The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1360: The person who needs to tie the bell to untie the bell [Fourth update]

"Susu, before leaving, what did the master tell you?"

Shi Susu gritted her teeth tightly and choked out a few words.

"Everything is respected by Senior Brother Wei Hong!"

"Then what are you doing now!" Wei Hong's eyes were sharp like eagle hooks.

"But this little thief is too deceitful! Senior brother, you don't understand!" Shi Susu's feeling of grievance all the time is about to overflow, thinking about it day and night is that Jiang Suyi will be hacked into pieces.

Su Yi immediately remembered his masterpiece, the beautiful scenery inside the cave, and the artificial respiration he did for Shi Susu.

Unexpectedly, Shi Susu has kept her revenge till now, staring at Shi Susu's face congealed with goose fat, her lips like cherry blossoms, and her eyebrows like black ink, Su Yi felt complacent for a while, and it was considered revenge.

If you don't get angry, just relying on this beautiful face as white as jade, it should make people's favorability burst.

Su Yi couldn't help smiling wryly, not knowing how to resolve this grievance.

With Wei Hong standing beside her, Shi Susu couldn't get angry, her eyes gradually became moist, and tears dripped down her fair face.

"Tick tock!"

Shi Susu had no expression on her face, she stared at Su Yi with cold eyes, her breath was heavy, and only tears rolled down endlessly.

The beautiful woman's eyes were bright and her face was full of tears. Su Yi was also very embarrassed to see it. When word spread that he seemed to have really bullied her, Su Yi not only scratched his scalp.

Originally, I was alone, and an upright gentleman would be wronged if he was wronged. Now, as the overlord suzerain, he has a reputation that cannot be ruined by this little girl.

Going on like this is not an option, forming an alliance is a big deal, and we must not be so rigid with this little girl forever.

Su Yi sighed inwardly, suddenly an inspiration flashed, a smile was formed on the corner of his mouth, and he said faintly: "Elder Wei, the person who needs to tie the bell to untie it, let me handle it myself."

Hearing this, Elder Wei was startled for a moment, then his eyes moved, thinking that this young man was up to something.

Shi Susu snorted coldly, her nose twitched slightly, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and she said coldly, "Are you finally not hiding?"

Hearing this, Su Yi smiled slightly, his eyes were bright and deep, and he looked at Shi Susu with a smile.

"Miss Shi, there must be a lot of misunderstanding between you and me. How about we sort it out first?"

The atmosphere was condensed, and the bone-chilling coolness rose in the house. Wei Hong looked at the two of them, and remained silent. He was suspicious, what kind of grievances did these two have?

"Okay! I want to see what you say!"

The corners of Su Yi's eyes turned up, carefully recalling the scene at that time, and said in a leisurely manner.

"In the mine at the beginning, I was planning to escape. Did you take advantage of the chaos to profit from it and put me in danger?"

Shi Susu hesitated for a moment, her heart skipped a beat, and she argued anxiously.

"I didn't know you at that time, and the master said that you can't trust anyone in the land of Central Continent!"

Su Yi frowned, waved his hand, raised his hand and nodded his chin.

"Okay! Then I saved you, is it true?"

There was awe in Shi Susu's eyes, and a solemn look flashed between his brows, and he remained silent for a long time.

Seeing that Shi Susu didn't speak, Su Yi smiled lightly and continued.

"Miss Master, since that's the case, you were seriously injured and unconscious that day. Is it true that I treated you?"

Shi Susu frowned, and held back a few words for a while.

"It's true!"

"Then, you drowned and fell into a coma. I will give you artificial respiration. Is there something wrong?"

Shi Susu's bright eyes flashed the quiet and shimmering blue waves, her expression was a little flustered, and she pursed her lips tightly.

"No...that's right!"

"Then you pretend to be an old man, like that, how do you think I can treat you?"


Shi Susu recalled that day in the cave, her body as white as jade was lying on the ground, only covered by a pair of obscene trousers and obscene clothes, her hair was messy, and there was a trace of blood on her leg. Thinking about it now, she still couldn't help feeling panic in her heart, and a burst of pink spread all over her face. cheek.

"Then why did you leave such a mark on me?" Shi Susu shouted loudly, the grievance in her heart gushed out with tears, her eyes were like mist.

"Whether it's true or not, you'll know when you're cultivated. If you try to trick me, I'll scare you. It's purely fair."

Su Yi shrugged, and said in a somewhat rambling manner.

"You! Shameless! You are a disciple!" Shi Susu scolded angrily, his vitality surged, and a cold and strong light rose from the palm of his hand, ready to shoot at Su Yi at any time.

Su Yi's eyes sank, and he glanced at Elder Wei Hong. Wei Hong already knew the matter well, quietly retreated behind the curtain, took a deep breath, watched the two of them solve it by themselves, Su Yi continued to speak with a smile.

"Since this is the case, there is no right or wrong. However, the epee has already recognized its owner. If you take it back, you can't take it back. I have a saying, do you want to listen?"

Shi Susu pursed her lips slightly, her snowy hands kept shaking, but she was thinking in her heart.

Originally, it was already a big taboo in the family to leave the chaotic domain to practice in Central Continent without authorization, but now the grievances and grievances with Su Yi are also different.

Right now, Overlord Sect is the biggest help for Cangyun Palace to enter Fenglei Valley, without Su Yi, it would be very difficult for him and Cangyun Palace to enter the hinterland, Shi Susu himself knows this very well.

But the grievance and boredom in his heart made him unable to get off the horse, Shi Susu said quietly with a sullen voice and a cold light on his graceful and graceful face.

"you say!"

"Since you want to form an alliance to enter Fenglei Valley, if you have a gap in your heart, you definitely can't. You are depressed, and I am not happy. Why don't I stand here, the same as today's Hundred Days, but I can let you slap three palms. If I move one step, the blood Demon Killing Sword, I will return the original, and I apologize to you, if I do not move, the grievances between us will be wiped out! What do you think?"

Today, the battle between Su Yi and Luan Shuo, Cangyun Hall and Shi Susu are all watching, Su Yi's physical strength has reached an extraordinary level.

Compared with Luan Shuo, Shi Susu's realm is still lacking. If he confronts head-on, he will definitely suffer some damage, which will be extremely unfavorable for tomorrow's Thunder Valley Ceremony.

Wei Hong's eyes flickered, and he quickly shook his hands and made a sound.

Cangyun Palace is a first-class force in the chaotic domain. If Cangyun Tiantian's generation of geniuses can't even repel a boy who only relies on his body, if word spreads, Cangyun Palace will also be disgraced.

"No, Sect Master Su, Su Su's cultivation base is still low, I'm afraid there will be damage!"

"I only rely on the strength of my body! I will never use my mental energy." Su Yi's eyes were slightly lowered, and he said to Wei Hong, motioning to reassure him.

And Shi Susu also knew her situation, but she had no other choice except this deal.

The Gorefiend Killing Sword will definitely not be able to get back, even if you can use your own power to let out a bad breath, it is good, even if there will be damage.

"Okay! Come on!" Shi Susuxue straightened her face, her body trembling slightly.

As soon as the words fell, Shi Susu's wind attribute energy surged all over her body, and the violent energy fluctuations spun wildly in the room, turning into dense wind blades.

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