The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1375: The cultivation base has been reduced!

Elder Tang looked around and patted Su Yi, who was a little disappointed.

"Su Zongzhu, we have finally arrived at the first floor of Fenglei Valley - the star field. The power of the stars is pervasive here, do you feel any difference?"

Su Yi turned his attention away and secretly circulated his vitality, the vitality in the Taixu deep sea was already extremely abundant.

Limbs and bones are also smooth and free, without any discomfort, and then shook his head.

A trace of doubt flashed across Elder Tang's eyebrows, and he muttered to himself.

"Could it be that the old man felt wrong? There is no such reason!"

Just when Tang Huang was puzzled, Su Yi was about to ask in detail.

In the distance, the exquisite and soft fairy shadow came through the dust, it was Shi Susu who had already tidied up,

When she got close, Shi Susufang was timid, feeling that her exquisite heart would jump out at any moment.

Shi Susu and Su Yi, who were in a daze, looked at each other, their snowy skin was flushed, their lips were slightly parted, and they didn't know what to say.

When Su Yi was about to speak and explain the situation just now, Shi Susu took a step ahead.

Shi Susu was afraid that Su Yi would bring up the charming dream just now, so she hurriedly said something first, softly.

"Stop talking, it's urgent, I know you're doing it for my own good, I'm grateful, don't...don't say any more." After saying that, Shi Susu's face drooped, she was out of breath, and she clenched her mouth tightly. No more words.

Su Yi swallowed the words that were choking on his lips, and smiled embarrassingly.

"Well, that's good, that's good."

Feeling relieved, it seems that the little girl in front of her has really let go of her guard.

In the past, I'm afraid I would have died here long ago, so I don't need to explore it anymore.

"Miss Shi, did you also have a dream just now?" Su Yi changed the subject and asked what was on his mind.

"" Shi Susu replied softly.

"Is it a good dream?" Su Yi continued to ask, with sincerity in his eyes, eager to know the truth.

Shi Susu's cheeks were extremely red, and she responded softly.

Su Yi was even more puzzled. It seemed that he was the only one who entered the dark space, and Shi Susu and the others who entered should simply have fallen asleep.

Without thinking too much, looking around, Su Yi stopped joking.

The surrounding area is a vast and endless grassland, and the rolling grass line has no end in sight.

There are a few small lakes scattered in the distance, and the sky is full of stars in the distance, which makes it difficult for people to have a sense of direction.

When Elder Tang saw the vast grassland in front of him, he was violently moved. He looked at Shi Susu, and his old voice faintly uttered the words he had just asked Su Yi.

"Master, have you changed since you arrived here?"

When Shi Susu heard the words, she was no longer indulging in shyness, her thoughts turned and her vitality was lifted.

After a while, Shi Susu's eyes froze, and a trace of astonishment welled up in the depths of her moon pupils.

Shi Susu, who felt something was wrong, thought she felt wrong.

Once again, the vitality surged, pouring the vitality into the limbs and bones, then shook his head helplessly, and said quietly.

"My cultivation base has been lowered!"

When Su Yi heard this, he was greatly surprised, and immediately drew out his vitality, and concentrated on feeling the aura of cultivation on Shi Susu's body.

Shi Susu's cultivation is still at the seventh level of Yuanxu Realm, so she said softly.

"Isn't it right? The breath is still at the seventh level of Yuanxu Realm!" Su Yi was a little puzzled.

Shi Susu pondered for a long time, her eyebrows sank slightly, and her eyes were full of determination.

In order to prove what he said, Shi Susu's wind attribute vitality surged all over his body, and the two palms displayed two vitality qi. The violent energy fluctuations spun wildly within three feet, turning into dense wind blades.

"Thousand Snow Wind Blade!"

Su Yi recognized that what Shi Susu used was exactly the move he used to attack and kill Su Yi that day, it was a killing move in the imperial martial art "Wind Dance Xuantian Sword", which was extremely powerful and dense.

Countless wind blades whizzed and danced, swaying vertically and horizontally, boiling up into the sky.

Countless thin and small curling blades bombarded and flew in place like an energy explosion with a sharp breath.


Shi Susu yelled softly, and the extremely dense wind blades blasted towards the small lake in the distance like ten thousand swords returning to their ancestors with an incomparable aura.


A huge wave of water rose up from the small lake in the distance, soaring into the sky, with the faint roar of wild beasts, as if it wanted to swallow people alive.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the power Shi Susu used this time is significantly weaker than the "Thousand Snow Wind Blade" that attacked her that day.

Yesterday's Shi Susu had the cultivation base of the sixth level of Yuanxu Realm, so when he stood up, Qianxue's wind blades were like dense wind blades, each small blade carried a huge force, and at this time, Qianxue's wind blades, all Only when the wind blades gather together can there be huge explosive energy.

Su Yi clearly knew that from the power of one move, it could be seen that Shi Susu's cultivation level had indeed decreased.

Before entering the valley, Shi Susu's cultivation base was at the seventh level of the Yuanxu Realm, but after entering the Star Realm, although his aura remained unchanged, his strength was only around the third level of the Yuanxu Realm, a drop of four levels!

I was a little inexplicably surprised in my heart, because in the star field, it was impossible to distinguish the cultivation level from the breath.

Su Yideng also wanted to test whether his cultivation had declined,

After a pause, he signaled Elder Tang Juan and Shi Susu to back off, then Su Yi's eyes brightened, and he let out a roar.


"Chi Guyin!"

A shout came out of Su Yi's mouth, and at the same time, a fiery breath rose from the palm of his hand.

The vitality in the Taixu Divine Sea was surging wildly like boiling water, and a peerless coercion overwhelming the heavens and the earth rushed towards him.

The wind roared, and the front of Su Yi's palm was extremely hot, and the crimson fire attribute vitality rose in front of Su Yi, like a small sea of ​​fire gathered.

There was a rumbling sound, and Su Yi's palms were pushed and retracted as if they were revived with an overlord, and the huge coercion of the emperor's descending spread.

At the same time, Su Yi was running the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu with all his strength, his whole body was full of fighting spirit that had not been seen for a long time, and the fire attribute vitality surged up, surrounding Su Yi's body with a shining divine ring.

The breath is hot, burning the air, and with a coercive force, like a thousand-year-old heavy force, it smashes through the air and kills, invincible.

This is the killing move extracted from the "Wild Wilderness" among the complete ancient demon scriptures. It is amazingly powerful. When Su Yi uses it, the majestic force rushes towards the small lake in the distance like the tide.



Chi Guyin's domineering power is like a huge and terrifying tornado, lifting the lake surface and the soil at the bottom from top to bottom.

The huge waves drew an arc in the air, from top to bottom, like a pouring downpour that just fell under the deep night sky.

The lake was immediately drained, leaving only bare soil at the bottom of the lake.

Huge boulders at the bottom of the lake were mixed with the thick soil that was stirred up and fell, and countless boulders were instantly smashed into small stones.

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