The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1400: Escape

As time passed by, the light of the Tianyuan demon soul became more and more dazzling, blazing and dazzling.

In the Tianyuan demon soul that was as bright and clear as a little sun, finally saw Ling Qianxue's long-lost figure again.

The graceful curves are still perfect, and the beautiful face is glowing with surprise, as if discovering a new world.

Ling Qianxue was terrified, and after gradually getting used to the Tianyuan demon soul, Ling Qianxue began to look carefully at the Tianyuan demon soul whose energy had materialized.

"You actually have such a wonderful soul!"

Looking at the extremely beautiful Ling Qianxue, the original amorous feelings between her brows became much gentler and more natural in front of her, Su Yi was pleasantly surprised.

"Qianxue, we succeeded! We succeeded!"

Ling Qianxue was also quite happy, she didn't expect the tacit understanding between the two to be so high, which made the process of soul fusion very smooth.

"Your soul is very compatible with mine, and it is extremely successful. If possible, I need to stay in your unique soul. The consolidation of the demon pill and the restoration of the soul need to be carried out here."

Su Yi smiled slightly, Su Yi would agree to Ling Qianxue's request at this time, because this is the person who understands Ling Qianxue better than anyone else in this world.

"Of course! How about this, I'll be tired in the future, and you will take over, shift system?" Su Yi's face was flushed, and the unexpected result made Su Yi and Ling Qianxue start bargaining.

"Bah, bah, here we go again!" Ling Qianxue spat lightly.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Qianxue looked at Su Yi, who was as innocent as a child, and murmured softly, cursing secretly in her heart.

"You idiot, won't you never see each other after your shift?"

There was another sound of dripping water, Ling Qianxue quickly turned her mind around, her face changed, and she said seriously.

"Su Yi, soul fusion is just the first step. Now that you have given me the initiative, I can use the secret technique. Next, you have to relax! Be patient with any discomfort, please trust me!"

As soon as the words fell, Su Yi's soul light group became like the sun, and continuously released one after another surging voices.

Immediately, Su Yi completely handed himself over to Ling Qianxue. After the fusion of souls, Ling Qianxue, who had the initiative, was exactly the same as himself, and could control his body at will.

Su Yi simply closed his eyes, immersed his heart in his comprehension of the "Ancient Demon Scripture", and always felt that Ling Qianxue was surrounded by his Tianyuan demon soul like a newborn soul, and the two co-existed. Can't tell which is strong and which is weak.

"Could it be that this is an impartial and well-harmonized image of the sky demon?" Su Yi felt the wonder in front of him, and then stopped talking.

After Su Yi closed his eyes, he felt that he had escaped from the darkness in front of him.

I saw that on the black and watery sky, two huge red cat pupils suddenly appeared, like blood, the scarlet was eye-catching, and the breath was amazing, staring at Su Yi desperately.

The cat's pupils opened and blinked, and the whole body finally emerged. It was a big snow-white cat.

The whole body is glowing with a strange light, the light is diffuse, and the hair and whiskers all over the body seem to be engraved with some ancient runes, which are shining and shining.

After careful identification, the snow-white cat is actually just a phantom, and the semi-circular dark cave in front of the snow-white cat is like a glass ball in front of the snow-white cat, extremely transparent.

The space is hundreds of feet long, but in front of the big cat, it is not worth mentioning at all, it is not as big as the smaller half of the big snow-white cat.

On the horizon where light and dark alternate, the fiery red haze is like blood-stained clouds.

The sky light like a bonus is reflected on the big white cat, revealing a sacred aura, which is completely opposite to the aura that just attracted people.

"Bang bang!"

I saw the big cat raised its paw and touched the jet-black mask, and the earth shook suddenly, and the sky and the earth changed color.

The attribute vitality permeating Su Yi's body was constantly shaking and rising.

Immediately, the surrounding hurricane was mighty, the sky was dark and the sky was dark, flying sand and rocks, like a living thing, directly attacked the big snow-white cat.


Su Yi quickly operated the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu, his feet were frozen, and did not float to the sky with the harsh wind, fearing that something might happen to Ling Qianxue, Su Yi tried his best to stabilize himself.

The crimson cat pupils are deep, evil and fierce, exuding a strange purple light, staring closely at the situation inside the mask from a very far away, but Su Yi has no time to observe the changes.

"Huh?" At this moment, an extremely charming, weak and boneless voice came from the sky, and then disappeared soundlessly, like smoke and dust.


Suddenly, the black mask fluctuated continuously, and the condensed mask was like a black energy vortex, followed by an astonishing roar.

"Qianxue, were you the one who made the sound just now, are you okay?" Su Yi looked at the huge white cat in the sky, the purple light was shining, and the eyes were fierce, but no one responded to him.

Immediately, Su Yi stopped speaking, and continued to condense his handprints, Weiling Qianxue protected the dharma, the sonorous and deafening voices above the void were endless, and the cries of the white cat shook the hills.

Immediately, the white cat uprooted the mask in front of him, and the breath around his body suddenly surged, like huge waves undulating, with a breathtaking momentum.


The incomparably pitch-black mask shattered under the big cat's giant palm.

The endless vitality energy swept across the world like a storm, slamming everywhere and rushing around.

For a moment, the sky was bright, the sun was scorching in the sky, the clouds cleared and the fog cleared, and Su Yi's eyes suddenly became clear again.


Su Yi opened his eyes again, and the big snow-white cat phantom screamed up to the sky, and ran towards the extreme of the sky, its breath was continuous and strong, and it disappeared in an instant.

Yang Ming at the side looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help being dumbfounded when he saw why the master suddenly changed from darkness to day in the blink of an eye.


Knowing that he was done, Su Yi didn't relax his vigilance, and hurriedly focused his attention, entered the Tianyuan demon soul, and found that Ling Qianxue was lying in the demon soul extremely weak.

The slender figure of Ling Qianxue's skin was condensed into snow, filled with a faint white radiance, crystal clear with a kind of radiance like warm jade.

Su Yi hastily called loudly in his heart: "Qianxue, wake up, how is it?"

After a long time, Ling Qianxue slowly woke up and turned around, half-closed her moon eyes, her body was like a weak willow supporting the wind, her blood was pale, and she seemed to be dying at any moment.

After waking up, her bewitching eyes looked at the shocked Su Yi, and Ling Qianxue's starry eyes burst into a smile like a spring.

"Su Yi, we succeeded..."

Su Yi with a dignified expression felt a sharp pain in his heart when he saw Ling Qianxue was extremely weak again.

Looking at Ling Qianxue's smile, her sword eyebrows slightly relaxed, pretending to be calm, she smiled lightly.

"Yeah, Qianxue, we're out! You really succeeded!"

Ling Qianxue gently shook her head with a gentle and perfect face, carrying a subtle sadness.

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