The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1361: Wind Spirit Golden Emperor Bird

The wind blade whizzed and danced, smashed vertically and horizontally, and boiled into the sky. Countless small curling blades smashed the surrounding tables, chairs and benches into powder with a sharp breath!


Shi Susu yelled softly, and the extremely dense wind blade with an unparalleled aura, attacked and killed Su Yi like ten thousand swords returning to the clan.

"Thousand Snow Wind Blade!"

"Wind Dance Xuantian Sword!"

Wei Hong on the side slightly nodded and smiled, the little junior sister is indeed an unborn genius of Cangyun Palace.

In his early twenties, at the sixth level of the Yuanxu Realm, he can actually use the "Wind Dance Xuantian Sword" of the Yuanhuang Realm. The master is really discerning!

With this growth rate, within a few years, another young Yuanhuang Realm powerhouse can appear in Cangyun Temple.

The wind blade in Su Yi's eyes roared and swept across the sky, the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu in his body felt it, and began to move, Su Yi forcibly suppressed it.

Now, if I don’t use the Hunyuan Supreme Kungfu, I already have three layers of protection, the first layer of the Hunyuan demon body, the vajra body, the limbs and bones tempered by the golden dragon soul, and the Yuanyang sky nourished by the breath of the ancient dragon. The keel, making his body comparable to the supreme monster.

Instantly killing Luan Shuo at the seventh level of the Yuanxu Realm, and forcibly overpowering the strong Yuanhuang Realm, Su Yi is very confident in his physical strength.

Su Yi's eyes were calm and composed, so calm that he let the wind blade crush him.

The billowing wind blade continuously cut Su Yi's skin like pieces of small pieces, and the continuous force formed a huge pressure to roll on Su Yi's body.

Su Yi's body was filled with golden light, and the golden dragon pattern on the elbows and knees was faintly visible. The rippling golden light was like a dragon descending, and the bones all over his body crackled.

The wind blade hit Su Yi's body like cotton, without any damage, and Su Yi didn't feel any pain.

The subtle and imperceptible wound had not had time to ooze blood, and the wound was sealed during recovery.

"Golden Dragon Protector!" Ling Qianxue was slightly surprised, she had already sensed the Golden Dragon Soul in Su Yi's body.

But it is rare in the world to be recognized by Jinlong in this way, and this human youth once again made him stunned.

"What a powerful body!"

Wei Hong's bulging muscles flashed a metallic brilliance under the dim light, and his face twitched.

For him who has always paid attention to physical strength and practiced powerful horizontal kung fu, Su Yi has simply refreshed his three views.

"This kid looks thin and weak, how could he have such a strong body, the physique of the Demon Emperor is not so strong!" Wei Hong was shocked on his calm and peaceful face.

When one move failed, Shi Susu's eyes sank afterward, and she immediately roared.


"Wind magic ball!"

The hands moved in front of the chest in unison, constantly compressed, the palms of the hands shone suddenly, and a small wind ball was shaking the sky, and the clanging sound on it was endless, and it was full of sharply condensed wind attribute energy.

Shi Susu shook her arms, and a tiny spot of light pierced through the space, swept towards Su Yi with incomparable power.

Sensing the danger, the golden dragon's light burst out immediately, covering Su Yi like a protective cover, Su Yi's handprints condensed, and the light between his brows surged.

"This body can now enter Lei Feng Valley with confidence!"

Su Yi immediately stood on two feet, his eyes were like torches, and his body remained motionless, just like Yue Zhiyuan Pavilion.


Severely killing, shining like a tide.

The ball of light pressed against the golden dragon mask with an unrivaled aura, and immediately unleashed monstrous governance, sweeping along with terrifying killing intent.


The two collided, resulting in huge energy fluctuations. The hurricane swept by, and the tables, chairs and benches in the house were immediately turned into powder. The flood-like energy was surrounded by the sound of cloth being torn into pieces, and the momentum was astonishing.

As for Su Yi, who was inside the mask, there was no disturbance, he didn't feel any pressure, he just watched the bright light fluctuate.

Outside the door, Xi Wuqing and the others kept laughing and laughing, no one was worried about Su Yi's safety at all.

"It's quite a commotion! Can my uncle hold on?" Situ Muyang looked around and laughed.

"Poor Elder Wei, he should be pulled out too." Fairy Wuchang covered her mouth and smiled.

Inside the door, Elder Wei's vitality surged in his body, excluding the aura around him, his face was terrified, and he looked at Shi Susu and Su Yi with horrified eyes.

"Su'er has already tried her best, these two moves are as powerful as the Yuan Emperor Realm, and they are still no match for Su Yi!"

Wei Hong knew that he should take action to stop it, and Shi Susu would definitely not be able to please him if he went down, and he might be seriously injured.

He looked at Shi Susu, who was panting heavily, the two moves with astonishing strength just now were Shi Susu's housekeeping skills, and he wanted to bring them into Fenglei Valley for self-protection, but now he used all his strength, but still It was resolved by Su Yi's understatement.

"Damn it, how could he be so strong!"

Shi Susu's Yuan Qi circulated, stopping the surging Yuan Qi in his body, and the wind attribute Yuan Qi surged out, stopping his figure.

Looking at Su Yi, he was in doubt.

"Susu, you can stop!" Wei Hong said via voice transmission from the side.

Shi Susu's face, which was bloodless due to the surge of vitality, was solemn, and Wei Hong's words were blown in like the wind of the past, and immediately drifted away.

A trace of ruthlessness flashed in the snowy eyes, only Su Yi's radiant golden light was filled, Shi Susu bit her lips tightly, her gaze was burning, Shi Susu leaned her body lightly, and the wind attribute vitality under her feet surged again.

A blue animal shadow behind him gradually stared, Shi Susu condensed all the vitality on the palms, and the crystal clear white light completely engulfed Shi Susu.

"Wind Spirit Golden Emperor Bird!"

Su Yi's eyes trembled, and Ling Qianxue's voice sounded in Su Yi's spiritual sea. Su Yi knew that Fengling Golden Emperor Bird and Jiuling Tianmao belonged to the big family of demons.

It is rumored that a Fengling Golden Emperor Bird can fly 36,000 miles with its wings flapping. Its wings are as hard as refined iron. , mighty and extraordinary.

Thanks to the first-class forces in the chaotic domain, the Cangyun Palace can find the essence and blood of the Fengling Golden Emperor Bird, and assist Su Su's energy to transform into form. Cangyun Palace really put a lot of effort into it!

"Reckless! No!" Wei Hong was shocked, Shi Susu's cultivation base was not high, and the Fengling Golden Emperor Bird was a big family among demons, even the transformation of vitality was not something Shi Susu, who was seriously injured at this time, could bear. of.

Wei Hong wanted to stop him, but it was too late.


Shi Susu's beautiful eyes were cold and murderous, and she ignored Wei Hong's warning at all, with a resolute look on her face.

Infused with vitality into his feet, he folded his body continuously in the air, like a giant humanoid beast, rushing towards Su Yi, overwhelming and destroying the world.

Wei Hong sighed softly, feeling a sudden in his heart, fearing that he would be seriously injured here today, his eyes were heavy.

Su Yi raised his eyes slightly, stepped on the Profound Handle, and stared steadily at Shi Susu's fleeting figure.

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