The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1357: Quota for Five

Xi looked at the entire courtyard ruthlessly and violently, without leaving his eyes.

"It doesn't prove that Nine Stars Valley is rich in resources, but it can prove that there are strong people gathered in Nine Stars Valley, and that so many Fuyin trees can be brought back from Yunzhou without making too much noise. How deep is the foundation of Nine Stars Valley You can imagine it." Xi Wuqing's eyes were filled with amazement.

"How powerful can it be? You are so convinced by a piece of broken wood? I said why can't I find you, and hid in Yunzhou, Xi Wuqing, your legs and feet are stretched far!" Fairy Wuchang frowned slightly Frowning, the jade hand raised high, reaching out to strike.

"Hey! Yu Qiuhan! You said you would stop hitting me! You have to keep your word!"

Xi Wuqing exclaimed with a pale face, for fear that Fairy Wuchang would find out the old account again.

"Hey, yeah, no more fights!"

Fairy Wuchang heard the scene of embracing in the front mountain just now, and a smear of pink spread on her face. think about yourself

He is still so flamboyant at his age, and after spending too much time with young people, his behavior has become much more perverse, so he can't help but turn his head away.

"No, what did you call me just now?" Fairy Wuchang frowned again, looking at Xi Wuqing with feigned anger.

"You're running!" Fairy Wuchang laughed and scolded from behind, her heart filled with warmth.

Xi Wuqing shuddered, and ran out. Fairy Wuchang couldn't fly in the valley, so she could only grab something and throw it towards the distance, chasing after Xi Wuqing.

Su Yi watched Xi Wuqing and Fairy Wuchang fight and fight, and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. Some people would believe that these two are newlyweds.

This is what love should look like, love and hate, mixed flavors.

Situ Muyang thought to himself, even Big Brother, and Immortal Fairy, who can be an elder for fun even in their own sect, admire Jiuxing Valley so much.

It seems that Nine Star Valley is indeed very powerful, Situ Muyang was surprised, but immediately calmed down.

"It's very powerful, it seems that it's almost meaningless to compare with my master." Situ Muyang raised his eyes lightly, and secretly aimed his gaze at Su Yi.

"But wherever the little master and uncle are placed, they are all evildoers, they can't be compared!" Situ Muyang gradually became a little crazy, but he felt more admiration for Su Yi.

"If he isn't great, why is he my uncle? Do I still have to compete with Elder Su? Hahaha!" Situ Muyang became happy in a blink of an eye.

On the other hand, Su Yi hadn't recovered from the shock, and pursed his lips in thought, but he still felt that this trip to Nine Star Valley was too worthwhile.

It can be said that the background of Nine Star Valley has greatly surpassed Su Yi's imagination, and it is even a bit closer to the holy mountain.

If I can gain something in the Nine Star Valley, I will be one step closer to my goal.

Thinking of this, Su Yi's eyes flashed a gleam, and he was looking forward to tomorrow's Thunder Valley Ceremony.

At this time, Xiwuqing and Fairy Wuchang stopped chasing, looked at Su Yi with a serious expression, and said with a straight face.

"Boy, I know what you're thinking!"

"Nine Stars Patriarch usually leaves the customs once every 100 years. The last time he left the customs was 40 years ago before the Nine Stars Valley Ceremony. Now he actually opened the valley in advance and allowed everyone to enter the hinterland. Whether the hinterland can enter is another matter. In short, it should not be underestimated. Have you decided on the number of five people entering the valley?"

Su Yi's brows were furrowed, there were seven people in total when the Overlord Sect traveled to Nine Star Valley, Xi Wuqing, Immortal Fairy, Qinghuang, Yinming Emperor, Situ Muyang and himself.

If the elder brother Xi Wuqing went in with him, Fairy Wuchang would definitely go in. The two of them have such a deep relationship right now, if one of them got lost, the other would not be able to live alone.

The eldest brother and sister-in-law are absolutely determined that nothing will happen, and the only ones who can just enter the valley are Qinghuang, Yinyang Erming, Qinghuang and Yinyang Erming, who are carrying the blood of the golden dragon.

The cultivation bases of the three are also at the ninth level of the Demon Emperor Realm, which is similar to Xi Wuqing and Wuchang Fairy, so the only ones who can still enter are Situ Muyang and Su Yi himself.

"No! Boy, I came here to accompany you into the valley. What's the matter if you asked me to wait for you outside?" Xi Wuqing said angrily with a displeased face.

"That's right, kid, do you look down on us? Or do you think me and the old man are greedy for life and afraid of death? I, Immortal Fairy, have a bad reputation in the Chaos Realm!" Fairy Wuchang frowned, and said angrily.

On the other hand, Qinghuang and Yinyang Erming were silent, watching the debate among the three.

"That's not what I mean. Brother Han, listen to me and bring you in. It's a good thing for the two of you to be in the same heart, but it's also possible that one person's death will affect everyone's entry into the valley." Su Yi hurriedly waved his hands to appease the emotions of the two.

"What's more, there is something strange about the Fenglei Valley Ceremony this time, and the external situation is unknown. If you and Sister Han are in charge outside, we will cooperate with each other, and it will definitely be effective at that time!" Su Yi has already made up his mind, and hopes to make a decision quickly. down.

There is some truth to what Su Yi said. Waiting outside does not mean that it is completely safe. Nangong Hange and Chen Yao have obvious ambitions, and they may be holding back some bad ideas.

"Wuqing, what do you say?" Fairy Wuchang looked at Xi Wuqing, completely thinking about Xi Wuqing.

"I don't agree!" Xi Wuqing was still a little worried, at least he had to change with Situ Muyang, one more Yuanhuang Realm ninth level, and one more guarantee.

Su Yi was a little anxious, the elder brother's temper was sometimes as stubborn as a cow.

"Sister-in-law, don't you care?" Su Yi tugged Laxi's ruthless sleeve.

"Sister-in-law?" One sentence hit Xi Wuqing's nerves, and Xi Wuqing fell into deep thought for a long time.

The rolling hills and overlapping high mountains reflect the glittering golden light under the shining of the setting sun, making them look extraordinarily beautiful with vicissitudes.

The sound of arguments floated farther and farther away from the mountain peak, faintly echoing in the golden light all over the sky, floating on the ridge and being washed away into fragments.

The setting sun is like a painter who paints the last trace of the magnificence of the splendid rivers and mountains, leaving the gentleness in the light, but transforming all this in a flash, the beauty is fleeting, and it is presented on the sky of Molan with another kind of beauty.

On the half-mountain, there are few high-altitude clouds, and a few sparse stars can be picked by raising your hand. They are as clear and bright as small flowers on blue satin.

Linglong Xiaoyue quietly looked at Su Yi and the others under the moonlight.

From dusk persuasion to nightfall, Xi Wuqing finally agreed to Su Yi's suggestion. He and Fairy Wuchang stayed outside Fenglei Valley. Qinghuang, Yinming Emperor, Situ Muyang and Su Yi formed a five-member team to enter Fenglei Valley. valley.

"Boy, promise me that nothing will happen!" Xi Wuqing said with a heavy expression, full of worry.

Su Yi pretended to be mysterious and pulled Xi Wuqing to his side, and said a few words in a very low voice.

Immediately Su Yi turned into a real voice and said.

"Brother, if there is something strange, you don't have to worry about me. When the time comes, you and Sister Han will have to find a way to get out on your own, and we can meet up naturally! This is the safest way!"

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