The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1371: Life and death have fate.

"Oh?" Wei Hong frowned, thought for a while, and slowly retreated to his team.

Hearing this, Su Yi was no longer in a hurry, Su Yi looked at Taniguchi, who was glowing with lightning, and was slightly distracted, and said softly to Elder Tang Ju beside him.

"Elder Tang, won't Valley Master come today?"

Tang Ju lowered his head, his eyes were piercing, and said in a deep voice.

"This kind of scene should not happen according to the personality of the valley owner. I am taking the initiative to receive you. I am afraid that Elder Nie will preside over the matter of entering the valley."

Su Yi responded, and as expected, from the north of the valley, several beams of light flew to the valley mouth, and arrived at the mouth of the valley in a few breaths, extremely fast.

The person who came was Elder Nie who was with Elder Tang Ju at the beginning, with silver hair like a waterfall, shining brightly, and walked in front of everyone in high spirits.

Followed by Nangong Hange, as well as three Jiuxinggu sect members, two of the third level of the Yuanhuang Realm, and one of the ninth level of the Yuanxu Realm, all around thirty.

She was dressed roughly the same as Nangong Hange, with an indifferent expression and no emotion.

Elder Nie and the people behind him landed slowly. Elder Nie looked around and cupped his hands slightly.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time!"

Everyone also signaled softly to Elder Nie, Xuanyinmen and Qingyanmen immediately changed their expressions when they saw Elder Nie and others coming.

"Feng Leigu's opening is a once-in-a-lifetime event, so we should wait a little longer!" Si Kongshang smiled all over his face, not caring about the eyes of everyone, very naturally.

After listening to Elder Nie, he nodded slightly, his face flushed, he was very happy, and said loudly.

"That's right! This time, under the order of the Gu Lord, everyone is invited to enter Fenglei Valley to heal their wounds. At the same time, it is also to let everyone know about Jiuxing Valley. If they can enter Jiuxing Tribulation Sea and obtain treasures, they must have a great fate with me, Jiuxing Valley. This kind of opportunity, each must work harder.”

Elder Nie looked around and continued.

"The star order distributed to you yesterday is basically enough for you to freely use your vitality in the Nine Star Valley for about half a month, but the space rules in Fenglei Valley are different, just in case, you must leave the valley after ten days!"

"Ten days? If you're so nervous, what if the Star Token doesn't work inside?"

Some disciples of second-rate forces began to feel a little worried, and different worries appeared on their faces.

"The two secret realms of Star Realm and Tianlei Mountain have been entered by my disciples of Nine Stars Valley. The Star Token can completely straighten out the vitality in the body and has never failed. As for the last Nine Star Tribulation Sea, everyone should rely on their ability and not force it. , must make an agreement, after entering, misfortune and fortune depend on each other, life and death are up to you!"

Elder Nie's face became serious, implying that if he forcibly enters the Nine Star Tribulation Sea inside Fenglei Valley, Nine Star Valley will not be responsible for any casualties that occur.

The Wuya Palace and Ziyinglou on the side really came to heal their wounds, and there was not much entanglement.


All of a sudden, the disciples of the Xuanyin Sect and the Qingyan Sect were like a pot that had exploded, and discussions arose everywhere.

Everyone knows that there are secret treasures everywhere in the Nine Stars Tribulation Sea, if you don't enter the Nine Stars Tribulation Sea, you will enter Fenglei Valley in vain.

"An accident happened in your Nine Star Valley, you are not responsible?"

"You, Nine Stars Valley, don't know about the dangers of entering the valley this time, and you have no ability to solve them. What should we do? To enter or not to enter?"

Among the two forces, the young disciples spoke out one after another. Feng Leigu's evil has long been heard. Originally, he was sent by the sect to seize opportunities. Now it seems that life is threatened, so how can we not be in a hurry.

The elders on one side frowned, like a mountain character, looking at Elder Nie, their minds were spinning rapidly.

"Boy, there are frequent visions. I'm afraid the star order won't work. After entering, there is danger. Come out immediately, don't delay!" Xi Wuqing sent a voice transmission to Su Yi beside him.

Su Yi nodded secretly, raised his sword eyebrows, there was no reason to back down when they were all here, looked at Shi Susu beside him, and nodded to himself.

In an instant, the arrogance suddenly rose, and the surging fighting spirit emerged in the eyes, quietly watching the changes on the field.

Faced with such a huge reaction, Nangong Hange cleared his throat calmly, and his handsome face showed a sense of fortitude and awe-inspiring righteousness.

"Everyone! The Great Book of Fengleigu is for everyone to heal your wounds. I, Nine Stars Valley, can guarantee that there will be no loss in the Star Realm. There are still experts from Nine Star Valley guarding the Star Realm all year round. If you insist on entering the second secret realm , or even the third floor, is not the original wish of Jiuxing Valley! Please do what you can!"

Everyone fell silent one after another, the purpose of every force coming to seal Thunder Valley is well known.

"What should I do? Master! Can't you get in yet!" A disciple of the Xuanyin Sect with a rat head and deer head asked Sikong Shang in a low voice.

Sikong Shang's slender eyes flashed a bright light, he clenched his teeth, and squeezed out a smile.

"What City Master Nangong said is true, everyone depends on their own ability, life and death are in the sky, if it doesn't work, don't enter!" After speaking, he glanced at Qingyanmen.

Meng Xun also echoed, talking to the disciples around him.

"Did you hear that old thief Sikong dared to go in, don't you dare?"

As soon as the words fell, the disciples of the Qingyan Sect seemed to be ignited, shouting loudly.

In the Endless Palace on the other side, the experts from the Ziying Building gathered together, discussed in low voices, then nodded and chose to enter.

Seeing that everyone's mood had stabilized, Nangong Hange cast a faint glance at Su Yi, then looked at the center, and a burst of vigorous energy came out.

"Since everyone agrees, Chenshi will arrive immediately, and please select a five-man lineup."

In fact, each faction has already arranged a list of five people, and the faction with the idea of ​​bringing its disciples to hunt for treasures naturally has a headache.

After a struggle between heaven and man, both Xuanyinmen and Qingyanmen chose two elite disciples to accompany the elders of the sect, while Wuya Palace and Ziyinglou were naturally represented by Shang Wangchen and Shui Yuechan, plus Four sect elders.

Overlord Sect and Cangyun Palace did not make any changes according to the established lineup.

The Cangyun Hall is Wei Hong, Qin Yusheng, Shi Susu, plus the aforementioned Elder Chen Chuan of the Ninth Layer of the Yuanhuang Realm, and the old man of the Yuanzong Realm who has arrived last night with a silver beard. Quite respectful.

On Bawangzong's side, Xi Wuqing and Wuchang Fairy had retreated to the side, and the remaining elder Tang Juan was still standing among them.

Nangong Hange didn't intend to recruit him into the team either, Su Yi asked softly.

"Elder Tang, aren't you going to join the team from Nine Stars Valley? City Master Nangong is waiting."

Tang Ju shook his head slightly, and looked at Taniguchi with complicated eyes.

"I'm just making up the number of people. My only purpose in entering the valley is to protect you. I can't guarantee what will happen inside."

After finishing speaking, Su Yi was slightly moved. Elder Tang was the only one in Nine Star Valley with a magnanimous heart, and he didn't know why he was with Nine Star Valley. Even if there was some danger, Tang Jue in front of him was extremely benevolent.

"The hour is here!" The soldiers guarding the mouth of the valley looked at the huge stone dial on the side of the valley and shouted loudly.

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