The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1374: I am a gentleman

Suddenly, Su Yi, who was still intoxicated, suddenly felt something was wrong, hurriedly opened his eyes, glanced down from the corners of his eyes, and was immediately surprised.

A fat-white catkin was tightly held in his hand, as smooth as jade.

The jade arm like pink lotus root was still hanging on her body, and a faint snow shadow was lying on her chest delicately and pitifully, falling asleep, who else could it be if it was not Shi Susu.

Only then did Su Yi recall that before entering Fenglei Valley, what he was holding was Shi Susu's fat and jade hand, and his heart skipped a beat.

Shi Susu's whole body was tightly pressed against her, and Su Yi could feel the exquisite slender waist and the softness around her waist.

Gradually, Su Yi, who regained his sanity, felt hot all over his body, looking at Shi Susu's snow-white face, it was poignant and touching.

Wanwan's blue silk fluttered under the breeze, and in Su Yi's view, there was an inexplicable throbbing in her heart.

It's like thousands of bugs crawling on the body, and it has to be vented to stop.

Looking at Shi Susu lying on her body again, Shi Susu's snowy muscles flowed under the starlight, quiet and gentle, and from time to time, she let out a soft moan, like talking in a dream.

"This girl sleeps quite comfortably?" Su Yi shook his head and smiled wryly.

Su Yi hurriedly gathered his mind, stopped thinking about it, and cursed secretly.

"Su Yi, Su Yi, do you still want someone to chase you down again! Let's have some fun!"

After scolding himself, Su Yi seemed to feel much better in his heart. When he was worried and didn't know what to do, a voice with a sense of distance came from his mind, without the slightest emotion, very indifferent.

"Have you hugged enough?" It was Ling Qianxue's voice.

Su Yi was overjoyed and moved his body lightly to make his numb hands feel better.

"Qianxue, you're awake too!"

"I'll wake up when you wake up!" Ling Qianxue said coldly.

Su Yi groaned, feeling a little embarrassed, Ling Qianxue saw his every move.

Holding hands, I don't know whether to let go or not to let go, the warm feeling makes Su Yi want to hold for a while longer.

It was the first time for Su Yi, who has been a man in two lives, to be so close to a girl. Before he knew it, a tinge of redness rose from Su Yi's ears.


There was another heavy breathing sound, Su Yi was pressed tightly by Shi Susu, he could only lie down and see the bright night sky, but he couldn't see the environment around him, and he couldn't feel the movements of the people nearby.

"Qianxue, who is it?" Su Yi asked Ling Qianxue softly.

"It's that Elder Tang." Ling Qianxue was sensitive, and Ling Qianxue, who had the vitality attribute of everyone, could feel it from a distance.

"Sect Master Su!"

Elder Tang stood up, looked around, saw Su Yi not far away, and hurried towards Su Yi.

Knowing that Tang Jue was coming, Su Yi felt anxious, screaming inwardly, and quickly withdrew Shi Susu's hand.

Elder Tang Juan stood in front of him, condescending, and met Su Yi who was lying on the ground, his eyes were full of doubts.

"Su Zongzhu, this is? Are you okay?"

Su Yi was very embarrassed, and there was an unnatural smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Ah! It's okay, it's okay! Elder Tang, you're awake too!"

Seeing Shi Susu lying on Su Yi's body, Tang Wan smiled knowingly, deliberately ignored him, and asked softly.

"Well, Sect Master Su, are you alright?"

Su Yi didn't know whether to get up or continue to lie down, one was standing and the other was lying down, the shape was very strange.

"Well, it's okay, what about the others?"

"There are only the three of us here, and the rules of the space seem to have changed. The rope of Mr. Xi Wuqing was broken during the transmission, but the rope between me and you is still connected, so we are not separated." Tang Wang continued. .

"Oh!" Su Yi listened inattentively, only felt Shi Susu on his body move suddenly, and Su Yi's heart skipped a beat.

Shi Susuyu's fingers twitched slightly, probably awakened by the conversation between Su Yi and Tang Juan.

Shi Susu flicked her eyelashes, and slowly opened her moon eyes, which were slightly misty with starlight.

As soon as she opened her eyes, a strong masculine breath came from her, and Shi Susu's spirit was refreshed, and she took a closer look and found that she was lying on Su Yi's body, and it was so tight that there was no gap.


Shi Susu hurriedly broke free, and found that she was disheveled and didn't treat Su Yi as an outsider. Her thighs pressed tightly on Su Yi's body, she quickly put down her legs, and sat up in a coquettish manner.

Recalling that she slept very comfortably just now, Shi Susu suddenly became short of breath, and remained silent for a long time, unable to recover.

Her face was red and her ears were red, the pink glow spread from her forehead to her neck, and her cheeks were as shy as if they had been painted with fresh rouge, and they were extremely rosy.

Su Yi swallowed lightly, fearing that Shi Susu would lose his temper in the next second, he asked cautiously.

"Miss, are you okay?"

Shi Susu didn't dare to look at Su Yi with eyes that were as calm as a spring, and when Su Yi stared at her like that, she lowered her eyelids and said in a wooden voice.

"Okay... okay! I'll go and tidy up." After saying that, he tucked his messy hair behind his ears, straightened his clothes, and got up in panic.

As soon as she got up, Shi Susu staggered and fell on Su Yi's body while the rope was still on her body.


Shi Susu let out a low moan, causing Su Yi's blood to rush to the top, and the feeling of plump fat spread to Su Yi again.

Su Yi hurriedly followed the formula taught by Xi Wuqing, not daring to talk nonsense, and awkwardly untied Shi Susu's rope.

"Untie... Untie it" Su Yi said in a low voice.

Shi Susu didn't have time to answer, she got up immediately, before she could stand still, she bumped into Tang Jue right in front of her eyes, she was even more nervous, sweating profusely.

Shi Susu's butterfly eyebrows were slightly bent, and she showed an embarrassed smile to Tang Zhu, before she had time to salute, she ran away as if flying away.

The vitality of the wind attribute is surging under the feet, and the beautiful figure of the weak Liu Fufeng flashes a few afterimages in the air.

Running towards the distant lake like the wind, a quiet fragrance of jade fat stays in place, refusing to dissipate for a long time.

Su Yi also got up in a hurry, patted the dust on his body, and tidied it up.

Looking at the fairy figure going away, with a faint fragrance lingering, Su Yi scratched the back of his head, feeling very embarrassed.

Elder Tang watched every move he made, with benevolent brows, stroking his beard and laughing happily.

"The love of young children is really interesting! Haha!"

Hearing this, Su Yi quickly waved his hands and explained.

Su Yi's face was red, and he was eager to defend himself. Su Yi, who was always eloquent, became a little stuttering at this moment.

"Elder Tang, you misunderstood, it's not like that, it's because when you came in..."

Elder Tang patted Su Yi's shoulder and smiled brighter.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's true, it's false, it's right, it's wrong, it's fun!"

"Enjoying it? Hey!"

Su Yi stopped explaining, knowing that no one who saw the scene in front of him would believe that there was nothing.

Su Yi sighed inwardly, how difficult it is to be a gentleman!

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