The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1616: The Ancient Battle!

"What the hell! The soul-testing primordial stones are broken with only one high-level cultivation base. What kind of rubbish are those third- and fourth-rank ones?"

"Oh! Is the soul-testing primordial stone broken? If such a shocking movement is only a high-level one, we don't even need to compare!"

The speaker was an elder and direct disciple from the camp of princes and elders, and he said harshly to the disciples who had ridiculed Li Changchu, Ah Chu's astonishing performance made the camp of princes and elders really angry!

"What did you say! Tell me again?" The disciples of the Zuoqiu Feng camp were also unwilling to show weakness.

Immediately, the whole square started to be noisy, only a few parties involved were abnormally calm, Gu Yue and Zuo Qiufeng stared at each other across the crowd, their eyes slowly filled with fighting intent!

Hearing the hustle and bustle of the surroundings, Ah Chu woke up like a dream, and only then noticed that the extremely thick dark clouds had dissipated in the entire world in front of him, and the dazzling golden light like a god's light shot on the already embarrassing high platform. So unnatural!

The smell of burnt electric shock is everywhere, and the high platform made of floating silver wood has become extremely unstable, crumbling, and the edges have begun to crack. It can be said that the entire high platform has been destroyed!

"I succeeded?" Ah Chu was still a little unbelievable, but he still wanted to return to Guyue's camp as soon as possible.


Following Ah Chu's figure jumping down, the moment he turned his head and walked towards Guyue, the soul-testing stones behind him were scattered on the ground like building blocks, and the tarnished soul-testing stones were no different from ordinary stones.


The shattering sound seemed to tear apart the hearts of everyone present. Behind Ah Chu, a cold and dull voice resounded through the world, as if carrying great anger, he said ferociously.

"Stop! Boy!"

Ah Chu turned a deaf ear to it, and when he heard Zuoqiu Feng ordering him, he didn't change his face, and walked towards the old man Guyue and his sister as usual.

Behind him, Zuo Qiufeng's whole body vigor swelled, and the windless and automatic robes were stretched out against the wind, and the soul strength of the fifth-rank middle-level was spread out in an instant.

Immediately, the entire square was like a vacuum, and the air seemed to freeze.

The soul energy in everyone's hearts seemed to be drawn out, and they felt that there was an extremely terrifying force pulling them invisible.

And Ah Chu also felt that strange power, and the meridians of the whole body and the heart and soul in his mind began to have unusual fluctuations.


Ah Chu gritted his teeth tightly, wanting to fight hard, and tried his best to circulate his vitality. The five-colored light that had just been inhaled into his body began to permeate his whole body, and the monstrous waves accompanied by the soul energy slightly weakened the energy that was dragged in Ah Chu's heart.

"Thump, thump, thump!"

Under the attention of the audience, Ah Chu walked towards the Lingyue Peak team step by step, with his clenched hands, nails sank deep into the flesh and blood, dripping with blood, which was shocking.

"Brother Su can do it! I, Ah Chu, can do it too!" Ah Chu's eyes were firm and sharp, looking at the ground like a falcon.

While Guyue, Tianchang and the others were all moved, Li Shiran's eyes were filled with glistening tears, and his whole body trembled slightly.

"Ah" Li Shiran wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and nodded encouragingly seeing his younger brother so strong and unafraid of force.

Ah Chu was the same as before, using his blood and extraordinary tenacity to walk very solidly step by step.

And the whole square became extremely quiet in an instant. After the wind and thunder, there was only the sound of Zuoqiufeng's agitation. Zuoqiufeng looked at Ah Chu unmoved, the fire in his heart became more intense, and his eyes were condensed with murderous intent.

In an instant, an even greater coercion suddenly descended in the surrounding space, and the space suddenly became thicker.

"No, Palace Master Zuo is angry!"

Cheng Gaoming and Wu Kun were the closest, and felt Zuoqiufeng's aura. This kind of aura, it was obvious that Zuoqiufeng wanted to scare the chickens and monkeys, causing trouble!

He only heard Zuo Qiufeng roar out of thin air like the thunder of the Nine Heavens, saying: "Boy, be presumptuous! The old man told you to stop!"

Immediately, terrifying energy rushed out from Zuoqiufeng's palm, and muffled sounds continued to be heard from the vibrating space. The muffled sound carried majestic energy and whizzed down immediately, and then the entire open space of the square was crushed. rattle.


The moment the palm print collapsed, a roar of a tiger pierced through the space, and the remnant soul of the ancient blood wing spider was hooked out. The huge and incomparably huge remnant soul was about to pounce like a living thing, and there was a gleam in the fierce eyes. Bloody, spitting out in the air, a thick white horse fiercely bombarded the thin and thin Ah Chu!

"Ah Chu!" Li Shiran's face paled, seeing that the horse was as fast as a dragon, and the white light resounded through the sky. When Shiran wanted to remind him, Ah Chu was too late to turn around.


Pi Lian broke through the wind, and the sky passing by along the way suddenly produced countless astonishing sonic booms. In an instant, the two figures were like arrows leaving the string, rippling towards them with incomparable vigor.

A figure stood in front of Ah Chu, it was Tian Chang, with the fly whisk in his hand constantly waving, the radiance in the sky was brilliant, the handprints in the palm changed many times, a vitality mask was opened, and at the same moment, he retreated violently with Ah Chu!


The whole space suddenly fell into chaos, and everyone retreated to the side knowingly, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight.

Old man Guyue's long sleeves were bulging, and his long silver hair swept away the coercion gathered around him like an iron brush.

Immediately, a thunder-like explosion of energy resounded in the sky, it was heart-shattering!

"Zuoqiufeng, you shameless bastard, attacking a junior with no cultivation! You are not worthy to be the acting palace master of Yutian Palace!"

Guyue raised his gaze, and the roar was like a volcanic eruption, deafening.

"A joke! I'm not worthy, are you worthy! Guyue, I have tolerated you for a long time, don't rely on the old man to sell the old man! You know the origin of these two brothers and sisters! What is your intention to bring outsiders in!"

Zuo Qiufeng kept sneering, the blood wing spider in front of him remained undiminished, and Guyue didn't show any weakness at all, the strong wind was blowing, and the spiritual sense felt that Tian Chang and the others were far away, so they pulled away completely.

A monstrous vortex rises from the bottom of the feet, and the light in the vortex is dazzling. Accompanied by an extremely terrifying aura, an ancient blue thunder sky beast gallops out behind him!

The huge beast shadow pervading the sky, the animal claws waving in the air, dragged out a long afterimage, with an unparalleled majestic soul pressure, directly shrouded the white light of the ancient blood wing spider.


"Bang bang!"

The sonic boom sounded, the two collided with each other, the entire void roared and shook, the space was directly smashed at this moment, huge space cracks formed in an instant, and the monstrous soul pressure turned into a halo and dissipated!

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