The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1367: win over.

Chen Yao was also staring at the vision of Jiuxing Yaoyue at this time, and said solemnly to Su Yi: "Since the establishment of Jiuxing Valley, no one except the ancestors can go deep into the hinterland of Jiuxing. As the owner of the valley, I can't enter. Now Jiuxing Yaoyue The vision of the moon appeared again, the ancestor is the foundation of my Nine Stars Valley, there must be no accidents, before I asked the two elders Tao and Dong to invite you, the way was a bit reckless, I hope Su Zongzhu doesn't mind."

Su Yi lowered his eyebrows slightly, and then smiled wryly: "The owner of the valley is worried about the safety of the valley, I can understand, but why do you have to choose me?"

Chen Yao turned his head to look at Su Yi, with strange fluctuations in his eyes.

"Before Sect Master Su was very famous. When Elder Tang recommended it to me, I didn't pay attention to it. I paid attention to it later when he reported that the power of the mine had disappeared."

Su Yi's heart skipped a beat. He had also absorbed energy in Central Continent, but no one had discovered it.

When they came to the chaotic realm, in order to fight against the two patriarchs of the Jade Cauldron Sect, they had no choice but to attract all the unexcavated mines before killing the two patriarchs Luo Cheng.

Nine Stars Valley was originally a large formation with extremely rich energy, and the owner of Chenyao Valley was a strong man in the Yuanzong Realm, who was well versed in the rules of space, so it was not difficult for Chen Yao to finally be targeted.

The shadow of the tree, the name of the person, Su Yi, who has always been low-key, still showed some clues.

Su Yi thought secretly in his heart, remembering that before meeting Chen Yao, the impermanent fairy exposed the mysterious space, and the worry of causing a catastrophe was not superfluous.

Even the Nine Stars Valley will discover its strangeness, and the Holy Mountain or a stronger force will even discover that the murder in Linggu Village is vivid in his mind, and the Overlord Sect will not be able to walk on eggshells in the future.

A trace of coldness flashed in Su Yi's heart. The owner of Nine Stars Valley was in the valley, and he could think of these things based on just a single piece of news. His judgment is amazing.

No wonder this time the Fenglei Valley was opened for the first time, and so many forces were invited to enter the valley together. It turned out that Chen Yao, who had already discovered the unusual, wanted to use Su Yi's ability to enter the Nine Star Tribulation Sea.

He was also afraid that others would suspect that the Nine Stars Valley had changed and cause a fight, so he used the strategy of inviting heroes to cover up his eyes and ears.

Because Chen Yao can rest assured that no one can enter the Nine Star Tribulation Sea, except Su Yi.

At the same time, it is also a proof to the forces in the chaotic domain that Jiuxing Valley alone invites Su Yi to enter the valley for nothing. After all, everyone benefits from entering Fenglei Valley, and no one will focus on Su Yi.

Su Yi immediately raised his eyes, still having some doubts in his heart, and said coldly: "Even if I have some small abilities, why does Guzhu think that I will definitely be able to enter the Nine Star Tribulation Sea?"

Chen Yao's sword eyebrows loosened, and he smiled slightly: "The Jinpeng Secret Realm is the second time I have paid attention to you."

Looking at Su Yi, Chen Yao didn't have much expression on his face. He told Su Yi that someone behind Jinpeng Secret Realm was also sent to investigate.

He didn't enter, because after Bi Zun of the Blood Yang Sect was injured, the Jinpeng Secret Realm was closed, and there was not much to gain.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that Jinpeng Secret Realm is also a self-contained space. Judging from the remnants of the space rules, there are more than one layer inside, which is very similar to Fenglei Valley.

Hearing this, Su Yi was slightly startled, Chen Yao's conjecture did not differ greatly from the facts, and the magic of the Jinpeng Secret Realm is the proof.

The Golden Roc Secret Realm left by the old Phoenix God is also divided into three layers.

The place of death at the beginning, the secret forest on the second floor, the Jinpeng Sea Cliff on the third floor, and the mountaintop that helped Su Xiaoshuai to cross the catastrophe, is the realization space built by the golden-winged roc with the last remaining power.

