The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1608: Duanmu Xiaoman


The broken sword pierced the sky with Su Yi's body, and fell vertically without any direction. In an instant, the killing intent filled the sky with red light dissipated like a cloud of smoke, and the light, together with Su Yi, exploded and dissipated in the forest.

Seen from a distance, a blazing fireball in the sky in the middle of the night fell far away, carrying the power of moving mountains and filling the sea, and smashed into the forest. There are horrible burn marks everywhere, which is very terrifying.

The forest and the sea are heavy, the waves are ringing, and the epicenter peak is filled with death-like silence amidst the howling night wind. In the gloomy sky, a shocking sound of smashing the ground resounds through the sky.

The extremely hot temperature rose instantly, spreading rapidly in the forest, raging flames, destroying the world, like a plague, flames rose everywhere in the forest, illuminating the entire sky red, and the aura of domineering destruction filled the forest. every corner of the room.


The tongues of flame tangled crazily, and in an instant, a dense fire net was woven between the dense forests.

The dense fire net kept migrating to the depths of the back peak, and the sound of crackling and crackling resounded everywhere, like the sound of all ghosts, and the burning temperature quickly set off ripples in the void, which was extremely ferocious.

In the center of the fire pool, Su Yi lay quietly in the deep pit in the center. His beard and hair were all scorched, and his whole body was covered with open wounds. , has already passed out, without the slightest reaction.

In a short while, the spreading fire was getting bigger and bigger, blowing in the void so that the entire mountain peak was scorching hot, and the flames flying everywhere kept rising, as if they were trying to compete with the gods.

At this time, suddenly from the height of the flames, a noble and mediocre figure came out, with snow-white and slender legs, the arc was extremely perfect, and on the clean and flawless jade legs, the skin was as snowy as frost, seductive under the light of the fire full.

On top of the wrapping long skirt is a pair of plump and jade-like big breasts, and there is a scent of fragrance hidden deep in the white and charming collarbone above them.

Covered with a snow veil, the unnamed woman's eyes are clear, and the fire wind blows, and occasionally she can see snowy cheeks.

The jade feet like small mentions are a little lighter in the air, and her figure is like walking from a painting, looking at the unconscious Su Yi below, under the tulle, the cold and lonely face reveals the maturity of experience.

"This guy delivered it to the door by himself!" The mysterious woman opened her mouth lightly.

With watery eyes, he looked at Su Yi carefully, only to see the faint golden dragon's breath flickering all over Su Yi's body, the brilliance lines on his elbows and feet, and the faint sound of a dragon whistling.

The dim light around him was mixed with a thick and long aura, like the millennium energy that came across the world, revealing Su Yi's extraordinaryness.

A look of deep astonishment appeared between the mysterious woman's eyes, and her cold face like an ice statue moved slightly.

"Forget it, let's take you back for now! Whether you survive or not depends on your own destiny."


The unknown woman lifted her bare hands lightly, and a stream of ice-blue energy flowed out from her sleeves. The monstrous flames around Su Yi were quickly frozen, and countless small crystal flowers of ice crystals formed. Life is extremely mysterious.

The vitality was like a spirit, and it fell on the ground and quickly turned into a majestic ice-blue ribbon, wrapping Su Yi, who was as hot as a soldering iron, layer by layer, and his body kept rising.

The unknown woman turned around lightly and headed towards the mountain behind the earthquake. At the same time, Su Yi also quickly flew away from the ground surrounded by the lightness of the ribbon.

As soon as the unknown woman left, the flames in the entire mountain forest were instantly extinguished, and the vegetation in the mountain seemed to be poured with a huge basin of cold water.

The cold air above the void was overwhelming, and the wild monsters in the distance experienced two kinds of breaths, one cold and one hot, and ran away one after another, scattered and fled.


Some of the weaker ones immediately prostrated themselves on the ground, moaning unceasingly, and the unbearable roar shook the entire hill.

The loud and muffled barbarian roar spread from the peak after the earthquake to the peak before the earthquake. Sitting on the ground, Elder Tong, whose eyes were full of horror, saw the fire and rain dissipate in the sky, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his chest.

Jin Qianyun and Ji Feibao's faces were ashen. They didn't expect such a big commotion. They resisted the pain of the meridian trauma and looked eagerly at Elder Tong.

"Elder, what to do! The peak after the earthquake is on fire!"

The corner of Elder Tong’s mouth twitched slightly, and he said in a harsh voice: “For tonight’s matter, you just said that during the patrol, you found Su Yi sneaking into the formation in the middle of the night, and then we discovered it and urged the formation together, and finally Su Yi fled to Back peak!"


The two reckoned that even if Su Yi escaped to the peak after the earthquake alive, the Palace Master would not let it go just by causing such a huge fire.

"That's it!" The two looked at each other, their eyes full of coldness.

At this time, many people had gathered in the square, including Zuoqiu Feng and Jun Haotian who were at the peak before the epicenter.

"Who the hell! Get out!" Zuo Qiufeng stood in the middle of the square, his eyes were fierce, looking at the devastated square, his heart ached.

It will be the Soul of the Sky Competition soon, and the square is the main arena. How can Zuo Qiufeng not be impatient if it is damaged like this!

The three people with guilty consciences immediately struggled and climbed up to Zuo Qiufeng, and said in a low voice: "Palace Master, it's all that Su Yi!"

According to what was said just now, the three of them said it "in the first place", and Zuo Qiufeng and Jun Haotian's expressions changed in surprise.

Looking carefully at the cracks on the ground of the Zhongzhen Square, Zuoqiu Feng said with doubts: "This Su Yi's cultivation level of the third grade is actually able to fight against you?"

"He should be dead!" Elder Tong laughed dryly, with embarrassment on his face. His fifth-rank junior soul master couldn't even kill a third-rank junior, so he was a fool.

"It doesn't matter whether he is dead or not! He has fallen to the back peak now. If the Palace Master blames him, we have to think of a complete plan and don't leak the news!"

Suddenly remembered something, Jun Haotian said, "Where is Elder Guyue?"

"Brother Haotian, Elder Gu Yue doesn't seem to be at Lingyue Peak!"

"When he comes back, it's going to be a headache again. This old man is also known as a calf protector! I hope Su Yi doesn't die at our hands!" Zuoqiu Feng looked gloomy and cold, looking at the mountain peak that had returned to calm behind him, steaming The cloud peaks are constantly surging, which is very mysterious.

Afterwards, Zuo Qiufeng ordered everyone present not to speak out, and within two days, the square will be restored!

"Master, will the Palace Master really blame you?" Jun Haotian who returned to his residence carefully asked Zuoqiufeng.

Zuo Qiufeng sighed deeply, looked around for a week and said: "You don't know how many years she has lived, she has a very weird temper, back then Duanmu Xiaoman...!"

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