The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1369: Great Sun Shura Sword!

"Whoa! Whoa!"

The bleak cold wind permeates a house, and the cold bird stops on the ridge of the roof, looking around.


All the birds flew away, and they scattered to the distance. The dew on the eaves was shattered and dripped onto the ground, making it wet.

A sharp voice resounded through the sky. In the beautifully decorated room, a man in his thirties with a bruised nose and a pale complexion was leaning weakly on the head of the bed.

The handrail beside him was directly smashed by gravity and turned into powder. Luan Shuo's hands were trembling and his brows were furrowed.

Luan Shuo clenched his teeth, bleeding from his mouth.

Thinking of his proud self-esteem being constantly rubbed under Su Yi's feet, a killing intent that was so strong that it couldn't be dispelled burst out in his heart.

"Su Yi, I won't kill you, I swear I won't be human!"


There was another roar, the roof was almost toppled, and the vitality surged, and the tables and chairs beside him also shook.


The door of Luan Shuo's room was pushed open by a force of gravity, a surge of water-attribute vitality burst out, and the harsh cold air rushed straight at him.

"What are you shouting about! Don't you feel ashamed enough!"

Seeing the appearance of the person, Luan Shuo's face showed indescribable horror.

His eyes immediately avoided, and his mouth tremblingly said: "Cousin... Cousin! You are here!"

The body shrank to the side of the wall, affecting the injury, causing a groan of pain.

Behind Nangong Hange, the moon was shining brightly, and the silver moonlight did not illuminate the whole figure very clearly. When he approached Luan Shuo, there was only endless chill on his face, which made one's hair stand on end.

"Is it better?"

It was still so cold and without any color, which made Luan Shuo even more uneasy at this time.

"Okay...much better." Luan Shuo said with a low face, a little at a loss for what to do.

Nangong Hange hummed, sat on the stool in front of him, frowned, then took out a bottle of elixir from his bosom, and threw it at Luan Shuo.

"Eat it, don't complain about yourself here!"

A majestic medicinal power rushed straight to the brain, and Luan Shuo slightly exclaimed in his heart.

"Yellow Grade Intermediate!"

Nangong Hange actually gave himself the mid-level Huangpin elixir. Luan Shuo had figured out what Nangong Hange did during the day.

But he didn't expect Nangong Hange to be so generous, and Luan Shuo was not polite.


Swallowing the elixir into his stomach in one gulp, a unparalleled force rushed straight to the dantian, turning into waves of warm currents that rushed straight to the limbs and bones, wrapping the small wounds in the body, and Luan Shuo was shocked immediately.

After a while, Luan Shuo slowly let out a mouthful of turbid air from his throat, his pale face returned to rosy, but his face was still gloomy and cold.

"Cousin, I'm not reconciled!" Luan Shuo's face was ruthless, his mind was full of scenes of being ravaged by Su Yi during the day.

Nangong Hange snorted softly, and said disdainfully: "You are too embarrassed to be bullied by a brat in public. I think you have stayed in your Red Sun Sect for a long time!"

Luan Shuo's complexion twitched, he was choked when he was poked by Nangong Hange.

Thinking that he himself was in the Red Sun Sect, the thirty-one generations were invincible hands, and the title of invincible in the same generation of the Red Sun Sect is not for nothing.

Luan Shuo always thought that his cousin was an evil genius, but he didn't expect such a freak to appear in Chaos Realm.

"You have offended even the person you want to curry favor with, you should think about how to explain to your father when you go back!" Nangong Hange said coldly.

When Luan Shuo thought of his father and the position of the young suzerain, he felt a little flustered and his expression tightened.

"Cousin, you can save me!" Luan Shuo cried a little

Nangong Hange's mouth curled into an evil smile, and he said quietly: "Your old man is just spending money to eliminate disasters, if you can bring Su Yi's head back to the sect, not only will you be able to keep your position as the young suzerain, but your Chiri sect will definitely be able to Rapidly growing in the chaotic domain."

