The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1615: Shocking movement!


In front of Ah Chu's eyes, the sky was filled with scarlet blood, and the surroundings were slowly filled with bloody aura, and numerous terrorist attacks were sent out from the people from the holy mountain.

The entire Li family collapsed in an instant, and there were remains of limbs everywhere. They were figures that he was familiar with and could no longer be familiar with.

In the small corner, only myself and my sister hugged each other tightly, trembling like sparrows, with only despair and helplessness in their eyes.

As more and more people came to the holy mountain, the entire air was filled with a bloody atmosphere. This bloody situation left young Ah Chu and Li Shiran with indelible scars!

"Holy Mountain!"

Ah Chu, who was completely silent in his heart and soul, let out a loud shout in his heart, clenched his hands, opened his eyes immediately, and a brilliant light burst out, and an unimaginable spatial fluctuation permeated his whole body!

"I want to kill all the people of the Holy Light!" Ah Chu roared in his heart!

Immediately, Ah Chu's body was filled with rays of light, and his murderous intent was overwhelming. After a while, the handprints in his hands were slightly condensed, and his whole body was wrapped in the magical five-colored light.

The whole person seemed to be immersed in many wonderful realms. With the change of handprints, Ah Chu could feel the mysterious feeling that was constantly gathering in his body at this time, which he had never felt before.

At the same time, when Ah Chu was immersed, the energy of the whole square and everyone's soul power gathered towards the sky above Ah Chu's head like a traction.

One by one, an extremely thick dark cloud suddenly appeared in the entire sky, and then an extremely powerful invisible force began to spread.

The thick cloud layer seems to have a tendency to continue to expand and extend. The entire mid-air, dark clouds piled up, and the gloomy soul energy shrouded everyone's heads like a giant cover. Everyone present couldn't help being terrified and dumbfounded.

"My soul power! What's going on here!" The disciple with a relatively low cultivation base kept waving his hands in shock!

The clouds swelled up, bringing up a terrifying ripple in the space, faintly intersecting and overlapping, the next moment, visible to the naked eye, between the interlacing of wind and thunder, sonorous roars swept across the world, and the surrounding space was cracked inch by inch due to the huge and incomparable soul pressure!


The space kept trembling, and an absolutely powerful soul energy spread out from the soul-testing primordial stone. Immediately, an extremely thick thunder dragon smashed down from between the clouds, and smashed into the white jade ground, and immediately the whole square was filled with dust and smoke. But only a tiny crack formed on the ground.

It seems that after two days of repairs, in order to prevent the square from being destroyed again, all places in the square have been set up by the strong in the palace to have an extremely powerful protection mechanism.

At this time, Gu Yue, who was in the distance below the stage, didn't seem to have expected that Ah Chu would have such a huge reaction. A gleam of light flashed in his eyes. All the elders stood up one after another, looking at Ah Chu in disbelief!

"It's incredible! It's rare to see such a phenomenon in ten years! The soul-testing primordial stone can have such a reaction, it must be because of this child's outstanding talent!" The eyes of the leading elders beside him were full of excitement.

"Can make Yutian Palace's Soul Measuring Primordial Stone react like this, what is the origin of this kid! Where did Guyue find such a little evildoer!" In the camp of the princes and elders, a tall, slender, tall and straight man in purple clothes The old man kept nodding his head, looking at Ah Chu on the stage in amazement.

Among the elders, Yanlu, Guanlan, and Yunding, the three deputy palace masters of Zhongzhou who came from Zhongzhou, danced and danced. They knew a little about Li's affairs, and they kept sending their voices to announce the good news to Elder Gu Yue.

"Even the staid Old Palace Master of Youzhou, Murong Liang, praised him. This kid really has something! Palace Master Guyue, congratulations!"

Although Guyue has retired as the palace lord for a long time, the three deputy palace lords couldn't help but call Guyue the palace lord, with reverence on their faces.

"Palace Master Gu Yue, congratulations! Congratulations! Losing Sangyu, gaining the east corner, it is not in vain!" Elder Yan Lu's flat voice was full of relief.

On the other hand, Elder Guanlan was more direct, with a happy and lonely face on his round face, he said to Elder Guyue, "Hey! It's just a pity, Boy Su! Palace Master Guyue, this Ah Chu's talent can be regarded as against the sky. !Cultivate well in the future!”

Elder Guyue groaned slightly, his brows furrowed. Ah Chu's soul quality is a heavenly grade soul, which is indeed very rare. This has been measured by Palace Master Duanmu.

But according to general principles, the soul of Tianpin would not be so stimulated by the soul-testing Yuanshi. Looking at the colorful light as bright as a golden rainbow, Ah Chu, who was illuminated by the extremely dazzling light, was like a small Gu Yue was full of doubts about the mysterious boy.

Following the overwhelming coercion, Old Man Gu Yue's handprints changed, and a calm space ripple spread faintly from the palm of his hand, aiming at the center of Ah Chu's eyebrows and slamming it!

Immediately, a trace of Gu Yue's spiritual consciousness entered Ah Chu's heart and soul like a spirit snake, and as soon as it entered, Gu Yue couldn't help being speechless.

Guyue immediately knew what was wrong with Ah Chu. It turned out that Ah Chu had fallen into his own nightmare. In addition, he was disturbed by everyone just now, so he could easily burst out with energy that he didn't have before, but he might not be able to break free. Spiritual shackles!

Immediately, Gu Yue lowered his palm slightly, with the palm facing down, and a violent force came out out of thin air, followed by an extremely terrifying wave of soul waves, which collided with the energy of Ah Chu. Under such waves, Above the void, an explosion sounded forward out of thin air.


The sonic boom cracked from the soul-testing primordial stone, and cracks like spider webs emerged from the stone, and colorful rays of light flowed out from the cracks, following Ah Chu's meridians, and fused with Ah Chu's heart and soul. Let Ah Chu regain consciousness in an instant, and his eyes no longer have any brilliance.

The incomparable aura of the whole body is like a torrential water wave rushing down, enveloping the multicolored aura, a terrifying force storm sweeps the entire square, like a heavy rain, deeply shocking everyone's soul.

Thousands of Yutian Palace's direct disciples and strong elders present all witnessed all this, and felt a chill in their hearts.

Ah Chu who regained his sanity, his steps were a little vain, his face was pale, but his expression was extremely excited!

Because a line of words was clearly written on the incomplete soul-testing essence stone: "Li Changchu, Tianpin soul quality, first-rank high-level cultivation base!"


Looking at Ah Chu's message, everyone was dumbfounded. Everyone looked at the broken soul-testing primordial stone and shouted loudly.

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