The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1401: Hukou Yaoqi

"This is the credit of the two of us. Without your assistance, I would not have succeeded."

Hearing what Ling Qianxue said, Su Yi nodded happily, with guilt in his eyes, and said softly.

"If I had known that you were going to change into such a large body phantom, consume so much energy, and become so weak, I definitely would not have let you take such a risk."

Ling Qianxue smiled weakly, there was still no trace of blood on her face, her glistening eyes rolled around her sockets.

"That's not my body, it's just the effect of casting spells. According to the elders in the clan, that was created by our civet ancestor-Ling Lanyin, and this secret technique was also created by her. It's just that the magic is ancient and complicated, and I am A wisp of remnant soul will be so weak after casting a spell."

Su Yi suddenly realized, recalling the big snow-white cat just now, its size covered the sky and the sun, and its breath was old, as if it had come through the ancient times, and it really didn't look like the martial arts that existing people could change.

"Then how do you feel now?" Su Yi's eyes were burning with extreme concern.

"I just feel sleepy, Su Yi, you have to go on your own for the rest of the way, I may have to recover for a while."

Su Yi felt chills in his heart. Could it be that Ling Qianxue was going to sleep for a long, long time like last time?

During this period of time, although Ling Qianxue did not lend him her strength, she also helped Su Yi a lot through her experience.

Over time, Su Yi has gotten used to having such a little cat demon living in his body, and someone will chat with him at any time, and tell him what to do when he is in danger.

Right now, Ling Qianxue was about to fall asleep again, Su Yi felt a sense of emptiness in his heart, but he also knew that there was nothing he could do, thank God that Ling Qianxue wouldn't wear down his soul too much.

"Okay, you have a good rest, I will walk the rest of the way for you. Qianxue? Qianxue?"

Before he finished speaking, Su Yi found that Ling Qianxue in his soul had already fallen asleep, and Su Yi was speechless for a moment.

This time Su Yi could clearly see Ling Qianxue sleeping in his soul, delicate and pitiful, a little quiet and elegant in his frailty, with a long breath, as if he had entered a sweet dreamland.

How can there be the prestige of the invincible civet demon emperor back then, Su Yi shook his head helplessly in his heart.

"It's the greatest luck to be able to see it!" Su Yi comforted himself, and then he withdrew from his heart and regained his consciousness.

Looking at the colorful clouds in the distance, and the surrounding spiritual energy, Su Yi regained his composure, and Yang Ming followed behind him at this time.

After moving his hands and feet, Su Yi took a deep breath, opened his eyes again, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

If you look carefully, what you see in front of your eyes is a very huge canyon, and the milky white fog wanders among the mountains, which is very comfortable and leisurely.

From the middle of the canyon, clouds and mist in the distance overflowed and filled the hillside in groups, spreading out a piece of soft tulle, fluttering and shrouding the entire Grand Canyon.

The dark yellow soil, the well-arranged thousands of peaks and mountains, and the elegant and elegant remote mountains are all quietly hidden in the mist, and nothing can be seen clearly.

In the nearby canyon, there are towering old trees, birds singing, and sometimes the sun is covered by thick shade, and the sound of gurgling water and waterfalls can be faintly heard.

After a while, the clouds and fields in all directions disappeared in an instant, and the gloomy dusk quickly struck.

Before fully appreciating the perfect scenery, the sky in the canyon darkened in an instant, the sun was setting, and the clouds were shining brightly.

Yang Ming raised his eyebrows, his demonic aura soared, and he was full of defense.

"The scenery here is so weird, why is it dark and dawn again?"

Su Yi was also very surprised. Looking back, it was as Ling Qianxue said, the entrance of the giant tree was behind him. It turned out that they didn't leave even half a step after tossing around for a long time!

"I am so amazed at the blindfold, but I have never discovered it."

Su Yi groaned in his heart, the human voice that he could hear just now should also come from the canyon.

The naked eye can see that the stars and the moon are moving, the strange peaks are changing, and the majestic and dangerous scenery in the valley is changing with the morning glow.

The mouth of the valley in front is looming, deep and beautiful, and the soaring monster aura rises into the sky, rendering the sky like a thick and colorful watercolor painting.

"It should be the place where the big monster haunts, go and have a look!" Su Yi pondered slightly, the vitality under his feet rose sharply, and He Yang Ming quickly flashed into the canyon.

Flying in the air, the entire canyon unfolds like a picture scroll, with undulating mountains.

The mountains on both sides converge towards the middle, forming a huge long gorge, and the confluence of the mountains is like a Hukou.

The road between the canyons is winding, and after passing through the narrow passage, the interior of the canyon is very wide, with springs gushing out like silver and jade.

The world is vast, filled with smoke and clouds, majestic mountains and beautiful waters, and cliffs.

Su Yi and Yang Ming stood on the top of the mountain, overlooking the panorama, and the silky clouds seemed to be within reach.

You can have a panoramic view of the canyon. The mountains on the east and west sides are undulating, and the terrain rises sequentially from south to north.

The broken walls of the valley in the middle are as if cut, and the ruined mountains are like two huge cat-shaped monsters, lying in it, towering and confronting each other, which is amazingly majestic.

After a while, the night was filled, and the white smoke and clouds quickly gathered together again. In the canyon, the hazy clouds and mist, under the light of the sky, began to rain misty and misty again. The evil spirit is pervasive, extremely weird.

"It's so weird, Yangming, the place is full of monsters, you should feel it more directly, try to find out if there are people around."

"Yes!" Yang Ming said respectfully, and took a few steps forward.

I saw monstrous demonic aura surging from Yang Ming's whole body, and from the center of Yang Ming's eyebrows, a golden ray of demonic aura shot up into the sky, and then shot across the entire canyon.


The phantom of the white boa constrictor's body is looming, and the mouth is hesitating, which is very scary.

The snake eyes, like diamonds, gradually lifted into the air, patrolling the entire canyon, making "hissing" sounds from time to time.

Immediately, the dark aura between the heaven and the earth began to descend slowly, and one could clearly feel that the monstrous evil spirit permeated the air.

Accompanied by wisps of energy fluctuations, interacting with Yang Ming's monster energy, an invisible coercion quickly rose on Yang Ming's body.

After a while, Yang Ming's eyes brightened again, and in the mouth of the valley full of monsters, he pointed at the lavender mist rising from the mouth of the pot, and cried out in surprise.

"I found it, master, it's over there! The monster aura is the strongest, and it's mixed with human aura."

Su Yi's vitality surged all over his body, and he looked carefully, and sure enough, there was a monster aura filling the sky, faintly exuding a rapidly spreading coercion.


Su Yi and Yang Ming's vitality surged under their feet, and suddenly turned into a flash of lightning, like a ball of light, one red and one white suddenly flew towards the purple demon light.

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