Hearing this, Luan Shuo's eyes lit up, but then dimmed again.

"I...I can't beat him, there are many strong people around him, I...can't!" Luan Shuo's voice became deeper and deeper, his hands tightly clutching the quilt, almost torn apart .

Nangong Hange's eyes turned cold, and he stared at Luan Shuo.

"Vital energy is running, listen carefully!"

Afterwards, Nangong Hange eloquently transmitted a set of formulas to Luan Shuo. Luan Shuo was in a trance after listening, and his eyes gradually became dull.

Luan Shuo's mind was empty, and a voice like Shura's came from the sky.

"This set of Great Sun Asura Sword, combined with the mental method, can quickly cultivate you to break through Yuanhuang, and you will be invincible at the same level in a short period of time. You should familiarize yourself with it as soon as possible, and practice as soon as possible after entering the valley. Follow the large army and take the opportunity to attack!"

Luan Shuo looked dazed, his mind seemed to be filled with the magic voice, and he muttered to himself.

"Da Ri Shura Sword...Take the opportunity to strike...Take the opportunity to strike..."

Immediately after a flash in his mind, Luan Shuo's spiritual consciousness returned to the room again, Nangong Hange's figure had already walked out of the room, and the moonlight came, making the figure mottled.

"Cousin, then I will enter the valley, how will the owner of the valley explain?"

As Nangong Hange walked forward, his energy surged. In the darkness, a star flew towards Luan Shuo like flint.

As if consciously, he reached the sky above the quilt in an instant, then landed gently, and landed in Luan Shuo's hands.

Luan Shuo was dumbfounded by a heavy star order exuding dazzling star power.

In the distance, a cold sound came with the air breaking through the wind, like a cold current in the middle of the night, chilling people's hearts.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up to refine the power of the medicine and practice the exercises. After entering the valley, I will arrange it with the owner of the valley. I can only help with the rest!"

Just as Luan Shuo was about to speak, Nangong Hange's figure had gradually faded away.


The door was closed, the moonlight was faint, and the room was plunged into darkness again, only Luan Shuo's fiery eyes showed a cold light.

Luan Shuo entered his consciousness again to review the information just now, and he was ecstatic.

"Da Ri Shura Sword! Heavy Treasure!"

The imperial middle-level cultivation method can quickly improve the cultivation level. Luan Shuo knew that the method that can quickly improve the cultivation level must have huge side effects behind it. At this time, he couldn't care too much. Luan Shuo sneered and murmured muttered.

"Su Yi! Just wait for me, hahaha!"

Afterwards, Luan Shuo meditated and adjusted his breath, a black energy circulated around his body, and the medicinal energy filled the whole room.

The night was quiet, and the white light jumped into the sky playfully, and the white clouds were pierced by the morning light, dyed with a golden rhyme.

Tang Jue, Su Yi and the others set off early in the morning, covered in morning dew, and flew towards the center of Nine Star Valley.

In the morning of Jiuxing Valley, the air is wrapped in the fragrance of grass and trees, the mountains are rolling and rolling, and the forests are dense.

The sky, the clouds, the vegetation, the spirit beasts, everything seemed extremely peaceful and extremely quiet.

The few people who were advancing at high speed, under the leadership of Tang Juan, galloped at high speed above the forest sea, turned a few turns, and finally saw the outline of Feng Leigu.

The sky of Fenglei Valley is yellow, which is very different from the verdant forests and seas around it.

The land was a bleak yellow color, stretching for tens of miles with no vegetation and no sense of vitality.

There were dark clouds in the sky, and there was a faint roar of thunder, like a crawling monster waiting for its prey to take the bait.

A few rays of light and shadows were colorful and came through the air. Looking from a distance, two Jiuxinggu disciples of Taniguchi were stationed majestically.

The crowd was crowded, and people from several forces were already waiting at Taniguchi.

Su Yi and the others landed steadily, shook their heads helplessly and said, "It seems that we are still not very active!"

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