The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1370: Public Wrath

Xuanyinmen, Wuya Palace, Ziyinglou and other second-rate forces stood in line at the entrance of the valley and kept looking inside.

The entrance of the valley is a deep passage formed by the splitting of the mountain peaks on both sides. After being restricted by the people of Jiuxinggu, the rocks above the entrance of the valley are surrounded by electric light, which is very magical.

The silver-white electric arc kept hissing, as if it was demonstrating to everyone.

The waiting crowd, a little impatient, began to whisper.

"What do you mean by Nine Stars Valley, let us wait yesterday, and let us wait again today?"

"That's right, are the first-class forces so temperamental? They don't think much of us!"

"Do you want to watch another dog-beating scene? I don't have time!"

I saw an elder-like old man from Qingyanmen with his beard blowing high, his voice the loudest, and his eyes staring like copper bells!

An old man from Xuanyin Sect beside him said with a chuckle.

"Why, are you in such a hurry to die?"

"Sikongshang, what do you mean?" The elder of Qingyanmen became angry and shouted loudly.

Looking at Bawangzong and the others, they stood straight to the side without any anxiety.

Xi Wuqing at the side looked at the two old men who were arguing, their faces were flushed, their brows were slightly wrinkled, and he moved to Su Yi's side, and introduced Su Yi softly.

"Boy, Si Kongshang is the punishment elder of Xuanyin Sect. He has also reached the Yuanzong Realm, and his evil skills are very vicious. After entering, he has to guard against it!"

After listening, Su Yi raised his eyebrows slantingly, and looked at Xuanyinzong coldly.

Another elder in the Blue Flame Sect team noticed Su Yi's eyes, came out and waved.

"It seems that you Xuanyinmen also want to follow in the footsteps of Chirizong!" After finishing speaking, he glanced in the direction of Bawangzong.

The two elders who were about to fight stopped one after another, remained silent, and noticed the Overlord Sect, fearing that they would become a stepping stone for the Overlord Sect.

"Old man Meng Xun, stop today for now! If you are a top-notch power in Cangyun Temple, you should come later, don't you just stay there and make noise like a starling!" Sikong Chang laughed strangely and returned into their own team.

Meng Xun of Qingyanmen looked around, let out a cold snort, and returned to his team.


Su Yi and the others, who were far away, also noticed that Cangyun Palace did not come.

Su Yi raised his eyebrows and searched around, but no one came.

Eye contact with Shang Wangchen and Shui Yuechan, the two gestured slightly, it seems that they have recovered.

It's just that there is still no figure in Cangyun Palace, Su Yi is puzzled.

"I made an appointment to meet here yesterday. Cangyun Palace is not the master of the late demonstration. I'm afraid something happened?"

The alliance was just negotiated yesterday, and today is about to start. No one from the Cangyun Palace has arrived, so Su Yi is a little puzzled.

The group of people waiting on the side also had their own thoughts.

"Don't worry, Elder Wei and that girl didn't seem like scheming people yesterday, I'm afraid something might delay you." Ling Qianxue sighed quietly.

Su Yi smiled slightly in his heart, his thoughts really couldn't escape Ling Qianxue's eyes.

"Qianxue." Su Yi called softly in his mind.

"Huh?" Ling Qianxue responded softly.

"I found out that you are not from the civet family!" Su Yi said with a suppressed smile.

"Why not?" Ling Qianxue was puzzled and a little puzzled.

"You are a roundworm, I haven't said it yet, you already know it! Haha!" Su Yi burst into an explosive smile in his mind, and the corner of his mouth could not help but raise a slight arc.

"Please get out, okay?" Ling Qianxue rolled her eyes.

Su Yi stopped talking, Ling Qianxue spat lightly.

"Be more serious, it might be dangerous inside. Someone is coming, someone is coming from the west." Although Ling Qianxue was in Su Yi's mind, the civet still felt very sensitive.

When Su Yi raised his eyes, he saw a few corn-like figures in the west that were constantly enlarged in his pupils.

Within a few breaths, the Cangyun Hall people headed by Wei Hong landed on the side of Bawangzong with vitality.

Seeing that Fenglei Valley hadn't been opened yet, Wei Hong let out a long sigh of relief.

"The time is just right, there is no delay!" Wei Hong's unique buzzing sound started again.

Seeing Su Yi and the others, Wei Hong raised an eyebrow, hinting at something, Su Yi immediately understood and smiled lightly.

Looking back, a fairy-like woman was standing gracefully. It was Shi Susu. She was dressed in plain clothes and a white shirt, and her vitality was surging.

The surrounding area is full of yellow sand, and the fine dust of the flying sand has not stained the clothes.

Among the second-rate forces on the side, many young talents looked at Shi Susu, a little bewildered, and forgot to regain consciousness.

"I have long heard that Master Cangyun is the number one fairy in the Chaotic Domain. I couldn't see it clearly at the last alliance meeting. This time I witnessed it with my own eyes. I am really willing to die!"

"Yes, there is such a beautiful and refined woman in the world, she is like a banished fairy, she is as insignificant as a yellow crane, she is really not the beauty that should exist in the world!"

Standing aside, Shi Susu was cold and expressionless, turning a deaf ear to everyone's low sighs, but with a little disgust on his brows.

Su Yi followed everyone's eyes to look at Shi Susu, and couldn't help but look twice more.

"Yuan Xu is at the seventh level! What a fast speed!"

Su Yi was slightly surprised, and immediately understood why the two of them left in a hurry yesterday, and why they were so late today.

It turned out that his own bottle of psychic liquid allowed Shi Susu to break through directly, and broke through to the first stage of Yuanxu Realm overnight. Su Yi obviously felt that Shi Susu hadn't completely refined all the psychic liquid in his body.

Su Yi felt a burst of relief in his heart, and his psychic liquid could be regarded as a compensation for Shi Susu.

Cangyun Palace's reputation as Tianjiao is well-deserved, and it is best to cooperate well after entering.

Shi Susu's black eyebrows and snow skin are in stark contrast to the surrounding yellow sand and dust.

A pair of water-shearing pupils seemed to seep out of water, facing Su Yi who happened to be projecting him, Shi Susu hurriedly lowered her eyes, her face was a little red.

Slowly saluting in Su Yi's direction, a slight smile on the corner of his mouth melted the vast yellow sand.

Situ Muyang on the side poked a bucket of Su Yi with a smirk, and said in a low voice.

"Little master uncle is amazing!"

Hearing this, Su Yi's mind quickly turned around, and he also smiled, feeling a little amazed in his heart.

"She's not serious, but she's really pretty when she smiles! No wonder the pack of wolves are staring at her!"

Looking back, several talents from the second-rate forces stared at Su Yi with fire in their eyes.

"Damn it, I want him to look good after I go in!" Several disciples said angrily, being coughed a few times by the old man beside them, they turned their heads and stopped looking at Su Yi.

Su Yi also turned his head quietly, and stopped talking to Shi Susu, looking at Taniguchi without saying a word.

I saw Wei Hong walking in front of the guard, with an astonishing momentum, and said loudly.

"The Cangyun Palace is long overdue, please make amends, the two little brothers, when will the Feng Lei Valley be opened?"

The two guards were also quite well-cultivated, and they answered solemnly, unmoved by Wei Hong's momentum.

"Elder Wei, after a while, it will be Chenshi. The owner of the valley has ordered that it is an auspicious time to open the valley at Chenshi!"

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