The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1611: Life for life

The sudden voice from outside the forest made the mysterious woman a little distracted, the sky was still full of red clouds above her snowy skin, she casually arranged her clothes, her expression became solemn and cold again, and said coldly to her back.

"What's the matter?" His face was cold and profound.

Lin Wai was suddenly quiet for a while, and Guyue's voice came again, obviously embarrassing.

"This matter is very important, it is more appropriate for Gu Yue to meet the Palace Master in person!"

After a slight pause, it turned out that the mysterious woman was actually the main palace lord of Yutian Palace, Duanmu Xiaoman, Su Yi offended the right palace lord inadvertently, if Guyue knew this, he would probably be scared out of his wits.

Pursing her lips tightly, the killing intent in Duanmu Xiaoman's eyes became more intense, and there was a hint of anger between her words, and she said, "If it's for Su Yi, there's no need! He's already a mortal man!"

Guyue was very nervous outside the forest and spoke in a hurry.

"Why, Palace Master, what happened?"

Seeing that Duanmu Xiaoman didn't reply to him, the old man Gu Yue jumped up and landed in the forest like a humanoid bird. Looking at Duanmu Xiaoman's dazzling light of vitality from the palm of his hand, he shouted loudly.

"Palace Master, you can't! Keep people under your command!"

When Guyue was in a hurry, the faint red light in his eyes was like fireworks, and a fiery aura waved from the palm of his hand, whistling towards Duanmu Xiaoman's palm from the air.


Duanmu Xiaoman changed hands, another burst of vitality spewed out, and the moon's face changed rapidly. In an instant, vitality swept across the forest, and the light was so bright that the entire void in the forest was exaggerated, changing the color of the world.

The huge and incomparable sound of collision roared to the sky, and the unparalleled waves knocked the entire forest to the ground. The grass, trees, sand and rocks flew together, and the momentum was so overwhelming that it made people feel numb.

Among the flying leaves, a high-flying figure was thrown heavily under a big tree, and dozens of trees behind him split open, and an astonishing sonic boom resounded immediately.

It was the old man Guyue who was lying on the ground, with blood gurgling from his mouth, looking at Duanmu Xiaoman slightly absent-mindedly.

"Congratulations, Palace Master, one step closer to the legendary realm of heaven and man!"


As soon as the words fell, the old man Gu Yue felt the unparalleled strength in his body begin to surge, the meridians and viscera seemed to be squeezed together, and the blood accumulated in the chest cavity spurted out.

Duanmu Xiaoman turned his back to the old man Guyue, the surroundings were extremely silent, and a wave of extremely obscure aura permeated the world, and the murderous intent rushed to the sky like a billowing wave.

"Gu Yue, when did you become so unruly!" After a while, Duanmu Xiaoman said coldly.

"I don't want a peerless genius to die at the hands of the Palace Master!" Guyue said holding back the sharp pain in his chest.

"Genius! Genius is nothing in my eyes!" Duanmu Xiaoman said angrily.

"Palace Master, since you brought him to the Xuanyin Five Elements Pond, the old man knows that the Palace Master has no intention of killing him. If this kid does something, I am willing to atone for him! Life for life!"

Duanmu Xiaoman turned around, her eyes were full of coldness, and she said angrily: "You are threatening me? Guyue, don't think that I dare not kill you!"

The corner of Gu Yue's mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a relaxed smile: "He was born as a man of Yutian Palace, and died as a ghost of Yutian Palace. If he can leave a person who can reverse the situation for Yutian Palace, and die in the hands of the Palace Master, he will gain something." !"

After finishing speaking, the old man Gu Yue staggered again, his hands trembling constantly, and he spewed out a large cloud of blood mist.

"Whether the situation can be reversed or not is not enough!" Duanmu Xiaoman looked at Guyue with anger in his eyes.

"Palace Master, give this old man a chance, this old man can prove that this kid is extraordinary!" Gu Yue pleaded for Su Yi again.

Duanmu Xiaoman thought for a while, crescent eyebrows slightly frowned, and said in a cold voice: "You go back to Lingyue Peak first, and I will let Su Yi participate in tomorrow's Soul Control Competition when you wake up. Everything related to Yi will no longer exist! If you can’t wake up, let him feed this mountain of monsters!”

Guyue nodded again and again, bowed down and saluted respectfully, looked at Su Yi lying on the ground meaningfully, and said in his heart: "Boy, I've already done what I can, so please be blessed!"

"Ho Ho!"

In the distant mountains and forests, wild monsters roared continuously, and the monster aura soared to the sky, and the whole forest was trembling and shaking.


Guyue turned around and turned into a stream of light, sighed deeply, and headed towards Lingyue Peak.

In the quiet and deep forest, Duanmu Xiaoman glanced at Su Yi, his eyes were still full of chill, and he clenched his five fingers tightly.

Immediately afterwards, a huge horse was raised all over his body, and it turned into two streamers in the air. One tightly wrapped Su Yi and put it back into the Xuanyin Five Elements Pool, and the other directly poured into it with a powerful and majestic momentum. Between Su Yi's eyebrows.

Afterwards, Duanmu Xiaoman flicked his cuffs and said to Su Yi: "If I survive, I will settle accounts with you!"


Immediately, Duanmu Xiaoman surged out of his body overwhelmingly, countless handprints spread out in the palm of his hand, and a vast vitality vortex rose continuously from under his feet, and disappeared in place in an instant.

After Duanmu Xiaoman left, Su Yi immersed himself in the Mysterious Yin Five Elements Pond again, and the energy exploded immediately. A terrifying energy storm swept out in an instant, and the water in the Five Elements Pond was dazzling. It heavily wrapped Su Yi in it.

The night wind gusts, and the fishy wind howls.

The old man Guyue had already returned to the room, Li Shiran and Ah Chu looked nervous and worried.

"Master, are you okay! Have you seen Brother Su?"

Shaking his head slightly, Guyue coughed twice, and said, "It's okay to be a teacher. I saw Su Yi. You can participate in the Heaven Yuhun Competition tomorrow. You don't have to worry, go back and prepare properly!"

"Really!" The two siblings were very happy. The old man Gu Yue's words were the biggest promise to them, and the two of them breathed a long sigh of relief.

Li Shiran's eyes immediately relaxed, no longer worried, leaned slightly and said: "Master, Ah Chu and I will go back first, you should have a good rest!"

As for Tian Chang, who had been standing aside all the time, his brows were unfurled, and his eyes were full of solemnity under the dim light.

"Master, are you really okay!"

Guyue's breathing became heavier in an instant, his handprints condensed, and the vitality of his body circulated rapidly, he stopped his injuries and said: "Is the situation good or not, we just have to see tomorrow! Su Yi didn't know what he did, which made Palace Master Duanmu furious. angry!"

"Could it be because he trespassed on the back peak?"

Gu Yue waved his hand and said: "No! The palace lord's restriction is for Zuoqiu Feng's people! It must be Su Yi's problem!"

"By the way, how are you preparing?" Gu Yue said quietly, the wound was still bleeding with blood, and his spirit was very bad. It seemed that the Palace Master did not hold back against Gu Yue.

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