The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1395: Misfortune Comes From Heaven

When it touched the black paw print, the wall of ice and flame seemed to be corroded, and it quickly collapsed and drifted away with the wind.

Luan Shuo shook his pitch-black hands, his eyes were full of disgust, and he sneered slightly.

"Flame on Ice is nothing more than that!"

The elder disciple's legs trembled immediately, shocked by the strange aura emanating from Luan Shuo, his throat seemed to be clamped by an invisible big hand.

"What... do you want to do?" The lips of the older Qingyan disciples turned purple, and the terrifying atmosphere condensed.

"Stop talking nonsense, take out the Star Order of the two of you!"

Luan Shuo looked like a mummy, and a hoarse voice came out of his ferocious mouth.

The older disciple looked suspicious, wondering why Luan Shuo wanted to take his Star Token.

The Star Token is a gift promised by the Nine Stars Valley Master to the heroes who came to participate in the Thunder Valley Ceremony. It was originally a treasure.

Now Luan Shuo was begging for it from himself. In order to save his life, before he had time to think about it, the elder disciple took out the Star Token with faint star patterns from his bosom.

Crouching down again, he took out the Star Token from the arms of the unconscious junior brother, and threw it to Luan Shuo.

In Luan Shuo's lifeless and empty black eyes, an incomparably deep light burst out, and he nodded in satisfaction.

Looking up at the disciples of the Qingyan Sect who turned away with one person on their backs, he shouted angrily.


The older disciple who turned his back suddenly felt a pang in his heart, beads of sweat dripped down slowly, and his figure froze immediately.

There was a look of horror on the ugly face, and he turned around slowly.

"What else are you going to do! Don't bully people too much!"

Luan Shuo shook his head regretfully, looking at the disciples of the Qingyan Sect, his whole body was filled with black energy, and before he knew it, he had an extra black giant sword in his hand, pointing at the elder disciples.

"With the Order of the Stars, you must have your life!"

As soon as the words fell, a violent roar rose up, and a strange cry that pierced the eardrums and made the soul tremble instantly came out.

The sharp sword light quickly passed in front of the elder disciple, the extremely sharp sword light was like a knife carving.

There were bursts of cold air on it, and a jet of black smoke gushed out of Luan Shuo's body.

The smoke rose rapidly behind Luan Shuo, turning into a terrifying ghostly grimace, which was hundreds of feet long, and the hideous and huge body twisted and expanded above the void.

Immediately, dark clouds covered it, and the decaying aura of destruction filled the forest, and the gigantic Shura ghost crushed on the elderly disciple.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the senior disciple hastily formed a spatial barrier in the distorted space in front of him.


Under the fierce impact of the terrifying black sword light, the huge impact force sent the older disciple flying far away, directly breaking the giant tree behind him into powder.


A mouthful of blood flew into the sky, and the older disciple, whose face was covered with blood, moved his fingers slightly, dripping blood slowly dripping from his index finger.


Before the older disciple could make a big move in the future, the pitch-black giant sword in Luan Shuo's hand was condensed with sword energy again, and an extremely black light pierced the sky, heading straight towards the sky and the earth.

The energy in the sky above the entire animal garden began to tremble at this moment, and thunderous sonic booms echoed in the sky.

The terrifying energy was like a tornado storm, rushing towards the two disciples violently.


Two disciples of the Qingyan Sect were chopped off at the waist, and the fierce wind tore their limbs, and Ling Feng flew everywhere in the forest, leaving their heads and limbs still in place.

"Star traction!"

Luan Shuo looked at the power he used with satisfaction, then he restrained his vitality, condensed his handprints, and quickly pulled the star power of the two into his body.

The vast and majestic power of the stars quickly gathered above the beast court.

The sound of pitch-black thunder resounded through the heaven and earth, and the sky trembled!

Meng Xun, who was trembling with wild monsters in the depths of the beast court, got away, and could feel the majestic evil energy behind him, as well as the power of the stars suddenly bursting out in the space.

"What happened there!"

Meng Xun yelled in his heart that he was not good, and his two elite disciples fell behind, suddenly looked nervous, and shouted to the two elders who were fighting.

"The two elders will support it temporarily, I will come as soon as I go!"

As soon as the words fell, a group of blue ice flames flickered incomparably on the spot, and quickly disappeared.

At this time, Luan Shuo had already drawn all the power of the stars to himself. Seeing the figure moving in the distance, Luan Shuo knew that it was Meng from the Qingyan Sect who was looking for him.

Immediately when he circulated his vitality and was about to leave, suddenly, on the ground, he saw the senior disciple's hands covered with blood.

The blood hadn't dried up yet, and underneath were traces left by the older disciples.

One dot and one horizontal is Luan Shuo's own name. He took a look at the bloodstains, but Luan Shuo did not wipe the bloodstains away. Instead, a wicked smile flashed in his eyes, and he looked at the sky.

After absorbing the power of the stars, Luan Shuo suddenly felt that his limbs and bones were full of strength.

"Su Yi, wait to die! Haha!"

Luan Shuo laughed wildly, raised his arm suddenly, his handprints condensed, and the overwhelming black evil energy was released from between his brows.

A terrifying aura immediately filled the entire space, enveloping Luan Shuo in it.

The monstrous evil spirit is like a ball, shocking and turbulent the surrounding space ripples, and there is a faint light coming out.


Immediately, Luan Shuo was in the midst of the fluctuations, his figure was as fast as lightning, as fierce as thunder, and he flew away into the distance, leaving only a little bit of evil spirit behind.

Above the silent beast courtyard, there are flying wild monsters patrolling from time to time.

And the dark clouds that had just gathered disappeared instantly after Luan Shuo left, and the clouds were bright and clear.

Suddenly, there was a sound of crying and crying in the forest, with extreme despair.


Meng Xun rushed to the scene and was stunned by the bloody scene in front of him. His disciple's limbs were torn apart, leaving only the blood-dried limbs and head.

Hugging the corpse of the elder disciple, Meng Xun found it strange that all the flesh and blood seemed to have been sucked out of the spiritual energy, just like a mummified corpse.

A cry of blood came from Meng Xun's mouth, and the majestic aura around him suddenly burst out like a volcanic eruption.

With hot blue flames, the overwhelming sweep gathered around Meng Xun's body, ready to erupt at any moment.

Meng Xun, who was extremely angry, watched his beloved personal disciple die tragically, leaving only indescribable bitterness in his heart.

"Who is it! Who is it! Such a cruelty to my apprentice!"

Meng Xun pushed his palms horizontally, and endless blue rays of light shot out from the palms, forming a huge vortex of energy flames, which turned the surrounding trees into dust.

Looking carefully at the body of his beloved disciple, he picked it up slowly, and suddenly saw a bloodstain like a letter under the disciple's body.

Meng Xun carefully identified and found that there were dots and horizontal handwriting on the land.

It's hard to know everything, Meng Xun thought to himself, could it be the confidence that the disciple told him about the murderer?

Meng Xun followed this line of thinking, if the dots and strokes were written with a surname, among all the people who came in, whose surname was composed of dots and strokes?

Want to have a festival with your disciples again? Meng Xun suddenly had a flash of inspiration and muttered to himself.

"One dot and one horizontal? Su Yi!"

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