The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1394: That's all.

The Ice Flame Crazy Sword was originally a skill handed down by the Qingyan Sect. Non-important disciples must not pass it on lightly. The Chaos Domain has been famous for a long time.

Legend has it that the Ice and Flame Knife has been practiced to the extreme, and the caster can make ice and flames appear on the palm of the hand at the same time. The two attributes of ice and fire can be transformed at any time. The ultimate state is flame on ice, ice in flame, very mysterious.

In the course of martial arts, it is very taboo to have many and mixed vitality attributes, it is best to specialize in one attribute vitality is the general trend of cultivation.

The chaotic realm is a place where no rules are respected. The ancestors of the Qingyanmen were rumored to be ingenious, and they stood proudly in the world with the ice flame mad knife.

It used to be able to freeze thousands of miles in an instant, and it could burn eight wastelands in a fit of anger.

"Flame on Ice, sure enough!"

The man in black suddenly became interested, his eyes gleamed with a strange light, his pupils dilated, he stared at the sound of fighting under the tree, and was not ready to make a move immediately.

Under the tree trunk, the whole body of the two-headed lizard was frozen and unable to move. Feeling the threat, the two-headed lizard rolled its eyes in the ice crystals.


Excited wild laughter resounded all over the field, seeing the two-headed demon lizard frozen by himself, unable to move, the face of the elder Qingyanmen disciple was full of excitement.

"Brother, you are amazing!" The young disciple also gradually calmed down at this time, sitting on the ground and still not forgetting to flatter and say.


The elder Qingyan Sect disciple snorted heavily, looked at the young disciple who was still slumped on the ground with disdain, and said angrily.

"Can you get up now? A savage monster scares you like this, and you've learned kung fu into your stomach! Learn more from your brother and me, lower your cultivation base, and you can still leapfrog to destroy the savage monsters!"

The young disciple looked at the older disciple and nodded repeatedly. Suddenly, his eyes gradually changed from shame to fear. He gasped, his voice gradually became softer, and he stared straight at the ice cube behind him.


The older disciple turned his head suspiciously, the ice cube was already covered with tiny cracks, and the entire ice cube began to shatter like a spider's web.


The two-headed lizard roared violently in the frozen mouth, and the crystal clear ice shattered instantly, and the tiny ice crystals flew all over the sky, and the furious efforts made the hair of the nearby disciples flutter.

A huge sonic boom pierced the clouds and cracked the rocks, and the trees in the animal garden shattered immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the two-headed demon lizard's demonic aura surged, and it roared in bursts. It was much stronger than before, and it was obvious that it hadn't displayed its true strength just now.

Under the monstrous force, the space in front of the elder disciple immediately began to explode, and the fierce and incomparable air waves pierced through the sky like a strong wind and waves carrying a demonic and domineering aura.

After breaking free, the two-headed demon lizard revealed its scarlet letter, twisted its back, swept its huge tail vigorously, and shot the remaining ice crystals directly at the elder disciple.

"not good!"

The young disciple's heart suddenly changed, his face changed suddenly, and he quickly squeezed his handprints. An extremely cold wall of ice, about several feet high, stood up in front of his eyes.

"Bang bang bang!"

Before he could react, the two-headed demon lizard rushed over, like a cannonball, which was loaded on the ice wall without hesitation.

The three ice walls shattered under the weight of the two-headed Moli.

At the same time, the older disciple had expected that the situation would be ordinary, so his luck changed and his figure retreated violently.

After a short breath, he appeared directly several feet away, holding the junior brother who had fainted from shock in his hand, as limp as a ball of mud, and threw it aside.

The older disciple touched his chest, several places were hit by the reflected ice crystals just now, oozing blood.

With his hands vertical and trembling, the elder disciple frowned as he stared at the ferocious-looking two-headed Moli.

The two-headed lizard with soaring demonic aura filled its body, and its back paws kept kicking the dirt, ready to launch a final attack at any time.

"I have to explain here today!" The elder disciple sighed in his heart, knowing that the elder must be bound by wild monsters in the depths, and today's catastrophe may not be escaped.

"call out!"

When the older disciple was about to submit, a black figure came down from the forest.

The huge black shadow was like a big bird, and the black sword light suddenly slashed out of the air, swishing a strange arc in the air.

When the arc passed, Zhou Kong suddenly felt cold, and suddenly countless sword shadows directly tore the space between the two, and the unparalleled coercion collapsed under the two-headed Moli in an instant.


The beast roared to the sky, shaking the mountains and forests.

A sharp black streamer shot out, and the two-headed demon lizard was hit by the sudden violent slash, and more than a dozen pieces of the iron-silhouetted scales on its back were immediately cut off.

The eyes of the painful two-headed monster lizard were full of panic, and with one lunge, it rushed to the distance and turned around to look.

I saw a man covered in black, the corners of his mouth twitched, his face like a mummy was like a ghost.

The man in black had a half-smile, looked up at the two-headed monster lizard, and slightly hooked his right hand to signal it to come over and fight him.

In an instant, the corner of the beast court that was hit turned into a sinister place, with a miserable wind and rain, and the sound of the passing wind was like whimpering.

The void is gloomy, and the heavens and the earth cry!

Black smoke like smoke lingers on the man in black, as if there is some kind of ferocious thing in his body that is about to burst out.

The eyes of the two-headed demon lizard were full of fear. Looking from a distance, after the black air, there were bursts of blue smoke rising from the Heavenly Prison Mountain Range.

The two-headed demon lizard, who was also a demon clan, showed respect and fear in his eyes. After roaring twice, he stopped fighting, turned around and limped, and fled directly to the depths of the animal garden.

The man in black didn't bother anymore, and turned his head to look at the Qingyanmen.

Yu Guang, the elder disciple, watched the two-headed demon lizard flee, and he didn't feel any crisis in his heart. Instead, his eyes changed drastically when he looked at the man in black.

Compared to the two-headed Moli just now, the man in front of him made the older Qingyanmen disciple even more uneasy.

"Luan Shuo!"

There was a cold light in the elder disciple's eyes, and he looked at the black-clothed man whose appearance had changed drastically in front of him. It was none other than the young master of the Red Sun Sect who "showed off his power" a few days ago. The elder disciple was sweating profusely.

It turned out that the black-clothed man who was indistinguishable from ghosts and ghosts in front of him was the heroic and handsome Luan Shuo at that time.

However, in a few days, Luan Shuo's appearance and temperament had changed drastically. A strong and terrifying aura gushed out from Luan Shuo's body crazily, and the surrounding space was swept away by the black surging evil energy.

The incomparably pitch-black hands were withered and turned into claws. Luan Shuo grinned ferociously, and slowly grabbed the elder disciple with an attitude of irresistibility.

"Luan Shuo, what are you doing?"

The figure of the older disciple stepped back, staggered back, and was caught by the younger disciple. Looking at Luan Shuo who looked like a madman, the older disciple turned around rapidly, and the wall of ice and flames stood up quickly, and he shouted as he retreated.

Suddenly, above the sky, a black and bright light flashed across the sky like lightning. Luan Shuo's hands flashed, his five fingers formed into claws, and the claw marks touched the sky. They were extremely sharp, and the black claws directly bombarded with the ice flame wall.

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