The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1372: It's Time

When the time comes, the faint dark clouds in the sky will surge more and more, like a demon waking up, devouring all living beings in the world.

Looking at Taniguchi again, the coiled electric arc began to rage wildly, and the silver-white electric arc echoed the dark clouds in the sky.

The lightning in the dark cloud is like a magnet, attracting the arc into the sky, and the tiny arcs are like insects floating continuously towards the sky, and the low sky is full of small spots of light.

The vision in front of them made everyone's eyes bright, and they dared not blink their eyes, for fear of missing every bit.

"Nangong, back off!" Elder Nie shouted, and the roar shook the valley.


Sooner or later, Nangong Hange and a few powerhouses behind him surged with vitality under their feet, and the blue water attribute vitality erupted crazily. After several turns in the air, they came to the side of Bawangzong.

As soon as Nangong Hange arrived, abundant water vapor followed, making Su Yi and the others with dry throats feel like rain.

Elder Nie, who was in front of Taniguchi, seized the opportunity and circulated the vitality of his whole body, and a mighty coercion came from afar.

Elder Nie's whole body was like a huge meteorite falling in front of the valley, with air waves billowing around him, hair fluttering in the wind, and his robe fluttering like a dead tree.


The land of Fenglei Valley began to crack, spreading to the surroundings like a spider's web, strong winds hit the face, and yellow sand filled the sky.

Constantly agitating the flying sand and rocks, it is like a small tornado storm blowing the silicon dust in front of the valley for several miles.


A loud sound resounded through the heavens and earth, piercing the clouds and cracking the rocks, and I saw a ball of light rising from both of Elder Nie's hands, covered with star patterns, hanging above the palms, constantly rotating.

"Meteor Diamond!"

Tang Jue explained in a low voice, that this is the sixth layer of the nine-star secret method "Xing Chen Lu". It is activated by the power of the stars, infused with the attributes of the five elements, carrying the vitality of the dantian, and the three elements return to one, forming an extremely high density The energy light ball, the meteorite diamond in the Yuanzong realm, can cause death or injury when touched.

Su Yi groaned in his heart, fortunately Elder Nie was not a member of the Jingu team, otherwise with Elder Nie's cultivation base, the difficulty of the Overlord Sect would only increase but not decrease in Fenglei Valley.

As the arc continued to rise into the sky, the light curtain formed by the arc in the middle of Taniguchi gradually lost its luster, and the light dimmed.

At this moment, Elder Nie pushed both hands together, and between pushing and shrinking, the two balls of light turned into two streamers of light in the air, blasting onto the light curtain with lightning speed.


In front of Taniguchi, the ball of light bombarded the light curtain with boundless aura, engulfed in the mighty power of destroying heaven and earth, setting off a wave of overbearing air, and ripples in the surrounding space.

The fluctuations are like waves, with the light curtain as the center, spreading to the surroundings, and the disciples of the second-rate forces who are close are directly blown away.

The elders of several sects on the side quickly circulated their vitality, and together they built a semicircular wall of incomparably tough energy light, which repelled the energy fluctuations generated by the bombardment.

"Elder Nie is so strong!" Su Yi's sword eyebrows moved slightly, shocked by Elder Nie's profound cultivation.

Looking at Wei Hong and the others around him, they were all shocked. Even such a strong man could not enter the Nine Star Tribulation Sea. After he and others entered Fenglei Valley, he really had to think carefully about whether he had to take the risk to go deeper. .

The aftermath of the bombardment gradually disappeared, and the front of Fenglei Valley was buried by a piece of yellow sand, and the ground and sky formed the same color.

As far as the eye can see, everyone can no longer see other people except those around them.

The only thing that can be seen is the faint light from Taniguchi, shining brightly in the yellow sand.

At this time, Elder Nie's face, beard, and hair were all dyed yellow, and the Absolute Domain was activated, excluding the energy fluctuations generated by the bombardment, and the energy in his hand was continuously poured into the light curtain.

The light curtain began to spread to both sides, forming a crack in the shape of a date pit, and the arc was running rapidly, crackling.

"The time has come, according to the order, five people from each sect will enter one by one!" Elder Nie's voice came from afar in the yellow sand all over the sky.

Nangong led the three strong men behind him, and rushed to the front of the light curtain first. Stretching his hands, he got into the crack first, and the people behind him entered one by one.


Nangong's figure quickly disappeared in the incandescent light, and the space ripples were turbulent, spreading in the air like water patterns.

At this time, the sky was filled with sand and he could no longer speak, Su Yi circulated his vitality, searched the Bawangzong and Cangyun Palace people around him, and said through voice transmission.

"Bawangzong and Cangyun Palace, go hand in hand, enter the crack, and must not be separated!"

After finishing speaking, everyone surged with vitality, and before the light curtain, Xiwuqing and Wuchang Fairy took out ropes from the interspatial bag, and tied them one by one among the crowd.

"Boy, I used a secret method to strengthen this rope before. I will pass on the formula to you now, and only you can untie it at that time." Xi Wuqing covered his mouth and nose, and said to Su Yi through sound transmission.

At that moment, Su Yi's heart was concentrated, and he listened carefully to Xi Wuqing's oral instructions, and couldn't help being overjoyed, Xi Wuqing gave himself an extremely useful thing before leaving.

"Brother, thank you, be careful, I'll go in first!"

Su Yi could feel that other second-rate forces had already started to put away the protective mask and flew towards the light curtain.

Without further ado, Nangong Hange has already entered Fenglei Valley, and a little more time to enter is to buy a little more time to come out.

Everything has been prepared, Su Yi is in the yellow sand, unable to see things, sound transmission around.

"Everyone, tighten up those around you, let's enter the valley!"

Su Yi waved to the side, and touched a warm, boneless palm in a drowsy state. Su Yi didn't have time to think about it, so he pulled it and burrowed into the crack.


There was a whistling sound from behind, and then it was submerged in the whistling yellow sand.

After Su Yi got into the crack, his consciousness began to become dim, and the noisy voices behind him gradually faded away. Su Yi seemed to have entered the endless darkness.


Su Yi felt that he was in the darkness, and the mysterious light in his mind was exuding milky white light, shining brilliantly in the distance.

"You're here!" An old and profound voice came faintly, as if coming through the ancient times, Su Yi's mind suddenly buzzed.

Su Yi's body unconsciously felt that he was running towards the light ball, and the crimson vitality surged under his feet, quickly approaching the mysterious light ball.


At the same time, the light group was also moving at high speed, and the mysterious light group turned into a golden dragon while running.

The golden dragon's claws and fangs are fierce, spanning thousands of miles, and its speed is like thunder, and it got rid of Su Yi's pursuit in an instant.

The sea of ​​emptiness in Su Yi's body also began to surge, continuously rushing towards the limbs and bones.

The fiery red attribute vitality surrounds the body, and between one point and one vertical, the Swinging Steps are fully exerted, and the wings behind him are rapidly beating, and they fly towards the light ball like a stream of fire.

"call out!"

As if the light group had aura, when Su Yi was about to approach, it turned into a snow-white tiger with eye-catching eyes, its limbs were windy, majestic, and when it ran, the mountain was shaking, and once again escaped Su Yi's persecution.

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