The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1368: Loose.

A six-star primordial stone is converted into a one-star primordial stone worth 10 billion. This primordial stone box is three inches square, which is enough for three primordial stones.

To be able to carve such an exquisite box, at least three primordial stones must be multiplied twice. In addition, the powder of the seven-star primordial stone is added, and its value is even more immeasurable.

This is not a small gift, it is like sending a vein of mine to the Overlord Sect! Su Yi roared in his heart.

To be able to express threats so freshly and refinedly, Chen Yao's ability is also a refreshed Su Yi's three views.

There was no wave in Su Yi's bright and deep eyes, and he asked back.

"Then what if I can't enter the Nine Star Tribulation Sea!"

Chen Yao seemed to have guessed that Su Yi would say that, and said with sharp eyes.

"Su Zongzhu don't worry, the first two secret realms, I believe that with Su Zongzhu's ability, Bawangzong will enter the valley, and Jiuxing Valley will send a team of five people to enter at the same time to assist Su Zongzhu to enter the Nine Star Tribulation Sea with all his strength. Help Sect Master Su get out of the body."

Chen Yao's words can be regarded as putting himself in the shoes of Su Yi and Bawangzong.

Even if it is a loss, it is still a huge wealth. Nine-turn Dragon Scale Grass is very important to elder brother and sister Han. Even if there is one, they must fight for it with all their strength.

Su Yi's eyebrows eased, and he thought about it for a moment and said to Chen Yao.

"Chen Guzhu has some kindness, I accept it, and the matter of Feng Leigu, I and Bawangzong should fight for it with all their strength, and bring out the inside situation!"

Chen Yao laughed loudly, a slight arc was drawn on his handsome face, and with a wave of his sleeve, he put away the water curtain.

"Chen Yao will wait for the good news of Sect Master Su again. After entering the valley, be careful in everything! Anything in Jiuxing Valley, please tell Elder Tang Ju."

Su Yi also frowned and smiled, his eyes were clear.

"It's getting late, please ask the owner to rest early, and I will take my leave first."

Su Yi thanked Chen Yao again, then turned to look at Elder Tang, a small figure was waiting in the distance, with a nervous expression on his face.

Vitality surged under his feet, his body leaned forward and galloped, and a group of fiery red afterimages flashed across the air.

As soon as he turned around, a cold light flashed across Chen Yao's gentle and elegant face, his brows tightened, and a murderous intent suddenly emerged.

Piercing through Su Yi's heart and soul like a sharp sword, Su Yi stopped and looked back.

There was only a gust of wind blowing by the lake, and there was no sign of it.

"Did you feel it too? Qianxue."

Su Yi groaned in his heart, although he had always been on guard, he still smelled a dangerous aura, an unusual danger.

"Well, very strong killing intent, you really believe that he will give you such a big benefit, just that star box is a treasure!" Ling Qianxue's eyes trembled, slightly worried.

Su Yi said softly with a serious expression.

"No matter how big the sect is, it will not pass on a treasure to someone who is not willing to join it. No matter whether it is given or not, Feng Leigu obviously has a huge opportunity. I have to go in. It's just a trick, it's not that I can pick it ?"

A hint of cunning flickered at the corner of Su Yi's mouth, his eyes were like torches, and with a step, he came to Tang Ju's side in an instant.

Tang Juan's expression was tense, he had noticed Su Yi's entry into the Wind Shadow Wall just now, and was afraid that the owner of the valley would be moody and kill Su Yi on the spot.

Staring at Su Yi with burning eyes, he said anxiously.

"How about it, the owner of the valley didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

"Go back and talk about it!" Su Yi pondered in his heart, quickly circulated the vitality under his feet, moved his body, and left the place together with Tang Jue.

The night was deep, and there were only a few stars in the sky, looking at the Bawang clan below.

"Little uncle, why have you been away for so long and haven't come back yet?" Situ Muyang anxiously looked at the mountains and forests in the night.

Xi Wuqing and Fairy Wuchang also had heavy faces, Xi Wuqing said softly.

"Xiao Han, I don't know if this trip to the Nine Star Valley is a blessing or a curse!"

Fairy Wuchang patted Xi Wuqing's shoulder lightly, her eyes were full of determination, and she said softly.

"We're both here anyway, it doesn't matter where we are."

There was a hint of warmth in Xi Wuqing's cold eyes, and the two looked at each other with a smile, and their hair danced under the blowing wind of the night.

"Master is back!" Qing Huang's long and narrow eyes flashed a bright light, and two small figures came flying with a trail of smoke and dust.

"Little Master Uncle!"

As soon as the words finished, Su Yi and the others entered the courtyard. Seeing that the crowd was still waiting for him, Su Yi was moved in his heart and raised his eyes.

"You don't rest yet, how will you enter the valley tomorrow!" Su Yi smiled slightly.

"Boy, how is the situation?" Xi Wuqing was very anxious.

Immediately, Su Yi led the Bawangzong people into the house, closed the door, and after Tang Juan made sure that nothing happened, Su Yi told Xi Wuqing all about the situation just now.

Fairy Wuchang murmured thoughtfully.

"Sure enough, the nine stars shine on the moon, there is a vision in the sky! The impact on Feng Leigu will only be greater, and the nine stars Jiehai is probably extraordinary!"

Su Yi nodded slightly, thinking deeply.

"Boy, Chen Yao is able to offer so many chips to invite you to enter. It can be seen that this matter is extremely important to Jiuxing Valley, but no matter what, you have to be perfect. Wuqing and I are outside and can't help you. You need to pay more." careful!"

"Okay!" Su Yi replied firmly.

I was exploring the secret place inside, and the time passed quickly, and the elder brother and sister Han outside could only live like years, anxious.

After listening to Su Yi's report, Tang Juan who was at the side remained silent for a while, and suddenly spoke.

"Su Zongzhu, don't worry, Jiuxing Valley will also send a five-person team, and I am also on the list!"

Su Yi nodded slightly and continued to ask.

"What about the remaining four?"

"The owner of the valley didn't mention it, I only know that the city owner of Nangong led the team into the valley!"

"Nangong Hange!"

Hearing this name, Su Yi felt a chill in his heart, and a strong fighting spirit arose.

The atmosphere in the Overlord Sect suddenly condensed, and a trace of tension flashed in everyone's eyes.

Su Yi waved his hand and smiled casually.

"If you come, you can rest easy. Don't be so nervous. It's getting late. Let's go back to our rooms and rest!"

Then he hugged Elder Tang and told everyone to separate.

The night wind blew, and the pine branches outside the window blew, and the mottled shadows were projected on Su Yi's window lattice, forming vivid black shadows on the ground.

Su Yi, who returned to his room, sat on the bed to meditate and adjust his breath, and performed the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu at a very high speed to gather his mind.

The majestic white light surged through the whole body, like a divine ring added to the body, and the coercion was overwhelming.

"This is?"

With his mind concentrated, Su Yi felt that the mysterious light cluster in his mind had loosened, and it was no longer as white as before.

After a while, Su Yi restrained his Hunyuan Supreme Power and let out a breath slowly.

"Do you feel it?" Ling Qianxue asked softly.

"It's not real, but I can feel the information from the sixth floor! There is always the last force to suppress the surge of information!"

"The external impact that may need to be strengthened at least shows that you can continue to cultivate! Congratulations!" Ling Qianxue also became a little relaxed, with sincere happiness in her words.

Su Yi was even more excited, looking at the pale sky by the window, his anticipation was self-evident.

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