The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1399: Repeated Confirmation

"Absolutely not!" Su Yi, who thought over and over again, still rejected Ling Qianxue's idea, which was too risky.

If Ling Qianxue's life was to be gambled, Su Yi absolutely disagreed. He didn't want Ling Qianxue to make any mistakes, even if it was wind and rain.

"I don't gamble, if you make a mistake, I'd rather be trapped here!"

Ling Qianxue sighed deeply, knowing that Su Yi's stubborn temper had come up again.

Between the words, both moved and helpless, the two were silent for a long time, and the atmosphere was condensed, like falling into an ice cave.

Su Yi's eyes were glazed over, his mind continued to run rapidly, thinking of other ways to escape, and the distant, dreamlike voice sounded again.

"Su Yi, how do you know if you haven't tried it? Is what you just said about trusting your companions a lie?"

Su Yi frowned on Su Yi's knife-like face. Su Yi didn't dare to make this decision lightly.


Looking at the hesitant Su Yi, Ling Qianxue made the final persuasion, all of which were based on her trust in Su Yi.

"We can't give up even if it's a little bit of hope. You said it! You have to prove it to me, and to the demon emperor under you! Okay?"

On Ling Qianxue's fat and white cheeks, there was a little excitement, and a blush rose.

The Forest of Monster Qi was a request from Ling Qianxue. If Su Yi were to get into trouble, Ling Qianxue would never want to see it. Her resolute character made her never default on others' favors.

In fact, there was another hidden voice emerging in Ling Qianxue's heart, which Su Yi would never hear.

"Su Yi, do you know that if I can't get out, I'd rather become a part of your soul and accompany you through the torment of the nether world than watch you die alone."

"Tick tock, tick tock!"

The water droplets on the tip of the stalactite continued to drip downwards, as if time was passing through Su Yi's heart every minute and every second.

The darkness was like ink, covering Su Yi's mood with a layer of gloom, and a sad expression appeared on his handsome face.

Looking at Yang Ming's resolute face, and listening to Ling Qianxue's persuasion, Su Yi thought a lot and knew that he could no longer just sit and wait for death.

In order to ensure that everything was lost, Su Yi got rid of all distracting thoughts, and turned out the "Ancient Demon Scripture" left by the previous suzerain with great painstaking efforts, and carefully checked it.

After getting it, Su Yi has been using the attacking skills in the "Ancient Demon Classic", and he didn't have time to thoroughly comprehend the image of the demon in the "Ancient Demon Classic".

Su Yi's robe shook immediately, and he began to operate the Hunyuan Supreme Kungfu. The faint red light on his body was like a god's glow, and the agitated coercion pervaded the whole body, emitting a light-like god chain in the darkness.

In his mind, he began to carefully look up the relevant content of "Ancient Demon Classic". With the deepening of the lookup, Su Yi's aura also became volatile.

The shock in my mind surged again, and the shock was inexplicable.

"The image of the heavenly demon, the image of the myriad beasts, the image of the myriad beasts, the image of good fortune, the image of good fortune, the heaven, the earth, and the people, the heaven and the earth are dense, and all things are mellow. The function of direct reading and storage of images, from easy to simple, is a mystery , the five elements become all phenomena, the heaven, earth and man are three in one, the stars are changed, the universe is fixed, the yin plate is strange, there is no life and restraint, the innate qi is invisible, invisible, unheard, and unstoppable. It is what comes from nothingness, the myriad beasts take reality to form emptiness, what is there to form nothing, what is real to exist, what is true yin and true yang, what is empty to have nothing, the qi of the first string of twenty-eight..."

If there is a form of coloring and emptiness, then it is not the real trace of the five elements of heaven, earth and man. Since we know that the five elements of heaven, earth and man need to be in harmony, no more, no less, impartiality, neither rush nor delay, whether there is or is not, if not, not to leave, not to be Restlessness is not cowardice, just like wood produces fire, fire produces earth, earth produces metal, metal produces water, and water produces wood. Or use wood to make fire, or use fire to touch the earth, or use gold in the earth, or use gold to transform water, the inside and outside are in harmony, the heaven, earth and people are in harmony, and the monsters are formed from nothingness. ..."

Su Yi has always absorbed other people's souls for his own use, never thought of dismantling the souls, handing over the dominance to others, and taking advantage of the characteristics of Tianyuan demon souls.

After Su Yi looked it up carefully, he probably had a number, so he thought of it in his heart.

"Momentum is the sky, power is the enemy, the spirit is the man, the sky is the power, the power comes from the ground, and the man is the ancestor!"

"Man is the ancestor of the spirit, and the image of the demon of the sky reflects the changes of the five elements. He inherits the power of the stars, adopts the principles of yin and yang, and seeks the unity of the three of heaven, earth, and man. This place is full of aura, and the space is closed. There is no external force. I am in harmony with Qianxue Yin and Yang. The soul is connected, and the three conditions of heaven, earth and man are all in place. Although I have not tried soul disintegration, it does not mean that I will fail!"

Thinking of this, Su Yi, who had searched all over the "Ancient Demon Classic", felt a little relieved.

"I am the ancestor of the spirit, why not, the sky will not let me go, I will go against the sky!"

In an instant, Su Yi who opened his eyes was shrouded in a mysterious divine light, and his vitality was like a wave, centering on Su Yi and spreading to the distance.

Pursing his lips tightly, Su Yi's teeth seemed to be bitten off, and finally let out a violent roar.

Clenching his hands tightly, making up his mind, as if flames spewed out of his eyes, Su Yi stomped his right foot on the ground fiercely.

"Come on! Qianxue, I believe in you! Come on, use my strength!"

Seeing Su Yi, who had made up his mind, regain his former fortitude and determination, a smile burst into Ling Qianxue's heart.

At this moment, she trusted Su Yi extremely, just as she believed that she would be able to succeed.

Su Yi, whose whole body was relaxed, signaled Yang Ming to back away, and Yang Ming's eyebrows relaxed, and he stepped aside respectfully.

Su Yi slowly began to operate the Hunyuan Supreme Art, and at the same time slowly activated the Tianyuan demon soul.

The surrounding energy seemed to be attracted, and they all gathered towards the top of Su Yi's head.

The already formed Tianyuan demon soul exudes dazzling rays of light like the sun, emerges with fluctuations, and slowly enters his own soul with a silky soul.

"Did you come in's so comfortable!" Su Yi muttered to himself, smiling and closing his eyes.

Su Yi closed his eyes immediately, this feeling was very strange, different from the feeling of limp limbs, it was a kind of comfort and naturalness deep in the soul.

Compared to absorbing souls all the time, it turns out that it feels so good to have souls actively fused.

"Yeah, stay focused and be more serious!"

Ling Qianxue's voice nourished Su Yi's soul like a ray of sweet spring. Hearing Su Yiru's confidant in his ear, his face glowed.

Su Yi's expression brightened, and he gently felt Ling Qianxue's soul coming in.

As soon as she entered, Su Yi gave her the initiative of the Tianyuan demon soul, and the flickering light of the soul suddenly brightened, and the energy of the Tianyuan demon soul increased rapidly, and the light surged.

The ability to absorb souls is unique to Tianyuan Yaohun, in case of accidents.

Su Yi handed over the initiative of the Tianyuan demon soul to Ling Qianxue, and at the same time took the initiative to restrain the Tianyuan demon soul, carefully protecting Ling Qianxue from being completely swallowed.

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