The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1396: If you come, you must stand!

Meng Xun suddenly thought of Su Yi's name, and he was very sure.

Outside Fenglei Valley, because Su Yi and Shi Susu got too close, his disciples had some opinions on Su Yi. Could it be that Su Yi would kill his disciples because of such a thing?

"You can't make a mistake! Su Yi, the sect who slaughters people at a single word of disagreement, will definitely do it!" Meng Xun made up his mind. Meng Xun was very clear about how capable his direct disciples were. Among his peers, only Su Yi could crush and kill people like this. undoubtedly.

In this way, if people sit at home, disaster will come from heaven!

"Su Yi! This old man wants your life!"

Meng Xun's murderous intent appeared all over his body, and an incomparably vast aura spread out.

Looking around the animal court, it is the first level of the star field, so he has to find Su Yi quickly, seeing the horrific corpse of his disciple, Meng Xun sighed slightly.

"Disciple, don't worry, my teacher will definitely avenge you, so you can rest here!"

Immediately, a gust of wind blew by, and Meng Xun had already flown to the depths of the animal garden.

There was a sea of ​​flames behind him, and there was a constant rumbling sound, like thunder, and the fiery flames swept in, rendering the entire beast court a blood red!

"Ah cut!"

Su Yi sneezed heavily, and walked out of the giant tree pipe, Su Yi found himself in an extremely huge cave.

Inside the cave, stalactites are densely covered, and they are abrupt and jagged.

The scenery in the cave can be described as unique, with stalactites of various shapes all over the place, lifelike and lifelike, quite mysterious.

The mysterious cave was unfathomable, Su Yi looked at the stalactites above his head like a hovering dragon, with a lifelike expression, and sighed in his heart.

"Tick tock! Tick tock!"

The fantasy and blurred atmosphere of the cave is extremely strange, and under the radiance of Su Yi's divine light, it is colorful.

The surrounding area was extremely quiet, only the sound of water droplets on the tip of the stalactite could be heard, and Su Yi's heart suddenly tightened for no reason.

Looking back, the cyan glow in the pipe of the giant tree has completely dissipated, leaving only a hollow trunk.

The quiet cool wind blew Su Yi's hair, and he couldn't help but feel a chill down his back, pulling Su Yi back from the scene just now to the darkness.

Yang Ming, who had swallowed the spiritual liquid, no longer had a sluggish breath, his expression returned to normal, and the energy around him surged again.

"Master, where is this?"

Su Yi shook his head slowly, but didn't understand, so he stopped looking, and with the help of the divine light on his body,

Su Yi found a piece of soft and moist ground, stopped slowly, his handprints condensed, and meditated to adjust his breath.

The cyan glow just now consumed a lot of the vitality of Tai Xu Shen Hai in Su Yi's body, and at this moment Su Yi's whole body felt like it was exploding.

Su Yi thought to himself, fortunately he has cultivated into Yuanyang Tianlong bone.

Otherwise, even if one's own skin and flesh can resist the incomparably powerful external force, the bones of the whole body cannot withstand such a violent gale. It is really lucky to be able to survive.

Thinking about the torment he suffered in the Jinpeng Secret Realm, Su Yi felt a little relieved about his current situation.

Su Yi secretly made up his mind, Ling Qianxue listened to the words in his heart.

"No matter how hard it is, I will never give up!"

What kind of man is this? A monster but not evil, a frail body hides a frighteningly tough soul, Ling Qianxue's face is calm, with boundless depth.

After a long while, the scars on Su Yi's body continued to shrink, and his body, which had been burned red by the scorching heat, began to return to its natural state, translucent, white and clean.

Su Yi was running the Hunyuan Supreme Kung with all his strength, and the blazing light of vitality surged all over his body, illuminating the giant cave extremely vividly.

Within the vague space, a vast and majestic energy surged.

After a while, Su Yi's tightly closed eyes slowly opened. In his eyes, a sharp light shot out, moving his hands and feet, Su Yi fully enjoyed the sense of comfort that permeated his body.


A mouthful of scorching hot breath, accompanied by turbid gas, spewed out from Su Yi's throat.

Crackling sounds continuously erupted from within Su Yi's joints, and the fire-attributed vitality surged rapidly outside his body, spreading into the distance with an incomparable majesty.

Looking at the deep and invisible dark cave, Su Yi frowned slightly, his vitality concentrated immediately, his consciousness opened, and his soul spread to the depths of the cave.

After a while, Su Yi only found out that the terrain of the entire cave was extremely huge, and the sky was in a semicircular structure, and he found nothing further in the depths.

Yang Ming was deeply sorry for his weakness in his eagerness just now, the eyes he looked at Su Yi were still a little dim and flickering.

"Master, are you recovering better?"

Su Yi walked slowly to Yang Ming's side, looked at Yang Ming who was helping him protect the law, and said in a deep voice: "It's okay, although you are my subordinate, you are also my good brother who has been born and died, and is one of the beast kings of my Overlord Sect. Do you know why I named the Overlord School the Overlord School?"

Yang Ming shook his head slightly, his long and narrow eyes were slightly dull, and his heart was suddenly filled with excitement.

Su Yi looked at Yang Ming firmly, and told Yang Ming that the first trick he learned was Bawang's Fu. When he was angry, his blood flowed into rivers, and his corpses were scattered all over the place.

How did he meet the Qing Emperor, and with the help of the broken sword, he stimulated the fighting spirit in his body to protect the Su family.

Even at the last moment, he did not give up hope of life, let alone every life of the Su family.

Su Yi knew that even if it was very possible that he would be hindered by some kind of cultivation, his meridians would be severely damaged.

At that time, there was no other choice, Su Yi would firmly grasp even the slightest spark of hope.

"In this way, I have come to today step by step, and you, I also hope that you can do the same, Yang Ming, you are the peerless beast emperor who inherited the golden dragon's blood essence, it is your responsibility to cherish my life, but you cherish your own. Life is your duty! In times of crisis, trust your partner! Don't give up easily!"

"Treasure! Believe! Don't give up!"

Yang Ming whispered softly, a smile gradually melted on his face, his heart was surging, and he immediately half-knelt and said: "Master, I understand, it's because I didn't trust you enough, and I didn't give you the golden dragon body Cherish it, I swear it won't happen again!"

Su Yi nodded slightly, letting Yang Ming let go of the confinement completely.

Only Yangming can truly be the support for this trip to Fengleigu, otherwise it will be difficult to go on if you only focus on yourself all the time.

At the beginning, before entering the Jinpeng Secret Realm, Su Yi had already thought that Qing Huang, Yang Ming, and Yin Ming would be the strongest of the Overlord Sect. Su Yi never wanted to restrict them to a certain position from the beginning to the end.

Do whatever you want, follow your heart, as long as you have the attitude of not giving up, even if it is good or bad, and persevere to the end, this is the attitude that Su Yi wants every member of the Overlord Sect to have.

Su Yi patted Yang Ming's shoulder and helped him up. Su Yi raised his hand and nodded his chin. The Overlord Sect naturally needs Lei Yunhe and Weng Zhengquan who are obsessed with affairs and obsessed with management.

But it also needs a group of strong men who have their own independent consciousness and outstanding strength. The Qinghuang is the first Demon Emperor who wants to go out to fight on his own. Only such Overlord Sect can embark on a road of growth and development.

When you call, you will fight!

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