The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1393: Flame on Ice


The two-headed demon lizard didn't wait for the two to react, and opened its bloody mouth slightly, and the scarlet letter in its mouth rushed out like a flash of lightning, and went straight to the two Qingyanmen disciples.

"Fight it! Come on!"

The scalps of the two disciples suddenly became numb, and the air flow surged all over their bodies, and the bluish-blue water-attribute vitality immediately permeated the entire void.

In normal times, it would not be difficult for the two-headed monster lizard to defeat it together.

But right now he is in Fenglei Valley, his cultivation is greatly restricted, and he left the elders of the sect, the beast court is mysterious and weird, and in a panic, the two young disciples of Qingyan sect are no match for the two-headed demon lizard.


The two-headed demon lizard roared wildly, its body trembled violently, and its whole body burst out with extremely terrifying energy.

The hands of the two elite disciples hadn't finished condensing their vitality before they were smashed to pieces by the tide-like turbulent force.


An elderly disciple stood in front of him, and the sudden critical blow caused him to spurt out a mouthful of blood.

The other disciple leaned back, his feet were sluggish, and he was also unable to catch up with the impact. He staggered back more than ten steps, his face was pale and bloodless.

The two-headed monster lizard succeeded in one move, the beast kept roaring, its limbs kept kicking the ground, and cracks spread.

"What a strong force!" The two disciples were terrified, their hands trembling in panic.


I saw the two-headed demon lizard rushing up like a bloodthirsty maniac, and then the scarlet letter was like a shocking lightning, entwined directly on the body of the elder disciple.

The wet and greasy Nobuko tightly entangled the older disciple, and the entangled disciple's veins bulged, his five fingers turned into claws, and he kept waving his hands and flailing, with nowhere to use his strength.


The older disciple panicked and didn't know what to do, so he could only whine, his eyes full of panic.

As for the young disciple who was pushed back to the side, his footsteps slackened. He thought he was young and inexperienced and extremely lacking in combat experience.

Watching the senior brother being entangled by the two-headed demon lizard so fiercely, he directly collapsed on the ground, and his feet kept moving backwards on the ground.

"Help! Senior Master! Brother, hold on!"

In Fenglei Valley, the cultivation bases of the two disciples of Qingyanmen still have a long way to go compared to the two-headed demon lizard.

Coupled with the reduction in cultivation base, the face of the two-headed monster lizard was even more horrified, and he felt that death was approaching in his heart.

The older disciples in front of him, relying on experience and experience, searched for a solution in panic.

"No, if this continues, both of them will die. They are invincible. This beast is too strong!"

Suddenly, his eyes were gloomy, and his fingers suddenly opened up. Between the palms, there was a sharp long knife decorated with blue flames in his hand.

I saw that the long knife was sharp, with a length of four inches and six feet, and there were two rows of long, sharp hooks on both sides of the blade.

In the hidden animal garden, the shining blade shone with metallic light, radiant and extraordinary.

In an instant, a cold light flashed, and the icy cold light swept into the eyes of the two-headed devil lizard, and the two-headed devil lizard immediately turned its head to the side.

The older disciple in front of him seized the opportunity, and the blue-blue vitality surged again, and an incomparably fiery aura shot up into the sky.

The bright flame climbed onto the letter of the two-headed monster lizard, and the monster retreated violently after suffering the pain, retracted the letter, bared its teeth and claws, and became even more ferocious.

The older disciple jumped up, gritted his teeth, and rose from the ground. The violent vitality attribute was like a vortex, filling the void.

Immediately, the beast court was filled with aura, fierce rays of light intersected with the fierce light of the scales of the two-headed monster lizard, and even the surrounding space spread swaying space ripples.

The elder Qingyan sect disciple calmed down instantly, looked at the panicked junior brother behind him, and snorted coldly.

"Bastard! Give me a trick"

As soon as the words were finished, the coldness spread across the forest in an instant. The elder disciple swung his sword vigorously at the two-headed monster lizard.

The icy coercion quickly spread out from the blade with a majestic and terrifying aura, facing the violent blow ahead.

The two-headed lizard did not show weakness, and roared, all the scales on its body spread out like wings, forming a huge protective net, jumped in the air, and collided with the coercion.

Immediately, the older disciple cried out that it was not good, the tip of the knife suddenly shook, and in front of the two-headed monster colliding with each other in the air, the ripples in the space were instantly torn apart.

"call out!"

In an instant, the elder disciple came out again with a blade, a terrifying destructive force, which smashed the ripples in the space, and slashed away at the head of the two-headed monster lizard again.

The static water-attributed vitality instantly turned into surging fire-attributed vitality, with a powerful air wave that distorts space, and suddenly appeared above the head of the two-headed Moli.

At the same time, the strange long knife in the hands of the older disciples slashed straight out of the flames, and the sea of ​​flames filled the sky, like a boundless wave, enveloping the two-headed demon lizard violently.


A knife came forward, and hit heavily on the scales of the two-headed monster lizard. The scales glowing with black light immediately clashed with swords and clangs.

"clang clang"

As soon as the move was successful, the senior disciple was overjoyed, and immediately turned the blade, a nearly materialized water-attribute energy gushed out from the tip of the blade, spinning all over the sky, and suddenly a cold air swept across the field.


In a few breaths, a corner of the fiery animal garden suddenly became extremely cold.

The temperature below absolute zero froze the surroundings at an extremely fast speed. The crystal clear ice was cold and glowing, with the breath of death, as if even the ripples in space were frozen.

Immediately, the two-headed demon lizard kept swinging its body in the cold air, spraying cold air from its mouth, but it still didn't help.

The whole body slowly turned into ice cubes, and as hundreds of icy glows swirled, an invisible icy breath spread and spread in an instant.

The sword light is cold, and the icy wind is biting.

The violent energy poured into the body like a tide, almost at the same instant.

The viscera and six internal organs of the young disciple behind him were all greatly impacted, and a cloud of blood mist spread across the sky.

The young disciple, who was already terrified, was trembling even more at this moment, and a thin layer of ice crystals had formed on the young disciple's mane and eyebrows.

At the height of the animal court, above the limbs, a man in black was standing.

There is evil spirit between the brows, the cheeks are thin and boneless, the eye sockets are deep-set, the skin is dull, and there is a breath of death and decay, lifeless.

Since the two Qingyan sect disciples were alone, he had restrained his energy and stood on the branch. Just as he was about to fly down, a two-headed demon lizard happened to appear, so he decided to let them live longer.

The man in black watched as the older disciple used his killing move to deal with the two-headed monster, and the two-headed monster was instantly subdued.

Putting his left hand on top of his right hand, he touched his chin with his right hand, whispering softly with interest.

"Frozen Flame Knife?"

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