The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1612: Verification

"Shiran and Ah Chu's soul quality is quite high! It's easy to understand. In the past two days, I have a general understanding of the pharmacology and instrumentation that I should understand. Has the master borrowed materials from other continents?"

Gu Yue said softly: "I borrowed it, but compared with Zuoqiu Feng and others, what we can find, they can also find! So it's hard to be a surprise!"

Tian Chang suddenly looked sad, if Su Yi could not come back, Yu Tiangong's soul ratio would be in jeopardy.

"The matter has come to this point, we can only take one step at a time!" Gu Yue sighed softly, the old man Gu Yue is not worried about winning or not in the soul competition, but whether the master of Yutian Palace can forgive Su Yi, let Su Yi Get out alive!

"Where's Miss Han?" Guyue asked softly after such a thing happened as soon as he came back, and he didn't see Han Yurou.

"By the way, the disciple forgot to report this matter. Miss Han said that she would go out for a while and return before the match!" Tian Chang bowed and said.

On the vicissitudes of the face of Elder Guyue, he gradually frowned, and whispered softly: "Don't provoke that person! Yutian Palace is already troubled, internal worries are enough, don't come to foreign troubles again!"

Then he looked at Tianchang and said, "Chang'er, you will still be in charge of Lingyue Peak in the future, grow up as soon as possible, and be responsible, so you can rest assured as a teacher!"

Tian Chang also knew that he was not good enough in the matter of Su Yi being injured by Elder Tong, so he buried his head down in an instant, agreed, and went back to his room to prepare for the next day's Yu Tianhun. game.

The east is about to dawn, and the morning glow is all over the sky.

The light of the sky like a sharp sword split the long silent night. Today is different from the past. It is the day that all the people in Tiangong Palace have been looking forward to - the Tianhun Soul Competition.

The Soul Control Competition is divided into four parts: martial arts, alchemy, weapon refining and soul refining.

Martial arts is the first item of Yutian Soul Competition, even if Yutiangong is good at alchemy and soul art, martial arts is an item that Yutiangong can't ignore.

Among the six continents, three states and one sea, soul masters are an extremely terrifying force. Soul masters must be warriors, but warriors are not necessarily soul masters.

In addition to using vitality martial arts, using alchemy, magic tools, or mobilizing remnant souls, martial arts are all within the allowable range. In the outside world, any method may survive at a critical moment rely on.

Therefore, today's Soul Control Competition starts with alchemy, then weapon refining, soul refining, and finally each team selects one person to compete in martial arts.

To a certain extent, the final winner of the martial arts competition is the number one person in the Tiangong Palace. At any time, force is the root of everything.

At the same time, the Yutian Soul Competition also stipulates that since alchemy and crafting are extremely time-consuming projects, the evaluation criteria will be from the two perspectives of the level of the pills and weapons that are practiced and the completion of the specified time. .

If both are high-level magic tools, the winner will be determined by the level of completion, and if the level of completion is the same, the level will be judged by the level.

Therefore, whether the cauldron and materials are advanced will also help the contestants win to a large extent.

Through the light brown gauze covering the earth, the morning light gently awakens the mountains of Yutian. Looking from a distance, the aura of Yutianchuan today is more intense, and the milky white aura of heaven and earth is like a piece of divine light blocking the valley.

Guyue, Tianchang, Li Shiran, Ah Chu, and two other disciples behind him, are all ready to go, standing on the top of Lingyue Peak, looking far ahead.

"Shiran, Chu'er, today is the day for you to appear in Yu Tianchuan! Let Yu Tian Palace see how outstanding the three good disciples of this old man are!" Gu Yue, who hadn't slept all night, stroked his beard and encouraged everyone to smile.

Tian Chang, Shi Ran and Ah Chu smiled obscurely, feeling a little guilty in their hearts.

The best materials now are the materials that old man Gu Yue borrowed from Liulu Sanzhou and Yihai, and the Taoist furnace that old man Gu Yue bestowed on himself.

"Let's go!" Gu Yueshun's expression calmed down instantly.


The ripples in the space quickly melted away, and the old man Gu Yue turned into a huge streamer, overflowing with red light, and the four shallow streamers behind him flew away,

Yu Tianchuan, standing in three circles, the Zhongzheng Peak is extremely lively today, the Zhongzhen Square was destroyed by Su Yi and Elder Tong before, and it has been renovated, and the oncoming is extremely strong. Everyone is secretly shocked, this must be It is an extremely violent restriction.

Before Su Yi and Elder Ting fought fiercely, everyone was extremely surprised, and it was hard to imagine how earth-shattering that battle was.

And most of the one hundred scattered teams also arrived early. The five-member team plus their respective elders led the team and stood on the high platform. Some good friends exchanged greetings and discussed for a while the upcoming Soul Control Competition. .

On the high platform, Zuo Qiufeng, Wu Kun and Cheng Gaoming were already sitting on the chairs. Each of them was dressed in Chinese clothes with dignified faces. Their respective apprentices were lined up on the high platform near the square.

Zuoqiu Feng's face was solemn and dignified. Today is not unimportant to him. His heart and strength are what he needs to prove to Yutian Palace that he will finally be good and lucky.

But Wu Kun and Cheng Gaoming were indeed frowning, looking sullenly at the excited faces on the high platforms. Both of their apprentices participated in the Su Yi incident, and both of them were seriously injured by Su Yi, and their hearts and souls were in the formation of guarding the mountain. There has been great damage.

"If it wasn't for the accumulation of pills, we wouldn't even be able to participate in the competition today!" Wu Kun said viciously, just like Cheng Gaoming, he hoped to hear the news of Su Yi's death today!

It is best to be rectified on the spot by the palace lord, so as to relieve the hatred in my heart, the peak after the epicenter behind me is still as calm as usual.

Duanmu Xiaoman will participate in every session of the Soul Control Competition, but in the last few sessions, Duanmu Xiaoman has gradually stopped participating directly, and instead directly listened to the report of the replacing palace lord.

Will Duanmu Xiaoman come to participate in the soul match this time because of Su Yi's matter?

Zuo Qiufeng thought this way in his mind, Zuo Qiufeng never thought that Su Yi would die from the very beginning, if the uncertain Duanmu Xiaoman suddenly went mad, the situation would be difficult to deal with.

"Two deputy palace masters, please give instructions to the strong elders, I will definitely support you today!" Zuoqiufeng said with a serious expression.

Wu Kun and Cheng Gaoming looked at each other, complex and tense emotions suddenly appeared in their eyes. Facing Duanmu Xiaoman, everyone knew that she was terrifying, so they gritted their teeth, and the two went down to make arrangements.

After a while, when all the staff arrived, Zuo Qiufeng tidied up his clothes and mood. The clothes were as luxurious as satin, and the mellow aura around him showed the majesty and pressure of the superior.

After clearing his throat, the thick and old voice spread throughout the square, and the huge wind spread across the high platform like waves.

"The Soul Control Competition is just around the corner. The rules are the same as before. Alchemy, weapon refining, soul control, and martial arts are the order. Alchemy and tool refining are divided into half days. The second day is the Soul Control Competition, and the third day is martial arts. There are three parts in total. God, don't delay for a moment! Now all participating disciples are led by the elders to the square to verify their identities!"

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