The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1613: A skinny camel is bigger than a horse!

Li Shiran and Ah Chu, who had already stood still, saw such a grand scene for the first time. Colorful flags fluttered all over the sky, and the surrounding sky slowly filled with condensed soul energy.

On the square with thousands of people, the coercion of the mighty soul spread out magnificently, carrying the domineering aura, and everyone's hearts were filled with horror.

"No wonder everyone says that if Yutian Palace doesn't move, it will shake the sky! The coercion of these thousands of people alone is enough to destroy a dozen second-rate sects!" Full of expectations.

Li Shiran's face changed slightly, his eyes were full of anticipation, and he whispered softly: "Yu Tiangong, I must learn from my master! Be an excellent alchemist!"

Hearing the sound of Zuoqiu wind filling the sky, like the melodious sounds of the sky, Ah Chu still said.

"Why do you need to verify your identity?"

Tian Chang turned his head and said softly: "It's also for the sake of fairness. All the 103 teams participating in the competition must identify who is participating and determine the list. If it is a disciple of Yutian Palace, it is okay to say, if it is not a disciple of Yutian Palace, It is necessary to find out whether it is the assistance of other divisions! Avoid some unnecessary troubles!"

"I see!"

Hearing this, Ah Chu and Shi Ran followed Tian Chang and Elder Guyue in line, chatting about the Heaven-Controlling Soul Competition.


I saw a smooth five-color soul-testing crystal as thin as a cicada's wing standing on the square. It was polished extremely smooth and bright by the people of Tiangong Palace, as bright as a Danxia, ​​and the elegant light around it was like a long radiance, which was very eye-catching. .

"This soul-testing crystal can measure your soul quality and soul strength! It can also display information related to Yutian Palace. You just need to stand in front and receive his experience!"

"Ah, I just tested the quality of the soul two days ago!" Ah Chu's eyes lit up.


Li Shiran's expression was tense, and the old man Gu Yue also became slightly gloomy, and said, "Ah Chu, go test it again! Don't say anything else!"

Ah Chu seemed to feel that he had done something wrong, so he lowered his head. After all, meeting the palace lord is a very important matter, and you can't talk nonsense in troubled times.

The old man Gu Yue put his hands behind his back, his brows were wrinkled again, worry came to his mind again, and he said in his heart.

"Didn't Su boy make it through! Palace Master, in order to control the Heavenly Palace, please don't kill him!" Gu Yue felt sorry.

At this moment, the elders of the one hundred and three teams were all greeting each other, and the teams at the back were bored and started to communicate with each other.

"Look, that's the man from Lingyue Peak!"

"Brother Tianchang, ranked tenth, he is not weak, but the ones behind him seem to be very weak!"

From time to time, on the left and right sides, disciples of Yutian Palace looked at Lingyue Peak appreciatively and made disdainful voices.

"Without Su Yi, Lingyue Peak really can't find anyone else. The little fish and shrimp are all on stage!"

"Yes, yes, don't tell me, those two children seem to be underage, how can their soul cultivation be so low? Are you here to act and tell a joke?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

As soon as the words fell, several Yutian Palace disciples laughed unscrupulously, and kept pointing their fingers at the people in Lingyue Peak.

Li Shiran and Ah Chu were suddenly ashamed and angry, their faces were flushed, while Tian Chang was yin and yang, and his eyes were full of anger.

"At first, I thought that the seventh-ranked Lingyue Peak would have Su Yi this year, so I could take a look at it, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

"Yeah, from top to bottom, it's all trash. The master has no power, and the disciples are unlucky!"


When he heard these words, Tian Chang's eyes suddenly burst into anger, and he spewed out violently like an erupting magma. He twisted his body, and with a sudden vitality, he rushed to the few disciples who spoke rudely like ghosts.

"Papa papa!"

The sound of three crisp slaps resounded throughout the square, and blood flowed, accompanied by instantly white teeth, falling on the white jade floor.

The bustling Zhongzhen Square suddenly became dead silent, and everyone who spoke and walked turned their heads to watch the excitement.

Su Yi's life and death are uncertain, the morale of Lingyue Peak is low, Tian Chang is already angry, even if there is no Su Yi, he is the tenth senior brother of Yutian Palace, and the master of Lingyue Peak is also the old man of Guyue from the Zhongzhou Branch Palace, how can he be a casual one? People point fingers!

"This is the first time and the last time. Don't let me meet the soul race! Otherwise, you will be lucky!" Tian Chang looked at several disciples and the leading elder coldly.

The old man Gu Yue actually heard what he said just now, Gu Yue didn't stop him, and let Tian Chang teach them a lesson. Than!

"Tian Chang, come back." Elder Gu Yue said lightly, his eyes were loose but filled with pervasive coercion, slightly proud and disdainful.

The coercion is great, and the crowd is intimidated.


The onlookers present swallowed their saliva one after another, everything about Lingyue Peak and Su Yi was no longer discussed!

"Yes! Master!" Tian Chang bowed respectfully to Elder Guyue, and then returned to the team. He turned his head with a cold look, which immediately made people feel chills on their backs and their hairs stood on end.

The old man Gu Yue who turned his head sank, and said to everyone in a low voice: "Calm your mind, concentrate your energy, cultivate yourself and nourish your soul! Get ready!"

And Ah Chu and Li Shiran nodded slightly, and secretly gave Tianchang a thumbs up, their eyes raised, looking at the majestic post-quake peak in front of them, they were full of worry.

"After the identification is verified, the competition will start! Brother Su, why don't you come!" Ah Chu was slightly anxious.

Just listen to the elders Tong and elders shouting loudly at the same time on the high platform.

"The next team, Lingyue Peak!"

Elder Guyue has a long aura, and his usually kind face has become extremely fierce. Today's battle, everyone treats it as a battle, not only to protect Lingyue Peak, but also to protect the honor of the palace master's line.

Before it even started, such a serious and dignified atmosphere indicated that this year's Yutian Palace Soul Competition was different from the past, and it might be a serious fork in Yutian Palace.

"Let's go! Tianchang, Shiran, Ah Chu, Lianfeng, Lianjing, you all go up!"

Because Han Yurou and Su Yi did not return for a long time, Lingyuefeng chose Lianfeng and Lianjing, two apprentices of the "Lian" generation, as candidates.

The old man Gu Yue stood upright under the stage, his eyes were full of firmness and calmness, Zhou Kong's aura spread for no reason, like a long aura that spanned the ancient world and swept across the square, which immediately shocked everyone.

Zuo Qiufeng and the two suzerains twitched slightly, their faces slightly embarrassed, and they sighed in their hearts.

"This old man is still strong! Compared with the Master Zuo, his cultivation is three points stronger!" Cheng Gaoming said anxiously.

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