Su Yi was full of doubts. They were all three floors, and they were all very rich in energy. Could it be that some ancient god built it? Thinking of this, Su Yi had a faint expectation in his heart.

The five-year agreement, the three-year Yuanzong's agreement with the golden dragon, and the trip to the holy mountain, all the agreements are limited in time, so they must improve their cultivation as soon as possible, at least to catch up with Su Xiaoshuai's current cultivation.

Su Yi made up his mind that Nine Stars Jiehai must go in and try it out.

I believe that Chen Yao also thinks the same way, Su Yi must have a special ability to enter the Nine Star Tribulation Sea.

Su Yi then asked again: "I'm not from Nine Star Valley, why should I help you check the situation of your ancestors?"

Chen Yao continued: "Su Zongzhu has just entered Jiuxing Valley, and he must have already understood the strength of Jiuxing Valley. Jiuxing Valley has a deep foundation over the years. If Su Zongzhu is willing, Jiuxing Valley is also willing to provide you with the position of the young suzerain. Take on my mantle!"

Another wooing! Both Cangyun Palace and Nine Stars Valley gave Su Yi an olive branch.

Su Yi knew in his heart that with such financial resources and bottomless strength, the Nine Stars Valley he saw now was only the tip of the glacier. If he saw the whole picture, it would be even more astonishing.

In fairness, the number one force in the chaotic domain is actually Nine Star Valley, or the shocking force behind that possible Nine Star Valley.

Now that Nine Stars Valley invited him, it undoubtedly gave him another chance to take off.

But Sacred Mountain, Yutian Palace, Excalibur Gate, including Cangyun Palace all refused, so how could Su Yi focus on Jiuxing Valley.

Su Yi straightened his heart and outlined the corners of his mouth.

"As the Sect Master of the Overlord Sect, does Master Chen think that I will be a young Sect Master?"

Chen Yao looked at Su Yi, smiled and said nothing.

Chen Yao took out a box made of primordial stone from his bosom. It was three inches square, crystal clear, radiant and extremely brilliant.

Once the primordial stone box was taken out, a vast and unparalleled wind of energy hit Su Yi, like a powerful attack, and his heart and soul trembled.

"What a powerful wave of energy!" Su Yi was slightly startled.

"Six-star primordial stone!" Ling Qianxue exclaimed from her heart.

Su Yi carefully used the soul detection, and whispered in his mind: "It may be higher than the grade of the six-star primordial stone, mixed with a little powder of the seven-star primordial stone."

Chen Yao looked at the fluorescence of the primordial stone box, opened it slowly, a rush of medicinal power went straight into Su Yi's breath, and the majestic and thick grass and trees breathed back into his limbs and bones, just a little breath made Su Yi feel refreshed .

"This is the Nine-Turn Dragon Scale Grass you're looking for!" Ling Qianxue said quietly.

As soon as the words fell, Chen Yao said: "Sect Master Su, are you looking for this thing?"

Sure enough, there is Jiuxinggu's eyeliner in Lingbao Pavilion, Su Yi sneered softly, Jiuxinggu really penetrates everywhere.

"Master Chen, what does this mean?"

Chen Yao slowly closed the box and put it in his arms, with a faint smile on his lips.

"Su Zongzhu is very talented, and he is not submissive to others. It is because of his nature. Chen Yao does not force it."

Chen Yao's eyes flickered, and then he said again.

"Su Zongzhu don't mind, if Su Zongzhu can help Nine Star Valley this time, you can pick any medicine in Nine Star Tribulation Sea, even if it is not as rumored that there are medicine stones everywhere, this Nine-turn Dragon Scale Grass can be regarded as Nine Star Valley Chenyao's kindness .”

Looking at the noncommittal Su Yi, Chen Yao continued.

"Nine-turn Dragon Scale herbal medicine is sensitive, and high-star Yuanshi that is not rich in energy cannot be stored. Of course, this six-star Yuanshi box is also given to Su Zongzhu as a small gift!"

There was still no slight fluctuation in Chen Yao's eyes, as if it was not something of much value to him.

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