The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1356: There is a sky beyond the sky.

The cost of a garden is enough to make people breathtaking.

Located in the middle of the mountain, from top to bottom, as far as the eye can see, there are probably hundreds of courtyards like this in the entire Kaiyang Valley, and it is easy to know how much manpower and material resources are needed.

It has been so long since daytime to go to the valley, it is enough to see how vast and huge the Kaiyang Valley is, with deep winding paths.

As far as we know, Kaiyang Valley is only a small valley in Jiuxing Valley. According to Nangong Hange, there are six valleys larger than Kaiyang Valley in Jiuxing Valley, and the others are not much smaller than Kaiyang Valley. .

In other words, Kaiyang Valley is just the smallest valley in Jiuxing Valley.

A Kaiyang Valley has already scared people's jaws down, and the treasures in the Yaoguang Valley where the Nine Stars Valley is located are astonishing.

"If I own all these things, the Overlord Sect will become a top-notch power in no time!" A thought gradually came to mind.

Su Yi changed his mind to dismiss it, and the most important thing was to enter Fenglei Valley wholeheartedly, and blurted out a question in his mind.

"City Master Nangong, why do we have to walk into the valley during the day? It's really exhausting!"

Nangong Hange laughed softly, and immediately returned with a little apology, as if he knew that Su Yi would ask such a question.

"Sect Master Su didn't know something, it wasn't me who was negligent, because the Nine Star Valley is arranged according to the nine stars of the universe, and contains the great power of the stars, forming a large enchantment by itself. The rules of space are also different from those of the outside world. If there is no guidance of the heart method "Xingchenlu" of our sect, it is easy to counterattack with vitality, qi and blood will surge, and it will cause serious injury in the slightest, and insanity in the severest."

Situ Muyang raised his eyebrows with displeasure.

"Could it be that we have been like this all the time when we entered Nine Stars Valley, so wouldn't we let you slaughter us when we entered Nine Stars Valley?"

Nangong Hange was startled when he heard the words, and couldn't stop laughing.

"Hahaha, this little brother is joking, you are all honored guests of Nine Star Valley, so there is no intention of doing harm!"

Su Yi also glanced back at Situ Muyang, signaling him not to talk nonsense.

Nine Stars Valley has made complete preparations for the Thunder Valley Ceremony this time, and each courtyard owner has arranged for an elder from the gate to meet them.

Because there is a requirement for the number of people entering Fenglei Valley, but there is no mandatory requirement for entering Nine Stars Valley, so it is difficult to count the number of people.

Nangong Hange also promised that an elder would come with a star order later and distribute it to everyone.

With the order of the stars, the power of the stars can be guided into the body, and the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth can be integrated, so the external cultivation can naturally display its vitality in this Nine Star Valley.

"Little brother, this courtyard is an excellent place for cultivation. It is even better than the Lingbao Pagoda. You can practice here. It will definitely be more effective with half the effort."

Nangong Hange smiled, and stared straight at Situ Muyang with his handsome starry eyes, Situ Muyang was embarrassed, his face was red,

Su Yi and the others nodded silently. So that's the case. It seems that Jiuxing Valley is extremely cautious from top to bottom, has the ambition of first-class power, and has the courage of first-class power.

Although some sects have sect-protecting arrays, compared with the barriers of the size of the Nine Stars Valley, the entire Nine Stars Valley is not only an array, but also a place of cultivation, capable of attacking and defending, which is rare in the chaotic domain.

Seeing Su Yi's pensive face, Nangong Hange said softly.

"Su Zongzhu, please don't take Luan Shuo's matter to heart. This time, Guzhu agrees to open Fenglei Valley, and the overall situation is the most important thing!"

"City Master Nangong is serious. How could my Overlord Sect take such a trivial matter to heart? After all, City Master Nangong has already educated my younger brother. I hope that my younger brother will correct it if he knows his mistake! I don't think I will mind." Su Yi kept his eyes on. With Nangong Hange.

"Okay, okay, that's good!"

A light flashed in Nangong Hange's eyes, and he laughed a few times.

Afterwards, Nangong Hange explained a few more words, telling Su Yi and others that all the forces visiting the valley this time were arranged in the front mountain of Kaiyang Valley, and they could visit each other freely.

However, the back mountain of Kaiyang Valley is where the important institutions of Jiuxing Valley are located. Try not to walk around the back mountain after midnight to avoid unnecessary entanglements.

Turning around after speaking, his face immediately became gloomy, and he stepped down and walked out of the courtyard like the wind, disappearing into the golden sky.

After Nangong Hange left, Xi Wuqing stared at this splendid courtyard in amazement.

"Tsk tsk, it's incredible, it's incredible."

The corner of Xi Wuqing's mouth twitched, and he kept rubbing his hands, looking carefully at the floating silver and sinking wood, and muttering to himself.

Yunzhou belongs to the land of six continents, three continents and one sea. It has a vast territory and is very far away from the chaotic domain.

Not to mention that the dangerous place of Yunzhou is famous all over the world, the Sea of ​​Broken Swords in Yunzhou is a secret place, Xi Wuqing once went there admiringly, and it didn't even sink halfway five thousand meters away!

Someone from the Nine Stars Valley can go deep down ten thousand meters and retrieve so many floating silver trees from Yunzhou. The Nine Stars Valley is of such a scale when it is shot, and it is scary to think about how amazing the background behind it is.

"Boy, do you know how many spiritual stones this piece of wood is worth?" Xi Wuqing raised his eyebrows and looked at Su Yi, his eyes brightened, and he said in admiration.

"Could it be more expensive than my mysterious wooden box?" Su Yi asked in disbelief.

Su Yi was tricked by the people of the Holy Mountain, and he owed a huge debt of one billion yuan to buy a mysterious wooden box that can't be opened until now. Thinking about it now, he is very depressed.

"That's not true, you are guessing, how many Nebula Ganoderma lucidum can you buy?" Xi Wuqing said with a smile.

Su Yi clearly remembered that Su Yi, who was still poor at the time, kept asking for prices for Xi Wuqing's Nebula Ganoderma, and finally spent a total of 20,100 three star gemstones to get the Nebula Ganoderma, which made Su Yi heartbroken.

"Five?" Su Yi guessed an intermediate value, and tentatively asked anxiously.

Xi Wuqing stretched out three fingers dangling in the air.

"This piece of wood can buy three Xingyun Ganoderma lucidum at that time!" Xi said ruthlessly showing off.

Twenty thousand and one three-star primordial stones, that is 60,300 three-star primordial stones, one three-star primordial stone is equal to ten thousand one-star primordial stones, so Su Yi exclaimed loudly.

"Six hundred million one-star primordial stone!" Su Yi showed shock, this one is six hundred million one-star primordial stone, if he didn't dig out the mine, how long it would take to repay the one billion one-star primordial stone.

I have been busy for so long, how dare I not even be able to buy two pieces of wood from Jiuxing Valley? Su Yi couldn't believe it, but he had no choice but to smile wryly. Sure enough, there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

"Compared to Excalibur, it's richer, but it's not as exaggerated, but with..."

Situ Muyang remembered a name, and immediately shut up, not daring to say it again.

"Big brother, does Jiuxinggu have such strong financial resources?" Situ Muyang looked at the two in surprise.

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