The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1362: Reconciliation.

Shi Susu, who was fluttering in the fairy shadow, suddenly disappeared in place as the phantom materialized. When she appeared, she was already in the middle distance, and she came to Su Yi in an instant.


The blue light burst out on the palm, humming, two palms joined together, superimposed together, pushing both hands horizontally, directly shattered the space ripples, and smashed on the golden light of Su Yi's body protection.


The wind-spirited golden emperor bird's shocking neigh resounded through the room, and with the blue light flashing in the palm, an incomparable hurricane and golden light hit each other.

Under the powerful impact, the golden light of the body protection flashed a dent in the air, and the surrounding space fluctuated, causing ripples.

Clanging and clanging, attacking the sky and killing the earth, the golden sword is endless, and the roar resounds.

But the entire wooden house made of floating silver wood was intact, without any trace of damage due to the attacks of the two, Su Yi looked sideways slightly.


An ancient and old dragon's chant roared suddenly under the cover of blue light, and from the inside to the outside, there were streams of holy spirit that seemed to have traveled through the ancient times.


Suddenly, there was a loud bang out of thin air, and dazzling light filled the entire room. In the brilliance, there was only a faint aura fluctuating, like ripples, carrying a kind of domineering coercion, like suppressing the ancient times, arrogantly looking down on the world.

Su Yi's body was motionless, his feet were as steady as Mount Tai standing on the stage, his whole body was shining with golden light, there were faint dragon patterns on his elbows and knees emerging through his clothes, exhausting all the blue light released by Shi Susu.

The whole body was filled with a kind of divine light, emitting bursts of waves, the light became more and more dazzling, Su Yi's body continued to emit thunderous sounds.

And looking at Shi Susu, she had already fallen a few feet in front, and was ejected by the golden light of the body protection just now, flying upside down like a rag sack, with blood gurgling from the corner of her mouth.

"Susu!" Wei Hong restrained his vitality, his body moved quickly, and flew to the front of Shi Susu quickly.

In the meantime, Shi Susu was lying on the ground, her eyes glazed over, her mind was still thinking about the attack just now, and she still couldn't believe that she had lost.

Su Yi is only three ranks higher than himself, how could he be so strong!

"Susu, are you alright?" Wei Hong said with concern, and immediately slowly transferred his vitality into Shi Susu's body.

There was a little blood on Shi Susu's snowy face, and suddenly there was a surge of vitality in his chest, and another cloud of blood sprayed out.

His face was pale, and his snow-white face became as white as paper!

Su Yi gradually restrained the golden light, moved his hands and feet, and walked slowly to Shi Susu's side.

"I lost." After she finished speaking, Shi Susu had a look of despair on her face, and she sighed quietly. She knew that she really lost this time, and she was defeated so confusedly.

"Sect Master Su, Su Su's skills are not as good as others, Cangyun Palace admit defeat!"

Wei Hong's expression was gloomy. Although he knew the result a long time ago, there was a kind of inexplicable sourness when he saw that the generation of Tianjiao in Cangyun Palace couldn't even bully other people's bodies.

The defeat was so upright and upright, without any affectation.

This defeat is for Cangyun Palace's face, this defeat is for Shi Susu's heart.

I am afraid that it will be a kind of inner demon for future cultivation, which will be greatly disadvantageous.

Furthermore, with such a serious injury, it is not yet known how much it will affect tomorrow's Thunder Valley Ceremony.

Wei Hong sighed in his heart, he never expected such an ending.

Looking at Shi Susu's bright and unparalleled handsome face, Su Yi pondered for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth and said.

"You and I both have the vitality of the wind attribute, and with my physical strength, it's normal that you can't bully my body, Miss Shi, don't worry about it!"

Hearing this, Shi Susu's mind turned around, she looked at Shi Susu in astonishment, as if she had been petrified, she didn't expect Su Yi to have such an attitude.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yi took out a medicine bottle from his pocket and handed it to Shi Susu.

As soon as Shi Susu took it, a burst of aura from the shop was extremely strong, piercing through the heavenly spirit, and the aura that affected her was also gathering and rising.

It was one of several bottles of spiritual liquid that Su Yi had fished from the mysterious space before he set off.

"So generous, why don't you just give me a bottle?" Ling Qianxue's voice was warm and smooth, flowing into Su Yi's heart like silk.

Su Yi himself also knew how valuable a bottle of psychic liquid was, and he might not be able to find it in the entire Nine Stars Valley, such as the elixir that was as effective as a god.

But this time the Thunder Valley Sealing Ceremony is unusual, and the alliance between Cangyun Palace and Overlord Sect is imperative.

I and Shi Susu are like fire and water, and it is difficult to coexist.

If the grievances between Shi Susu and Shi Susu can be wiped out, if Shi Susu didn't obstruct him many times last time, maybe he can get a bigger chance.

I just hope that Shi Susu will not become an additional resistance, which is already a blessing.

Having said that, after all, I also took her Blood Demon Killing Sword, which is still lying in the mysterious space.

Xia Shenjian accompanied him through big and small battles, and lent him the killing intent many times. It was mysterious and unpredictable. It was a good deal for a bottle of psychic liquid to exchange for such a psychic weapon.

"Heavy treasure!"

Both Shi Susu and Wei Hong's eyes lit up at the same time, Shi Susu was seriously injured, Wei Hong didn't delay, and directly poured the spirit liquid in the bottle into Shi Susu's mouth.

Seeing Shi Susu swallowing the spirit liquid, blood surged up.

Gradually a gentle face appeared, Wei Hong's concerned expression gradually eased, and Su Yi said solemnly.

"I believe that the girl knows how valuable this bottle of elixir is. I hope that the girl can let go of her hatred for me and treat it as an exchange for the epee!"

The vitality in Shi Susu's body was constantly circulating, and the energy scattered and rushing in all directions was incomparably full. Hearing Su Yi's words, Shi Susu didn't know how to answer.

Su Yi sighed, looked at Shi Susu and Wei Hong, after all, he was a man, and he still put the overall situation first, and said solemnly.

"Miss, I'm sorry!"

Wei Hong was startled when he heard the words, Shi Susu was even more stunned on the spot, his lips parted slightly.


Su Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, his expression straightened, and he spoke slowly.

"Miss Master, I, Su Yi, am also an upright man. I know the importance of fame to a woman, but if I haven't done it, I haven't done it. I will never tarnish your reputation. If the previous joke I, Su Yi, will apologize to you for causing trouble to you."

As soon as the words finished, Su Yi bowed deeply to Shi Susu.

On the contrary, Shi Susu was a little embarrassed, and her cold face became a little stiff.

It turned out that this guy wasn't so annoying, he slapped himself three times naked, gave himself a step, and gave himself such a treasure, Shi Susu's attitude towards Su Yi changed.

Shi Susu took a slight breath, her eyes gradually became gentle, and she opened her mouth lightly.

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