The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1365: Night Talk

Fairy Wuchang and Xiwuqing looked solemn, with a hint of vigilance flashing in their eyes.

Su Yi pondered for a moment, then smiled loudly, and said: "Brother, sister Han, don't worry, since you have all come to Jiuxing Valley, with so many sect forces accompanying you, I believe that nothing will happen to Jiuxing Valley, and the owner of the valley invites you late at night, there must be something important For the matter, I will go with Elder Tang."

Tang Juan's brows sank, his spirit was cold, and he said to Xiwuqing and Wuchang Fairy: "Don't worry, you two, tomorrow will be the ceremony of Feng Leigu. The owner of the valley just chatted with Su Zongzhu. After a while, I will escort you." Sect Master Su is back."

Without the power of the stars, the vitality flowed freely, Su Yi's vitality gushed out from under his feet, he took a step, and walked out of the room with Tang Jue.

Xi Wuqing and the others looked at the figure that disappeared in the night, their eyes fluctuated constantly, and they went back to their rooms quickly, breathing out and adjusting their breath.

Kaiyang Valley is in the southeast corner of the entire Nine Stars Valley, Su Yi and Tang Jue left the room and galloped all the way to the Tianquan Valley in the north.

The forest is vast, and the steep and dark green mountains are winding and undulating under the sky full of stars.

In the deep valley, the lingering air gradually rises, like a thin veil, winding gracefully on the mountain line.

"Shua Shua!"

Two extremely fast figures flashed across the valley, the area of ​​Nine Stars Valley is quite wide, after a while, the shadow of Tianquan Valley was seen in the distance.

"You Valley Master lives so far away, how do you manage the Nine Stars Valley?" Su Yi asked softly.

Tang Jue smiled, and told Su Yi that the owner of the valley usually lived in seclusion, and many things were handled by the elders in the sect, mainly Tang Jue himself and Elder Nie.

If Nine Stars Valley takes Fenglei Valley as the center point, cut it from the middle, and divide it into two.

The most important resources and heritage of Nine Star Valley are in the north, while the south is some external resources that can be discarded in the crisis of Nine Star Valley.

The south side is mainly where some outer and inner disciples and institutions are located, and they are places of cultivation.

Although Tianquan Valley is in the north of the entire Nine Stars Valley, it can overlook the Nine Stars Valley, revitalize the overall situation, and dispatch at any time.

"It's so far away, can it be dispatched?" Su Yi asked in surprise.

"That's natural. The owner of the valley lives in seclusion, but he knows everything well. The critical juncture of this Jiuxing Valley barrier is not just an offensive and defensive facility."

Su Yi raised his eyebrows, raised his figure to the sky, and looked around the world, in order to have a panoramic view of the entire Nine Stars Valley.


Su Yi circulated the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu, his divine consciousness was activated, and under the Milky Way, the temporary power of the stars in Su Yi's body also circulated.

Stepping on the sky, hair fluttering, divine light rippling all over the body, and stars shining brightly, like a god from the nine heavens.

Su Yi was so shocked that he closed his eyes and continued to explore the surrounding environment, quietly expanding the scope to the entire Nine Star Territory.

Opening his eyes again, Su Yi shuddered, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and his eyes showed shock.

"This is... the big teleportation formation?" Su Yi's eyes trembled, and he gradually returned to Tang Ju's side, through his divine sense.

On Tang Juan's wrinkled face, his eyes were shining brightly at this moment.

"That's right, the Nine Star Valley is connected to the mighty power of the stars, and can be teleported to any valley within the array at any time. The energy of the Nine Valleys explodes together. This is a teleportation array that is huge enough to shatter the void. The reason why Gu sits in town."

The more Tang Wang said, the more complacent he became, his eyes were shining brightly as he looked at the stars in the sky.

Su Yi was shocked immediately, Nine Star Valley is simply a natural fortress, capable of attacking and defending, advancing and retreating, such a treasure land is not much less than his own mysterious space.

"Such a big effort is beyond the reach of ordinary second-rate forces." Ling Qianxue followed Su Yi to find out about Nine Star Valley, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and she murmured.

Hearing this, Su Yi's eyes narrowed, and he once again had a new understanding of the power of Nine Star Valley.

Su Yi thought to himself, this Nine Star Valley is an incomparably huge treasure, perhaps this is the main reason why Nine Star Valley has been keeping a low profile.

Although Cangyun Palace, Nine Star Valley, and Blood Yang Sect are all chaotic top forces, it seems that Nine Star Valley should be the top of the top.

Forbearance, keeping a low profile for so many years, showing Jiuxing Valley to others for the first time, maybe something big will really happen in Jiuxing Valley.

Thinking of this, Su Yi's eyes were sharp, staring at the looming outline of Tianquan Valley in front of him, and the corner of his mouth curved.

"Don't be too happy, this place is so important, but it can be firmly controlled by a not too big force, don't underestimate it!" Ling Qianxue reminded with serious eyes.

In comparison, there is still a long distance between Nine Stars Valley and the Holy Mountain, and it is impossible to imagine how Nine Stars Valley came to be able to guard this area for so many years.

"Could it be that Nine Star Valley is the same as Lingbao Pavilion, and there is a terrifyingly huge force behind it?" Su Yi's heart skipped a beat.

That's right, from the quality of the disciples of Nine Star Valley, to floating silver and sinking wood, to the order of the stars, to the current teleportation formation, Cangyun Palace probably can't come up with such a skill!

The corner of Su Yi's mouth curled slightly, and he said to Ling Qianxue.

"It's not underestimating, but this Nine Star Valley is getting more and more interesting!"

As soon as the words were finished, Su Yi accelerated his speed, sprinted forward, and arrived in front of an incomparably huge palace gate with Elder Tang in a short while.

When the disciples guarding the door saw Elder Tang leading people into the hall, they all nodded their heads with respect in their eyes and did not stop them.

After entering the palace, the palace is resplendent and resplendent. The inner pillars of the main hall are supported by many huge floating silver sunken woods. Each pillar is engraved with the sun, moon and stars, and the stars are shining, which is very spectacular.

The ground is all paved with fine sapphire jade, and under the illumination of the lights, it shines with warm lights.

Following Tang Jue through the passage, the two finally came to a stone gate.

Tang Juan took out a triangular star token from his hand, which fit perfectly with the groove on the wall.


The stone door rotated, and a dark and deep passage emerged, which was extremely lengthy. Inside, bursts of cold wind from the depths of the ground rushed towards him, and Su Yi's chest felt tight.

Su Yi was slightly startled, with vigilant eyes, and hurriedly used the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu to detect whether the underground air was poisonous.

"No problem, follow me!" Tang Jue led Su Yi through the corridor again.

Along the way, the two were silent, groping forward in the dark.

Walking in the dark, I don't know how long it took, a faint blue light shone in the distance in front of my eyes, like a will-o'-the-wisp.

Through the will-o'-the-wisp, what appeared in front of Su Yi was a clear blue lake, and the sky filled with stars above his head, as if he had entered another world.

The full moon like a jade plate passed through the clouds faintly, and the faint moonlight sprinkled on the earth like a stream, and everything around seemed to be covered with a layer of mercury.

The sparse shadows on the shore shake, and the moonlight is dotted with mottled things.

The night at this moment is extremely quiet.

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