guidance of the attendants, heading for the courtyard on the mountain.

"Even the servants are not low in cultivation, Nine Stars Valley is far stronger than imagined!" Some elders of second-rate forces beside him sighed.

After everyone had made arrangements, it was already sunset.

The setting sun melts gold, the evening breeze is blowing, accompanied by heavy smog, like the setting sun engulfing the entire Kaiyang Valley in blood red.

In the end, Su Yi and the others were led by Nangong Hange alone to a rather large courtyard in the middle of the mountain.

When you walk in, you can see that all the courtyards are made of wood.

Although they are all courtyards made of wooden mortise and tenon structures, they can faintly feel that they are full of aura.

Every piece of wood is closely connected without any gap, as if it contains endless energy.

The toughness is much stronger than that of granite, and there are dark silver cloud patterns surging on the surface of the wood, and the whole courtyard is glowing with smoky white light under the golden sky light, which is very mysterious.

Is there any difference between such a courtyard and ordinary courtyards? Can it withstand the toss of cultivation?

Perhaps seeing what Su Yi and the others were thinking, Nangong Hange smiled slightly, and explained slowly behind him.

"Su Zongzhu can rest assured, Su Zongzhu, please look, the entire courtyard of Jiuxing Valley is like this, it is built from floating silver and sunken wood from Yunzhou, and the floating silver and sunken wood is buried in Yunzhou's Broken Sword Sea 10,000 meters away Underneath, it will not rot for thousands of years, the density is extremely thick, and it is extremely tough, and the aura is condensed in it and will not disperse for a long time."

Nangong Hange circulated his vitality, and suddenly a gust of wind came over his face, his hands filled with vitality.

Another icy blue streak shot from the palm of the hand like a sharp sword towards the beam in the house.


A muffled sound came from inside the house, and the dark silver cloud pattern on the wood suddenly burst into light.

The ice blue leather hit it, quickly absorbed and disappeared, and the violent impact did not produce a little trace on the wood, just like new.

Nangong looked at the wood, looked at the surprised expressions of Su Yi and the others, showed a complacent expression, and explained with a smile.

The floating silver wood transported back to the Nine Star Valley was reinforced several times by the elixir elders of the sect using the secrecy of the sect.

Therefore, a courtyard looks light and light, but it is actually a self-contained small enchantment, which is extremely tough. After the vitality is blocked, it is difficult for outsiders to enter, and no one will know what is going on inside.

Su Yi nodded secretly, Jiuxinggu's attack was really extraordinary.

Not only is there a separate courtyard for each faction, each courtyard is built with floating silver and sunken wood, and the ground is paved with green jade, which is hundreds of times harder than ordinary marble.

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