The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1358: Three Worlds.

After hearing this, Xi Wuqing was surprised, and then regained his composure.

"Since you are prepared, don't worry, big brother. I, Xiaohan, and Tianlongzong have all made it down, and the Nine Star Valley can't trap us!"

Su Yi immediately felt relieved. Back then, Xi Wuqing was able to escape from Tianlong's pursuit at the third level of the Yuanhuang Realm, but now he and Sister Han are both at the ninth level of the Yuanhuang Realm, so it is not difficult to leave naturally.

After Xi Wuqing finished speaking, he turned his head to face Situ Muyang again. The moonlight shone on Xi Wuqing's body, making his muscles and bones feel cold, and he said in a slightly serious voice.

"Little boy, don't cause trouble for your uncle after you go in, don't go deep if you can't go deep, understand? This time is unusual, so be careful!"

Situ Muyang agreed immediately, Su Yi was able to bring him into Fenglei Valley, he was already very happy, not to be a burden to Su Yi was Situ Muyang's minimum requirement for himself.

"Don't worry, Senior Ruthless, I won't drag them down!"

Xi Wuqing nodded secretly. Situ Muyang was still young, and his strength was invincible at the same level. Although he was a bit childish and naive, he was able to distinguish principles at critical moments, which was enough to make people feel at ease.

After discussing, everyone was about to go back to their rooms to rest, when there was a sound outside the courtyard.

Su Yi signaled Situ Muyang to open the door, and Situ brought in, led by a lean man in his fifties, followed by a cold and aloof woman in fairy clothes.

It was Elder Wei Hong and Shi Susu from Cangyun Palace who came. Su Yi raised his eyes and was quite surprised that Wei Hong came with Shi Susu.

Wei Hong's figure was rough, and his voice was buzzing, very resonant. When he entered the courtyard, a strong gust of wind suddenly blew up, like a small tornado passing by, and the flying dust fluttered. Very martial.

"Su Zongzhu, are you all settled down?" Wei Hong shouted loudly as he walked, and at the same time pointed to the room with his hand.

Su Yi, Xi Wuqing and the others were stunned. Wei Hong was afraid that others would not know that he had come to his Overlord Sect's courtyard, so he immediately knew it.

Everyone entered the main room together, Su Yi called the two to sit down, and glanced at Shi Susu, his eyes were as cold as ice diamonds, without squinting, staring at the ground coldly, like a fairy exile, not talking to mortals .

Su Yi and Wei Hong sat on the top, Xi Wuqing, Wuchang Fairy and Situ Muyang sat on the west side, Shi Susu sat on the east side, Qing Huang and Yin Yang Er Ming were guarding outside and never entered.

As soon as he sat down, a heavy look appeared on his face, and he said seriously: "Sect Master Su, have you arranged the quota for five people?"

Su Yi smiled helplessly: "I just settled down and experienced a lot of twists and turns!"

Wei Hong nodded, but his face was very gloomy.

"Su Zongzhu, this time, Chen Guzhu opened Fenglei Valley, Wuya Palace, and Ziyinglou to bring all the core disciples from Jinpeng Secret Realm last time, so they must come with the purpose of repairing the soul damage. "

Wei Hong changed the topic, closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, his eyes sparkled.

"But those who did not bring their own disciples, such as the Xuanyin Sect and Qingyan Sect, did not bring their own disciples."

The last time Su Yi was directly swallowed and entered the Jinpeng Secret Realm, he came out on the other side, and hadn't had much contact with these forces.

"What does Elder Wei mean?"

There was something in Wei Hong's words, which made Su Yi confused.

"Sect Master Su, how much do you know about Feng Leigu?" Wei Hong asked Su Yi directly.

Su Yi agreed to Tang Jue out of courage, and Tang Jue was too hasty to go back to Jiuxing Valley, and he didn't ask too much about Feng Leigu.

Deep in the hinterland of Fenglei Valley, it is rumored that there are too many secrets, and the nine-star patriarch leaves the customs every few days, and he doesn't get much information.

"I would like to hear the details!" Su Yi's eyes were clear.

After a while, Wei Hong spoke softly. According to Cangyun Hall's understanding, the area inside Fenglei Valley is huge, divided into three areas.

Each of the three regions is a world, and the three small worlds intersect and scatter, and there is no lack of enchantment space in the small world, so the inside is extremely dangerous.

From the outside to the inside, there are Xinghai Territory, Tianlei Mountain, and the last Nine Stars Jiehai. The three small worlds together form the big world of Fenglei Valley.

Feng Leigu formed an enchantment and separated it from the real world. The triple world was unheard of.

"Oh? There is such a magical place?" Su Yi listened with interest.

The faces of Xi Wuqing and Wuchang Fairy changed slightly. For them who have traveled all over the six continents, three continents and one sea, they have never encountered the triple world, which is simply unimaginable.

The space rules inside are extremely complicated, without absolute strength, forcibly entering the hinterland of the Nine Star Tribulation Sea is no different from going against the sky.

Ordinary Nine Stars Valley people choose to retreat and be punished only in the Xinghai Territory, and are not allowed to enter the Tianlei Mountain or even deeper inside. The inside is extremely dangerous, with exotic flowers and plants, and countless birds and beasts.

Except for the extreme metamorphosis of the Nine Star Patriarch, he started to practice from the Xinghai Territory, gradually transitioned to Tianlei Mountain, and finally entered the Nine Star Tribulation Sea and began to comprehend martial arts.

Others don't even think about Feng Leigu, not to mention that there may be space cracks in every small world, so it is even more dangerous.

Such a sinister progressive world is also a kind of progressive cultivation for the founders of Jiuxing Valley.

Only by going through this cruel test can one penetrate the way of heaven, realize the way and become a god.

Although there were many dangers in Su Yi's heart, he became much calmer when he thought of the danger in Jinpeng's secret realm.

"I'm not afraid of helping Xiaoshuai through the tribulation, Tianlei?"

Seeing that there were not many disturbances on Su Yi's face, Wei Hong felt a little pleasantly surprised. He had learned Su Yi's skills in the secret realm. He was able to leave safely and obtain the Jinpeng inheritance, which is beyond comparison.

Su Yi pointed east and west, with a smile on his mouth, he already knew Wei Hong's thoughts clearly in his heart.

"Elder Wei, have the five candidates for Cangyun Palace been selected?"

Wei Hong nodded slightly, Cangyun Palace also came prepared this time, plus Wei Hong, Qin Yusheng, Shi Susu, and Elder Chen Chuan, who was at the 9th stage of the Yuanhuang Realm, around sixty.

In addition, there is a strong Yuan Zongjing who rushed to Jiuxing Valley late tonight.

"Oh? A strong man in the Yuanzong realm!"

Su Yi's eyes lit up immediately, besides Su Xiaoshuai who was still in a coma in Overlord Sect, not even a strong person in Yuanzong realm could be brought out.

Between the Yuanzong Realm and the Yuanhuang Realm, even the gap of a small realm is incomparable, because once you reach the Yuanzong Realm, you will have the power of the absolute domain, and you can get a glimpse of the rules of space and become a leader in your own domain. king.

The overall strength of the five members of Cangyun Palace is far above Bawangzong!

Su Yi thought for a moment, hesitated, and the atmosphere was a little condensed.

Wei Hong didn't just mention the words when he got to his lips, he winked at Shi Susu who was beside him, and said softly.

"Su'er, go and apologize to Sect Master Su!"

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