The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1366: The truth.

Looking from afar, the azure blue lake is shining brightly under the moonlight, like a bright night pearl.

Beside the lake was a tall and straight figure, with his back facing Su Yi.

"When you arrive, the suzerain will be ahead, you go, I will wait here, if there is anything, just call me!" Tang Juan warned softly.

Su Yi pondered for a moment, straightened his expression, and strode towards the owner of the valley.

"Is this a self-contained world?" Su Yi asked Ling Qianxue softly in the spiritual sea with thoughtful eyes.

The Jiuming Tmall clan is good at hiding their aura, and their mastery of space is far superior to other monster clans.

With the help of the vitality breath in Su Yi's body, Ling Qianxue focused her attention on finding out, and then said suddenly.

"No, it's still in the Nine Star Valley."

Hearing this, Su Yi nodded slowly. As long as he didn't enter the barrier, it would not be difficult to get out with his own ability. After thinking about it, he walked directly to the figure by the lake.

Before he got close, a fierce and inexplicable aura hit from the front, and the tyrannical air wave stopped him from moving forward step by step.

Su Yiyi was not afraid, the vitality under his feet was suddenly generated, and the Hunyuan Supreme Kungfu was running at full strength, dispelling the mighty pressure brought by the air waves, and stomped his feet at the same time, and continued to move forward.

With Su Yi as the center, a mighty coercion surged like a storm, terrifying to the heavens.

The violent energy fluctuations passed through the air waves, cut through the space, and attacked and killed the distant figure.

The closer you get, the more tyrannical the air waves become, the shattered space creates space ripples, and even the wind howls.

The calm and unmarked lake surface became turbulent, with waves constantly appearing.

Facing the more and more violent air waves, Su Yi's vitality in the Taixu Divine Sea surged, attached to the light patterns of the stars, reflecting each other with the stars in the sky.

At this moment, Su Yi's pupils are golden in color, his hair is constantly bulging back, and his robes are fluttering, as if he has an awe-inspiring body.

The whole body is shrouded in divine rings, and the whole body is covered with red light star patterns, exuding an incomparably overbearing and destructive aura, spreading an astonishing aura on the shore of the lake.


The stones on the shore of the lake were fiddled with by the huge space fluctuations, rubbing against each other, making a soul-stirring sound.


Su Yi moved forward step by step, each step was more difficult, like passing through an invisible wall of air waves.

When he was still one step away from the figure on the lake shore, his body suddenly relaxed, the vitality under his feet loosened, and the spirit circle around Su Yi's body dissipated, and he was no longer under the heavy pressure just now.

The figure in front of him still turned his back to Su Yi, everything around him stopped, Feng also forgot to move.

The figure turned around faintly, revealing a handsome face with a touch of handsomeness, with black hair neatly combed behind his head, his gentle and elegant appearance made people feel flustered.

"I have heard Su Zongzhu's name for a long time, and he is indeed mighty. Meeting Su Zongzhu has twists and turns, and now seeing him makes Chen Yao very happy!"

Su Yi's eyes sank, the man in front of him looked like a scholar, he didn't have the temperament of a martial artist at all, but there was an unfathomable aura about him.

"Absolutely strong!"

Su Yi had also experienced this feeling from Ying Wuxiu in Lingbao Pavilion, and it was equally mysterious.

It's just that the Chen Yao in front of him has such an achievement at the age of forty years, which still surprises Su Yi a lot.

Turning his mind quickly, Su Yi smiled softly.

"Thanks to Master Chengu for his favor, I have invited you many times, and I am very concerned about this subordinate!"

Chen Yao's starry eyes were shining brightly, and he looked Su Yi up and down: "Su Zongzhu just used a little supernatural power, and he was able to break the wind and shadow wall in my star record. You are unique in your generation in the Chaos Realm!"

Su Yi raised his eyes slightly, it turned out that it was Chen Yao's deliberate temptation just now.

