The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1607: Crazy Escape!

The Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu in the body was working again, the two profound entrances were full of light, and Tie Hunxuan also exerted his energy to the extreme, roaring loudly: "Boy, let's see if it's him or we can withstand this big formation!" !"

Immediately, the power of the Yin-Yang Seal of Yutian Palace that filled the void was slightly reduced, and the powerful black and white rays of light dimmed a little, but in the end they still couldn't resist the restraint of the powerful men of the Yutian Palace.

In the distance, Elder Tong roared in his heart, and the light shattered the four directions again, coming as fiercely as the punishment of the sky!


The light in Su Yi's eyes flickered, and the phantom of the imperial sparrow became more and more clear. With endless red-gold rays of light bursting out, red-golden flames sprinkled from the void, almost engulfing the heavens and the earth.


From the fierce hurricane of golden light, the phoenix divine bird filled with red fire, the pupils of which are extremely radiant, looked down on the world.

A blood-colored long sword pierced the sky, pierced through the flame light, flew away with the wings of the emperor sparrow, and blasted towards the Yin-Yang handprint.

Immediately, the sword was surrounded by a surging coercion from the ancient times. Under the blood, there were scarlet killing sounds, ancient sacrifice sounds, plus the sound of Yin and Yang handprint runes.


The terrifying power of the blood phoenix cracking the sky and the yin and yang seal of controlling the sky crazily collided on the void, and the whole space was distorted in an instant, and waves of terrifying energy suddenly came from all directions, and the huge coercion tore apart the cracks in space.

The continuous and terrifying sonic boom broke through the barrier, as if it caused the entire world to turmoil, such as a central earthquake, which was breathtaking.

Ji Feibao and Jin Qianyun, who had set up a simple barrier at the side, were already bleeding from the seven holes, their chests were sunken due to the loud impact, their eyes darkened, and they fell to the ground.


The barrier shattered, and the huge impact rushed to both sides, destroying everything along the way, creating a huge and terrifying gully!

Under the raging flames, they rolled away, and the sky was full of raging fire that burned all living beings.


Under the impact of the yin and yang formation, the terrifying power of gods, birds and monsters spread out in all directions, impacting the entire square, destroying a large area of ​​bricks, flowers and plants, and the square was immediately devastated and shocking.


The light burst out, and the vision was in the sky. Because of the huge and incomparable impact force, Elder Tong retreated tens of feet before he could barely stop his figure. Holding the rotted wound on his chest, a large cloud of blood mist sprayed out .


The stars were faintly flowing in the sky, the sun and the moon were upside down, and the moment the divine bird disappeared, the roar spread like a strong wind and waves.

Jin Qianyun half-closed his eyes, came back from the horror, saw the situation clearly, and shouted loudly at a fast-moving figure in the depths of the flames: "No, that kid wants to escape!"

Struggling to get up, the injury in his eyes caused him to collapse on the ground again, like a lump of mud, with blood dripping from his chest.

Elder Tong was also frightened, Su Yi hadn't completely died in such a turbulent confrontation between heaven and earth. Thinking of this, another mouthful of blood spat out from his chest, and said weakly: "That's the peak after the earthquake, let him go, he ordered It won't be long!"

"Hoo hoo!"

As soon as the words fell, Elder Tong sat on the ground, adjusting his breath and meditating in the golden light of the sky where the phantom dissipated.

In that blow just now, even he had already consumed all his soul energy and vitality, and he didn't have any strength left. He never believed that Su Yi, who only had the initial strength of the third rank, could withstand such a violent impact!

Looking at the distant figure, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he said softly: "Su Yi, you really don't want to leave the door of life, but break into the door of death! If you don't die in my hands, you must die in the hands of that girl! Jie Jie!"

On the other side, Su Yi, who was fleeing quickly, was already extremely weak at this time.

The clothes were torn, and the warm and jade-like skin had long been exposed. The place hit by the huge force was already torn apart, with scorched scars, and the cracked skin kept bleeding in the night wind.

But Su Yi's eyes were weak but he was very determined. Only he knew that his whole body was on the verge of collapse, and now he was running away completely relying on perseverance.

"Run! You must never go back to Lingyue Peak!" Su Yi kept reminding himself.

At this moment, Su Yi was running for his life based on instinct. This was definitely the fastest and biggest crisis Su Yi had ever encountered.

The Taixu Divine Sea in his body was extremely exhausted, the first porch had no light, and in the second porch, the yin and yang light was extremely dim, and Tie Hun's eyes had even been closed.

The aura around her was erratic, her thin body was covered with blood, and there were cracked wounds everywhere, which was shocking.

The light of the golden dragon's imaginary pattern has also disappeared, and the broken demon god battle armor also turned into crystals and shattered and scattered in the strong wind. Su Yi gritted his teeth and flew towards the back mountain with the blood demon killing sword.

And the Tianyuan demon soul in his body was exuding an incomparably bright light because of Su Yi's constant urging, staggering under his feet, Su Yi couldn't tell the direction, so he could only keep running forward.

The more he ran, the weaker he became. At this moment, the mysterious light in his body surged, and the light scattered like a warm current in the meridians. Su Yi was terrified and kept murmuring.

"No, I don't want to use your strength, I don't want it!"

Su Yi knew very well that the last time he used the energy of the mysterious light group to fight against Xuehonglou to snatch the Shuijiang Tianjing, if he didn't have Yunjing by his side, he would definitely die.

The mysterious light group is like a double-edged sword, too much is too much, it is difficult for Su Yi who has no consciousness to control the energy of the mysterious light group.

Suddenly, Su Yi roared in his heart: "I don't want your power!"

Afterwards, countless pictures appeared in the weak Su Yi's eyes, countless figures flowed in front of his eyes, his hands holding the broken sword trembled, and Su Yi's sluggish aura immediately surged up again, making a final confrontation with the mysterious light group.

"Grandpa, father, mother, Wan'er, brothers, Qianxue! Yunjing! And Liu Ruoxi! I can't die! I still have a lot of things to do! I can't die! I want revenge! Elder Shengshan and Tong!"


Immediately, as if he had been sensed, the last bit of vitality burst out from the Xuanling Divine Veins, blasting away the mysterious light. In an instant, Su Yi's last bit of sobriety was completely drowned out by the darkness.


The Xuanling divine veins burst in response, countless small cracks appeared in the thousands of meridians at this moment, and the blood in the body also gushed out directly, which was unbearable at all.

Under the impact of the huge force, more and more blood flowed from Su Yi's mouth, and the blood shot from the inside out.

Unable to resist in the end, he staggered and lost his mind, Su Yi fell into the vast forest below like a bird with a broken wing.

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