"It's just a matter of breaking in casually, it's nothing to worry about!"

Chen Yao pondered for a moment, neither salty nor dull, and said in a warm voice: "What a casual person, I wonder if tomorrow's Feng Lei Gu Sect Master Su can also be casual?"

When he was talking, Chen Yao looked at Su Yi vaguely, he didn't seem to care at all, he was completely polite.

"What exactly does Valley Master Chen mean?" Su Yi asked back.


Chen Yao smiled slightly, but did not answer, suddenly waved his sleeves, the lake behind him churned up huge waves, and a wall of water was raised from the water, covering the sky and the sun, and even the moonlight.

To Su Yi's surprise, the wall of water did not collapse on Su Yi's body, but stood on the surface of the lake, forming a water curtain that was crystal clear and boundless.


With another wave, the stars in Chen Yao's eyes shone brightly, and a sky full of stars emerged from the flickering, scattered on the water curtain.

The bright stars, like gems, are densely scattered on the vast water curtain. The milky white Milky Way runs from Tianji in the northwest, traverses the middle sky, and connects directly to the southeast corner.

In an instant, Chen Yao used his hands as knives and swiped the water to form a curtain.

"What a strong field power!" Ling Qianxue's pretty face turned cold, her eyes full of surprise.

"It's also Yuan Zongjing!"

Su Yi hurriedly used the Hunyuan Supreme Art to resist the realm of the Yuanzong Realm,

But still breathing faintly, the power of the stars in his body was ready to come out, Su Yi felt a strange sense of belonging, his body shook a little,

Looking at the stars on the water curtain, flickering, opening and closing like countless pairs of eyes staring at him, Su Yi's heart gradually felt cold.

At the moment when the handprints were condensed and the Art of Controlling the Sky was activated, the golden dragon soul and the Tianyuan demon soul radiated at the same time, and the incomparable brilliance in the sea of ​​gods destroyed all the endless chill that the stars had cast for a day.

Su Yi's mind regained clarity, his eyes were like cold lightning, and he looked coldly at the water curtain stars.

Chen Yao's eyes flashed brightly, he nodded secretly, and said slowly: "Sure enough, it is right to invite you to enter the valley. It can withstand the soul attack of Xingdouhuntiantu, and the quality of the soul is quite good!"

Su Yi, who had stabilized his figure, lowered his eyebrows and said coldly.

"Master Chen, what do you mean?"

Chen Yao pointed to the map of the stars and sky, and motioned Su Yi to take a closer look.

Following the direction of Chen Yao, Su Yi looked carefully at the map of the sky. The galaxy in the distance was bright, but he could see the Big Dipper in the middle, like a spoon, which was much brighter than the nearby stars.

Su Yi was about to answer if it was the usual Big Dipper, but he found that there were two small stars next to the Big Dipper that were aligned with the Big Dipper, and they became brighter and brighter.

"Nine Stars Shine the Moon"

Turned pale with shock, it turned out that the vision that the eldest brother and Ying lunch break told was true.

Chen Yao on the side frowned, and said to Su Yi: "You must have discovered what the Nine Stars and Moon mean to Nine Stars Valley. My ancestor in the valley leaves the customs once every 100 years because of the vision of Nine Stars and Moon Once in a hundred years."

"Now, after more than forty years, the vision of Nine Stars and Moon has reappeared, but the ancestor has no sign of leaving the customs!"

Su Yi remained silent, while Chen Yao stared at the water curtain on the lake and said thoughtfully.

"Since you can break through my wind and shadow wall, even if you don't have a star record body, you will definitely be able to pass through the Star Sea Region. Tianlei Mountain has extremely high requirements on the soul, and it is not difficult for you. It seems that you can enter the Nine Star Tribulation Sea You are the only one who checks on the ancestor's recent situation!"

Su Yi suddenly realized that Chen Yao wanted to let him enter Fenglei Valley to investigate the situation of Jiuxing Patriarch for them.

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