The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1620: Dead fish and broken net

On the other hand, Han Yurou was full of disgust and didn't want to talk, so she said in a low voice, "I don't know, please come out, is it reliable! Isn't it just a pill!"

"It's not that your mother is strict! Hey! There is always someone who stumbles!" Han Wulong said bitterly.

Han Wulong has always been an unreliable image in Han Yurou's heart. Originally, Han Wulong has been tolerant of Yutian Palace for many years, and Han Yurou has been unable to see it.

This time, Han Yurou came out privately to participate in the Soul Control Competition, which really shocked Han Wulong. Han Yurou suddenly ran back to intercede, and Han Wulong agreed to bring Han Yurou over! And personally participate in the Soul Control Competition!

Han Wulong, who was still immersed in heartache, didn't care about the reactions around him at all. The people behind him seemed to have long been accustomed to the way Han Wulong and Han Yurou communicated, and they didn't react too much. Instead, many people in the crowd laughed softly. out.


A strong man behind him leaned forward, glanced at Guyue, and said softly, "Master! Elder Guyue is talking to you!"

Only then did Han Wulong raise his head, and seeing Gu Yue smiling at him, he immediately said with a serious face and a weak voice: "Elder Gu Yue, Xiaolong is here to pay a visit! He kept saying he would come, but you guys That Duanmu lady...cough cough, Palace Master Duanmu is here, so I won't bother you!"

One sentence hides a huge amount of information. It turns out that Guyue and Han Wulong have a very close friendship, and Han Wulong is also very jealous of the Lord Duanmu of Yutian Palace.

"But today, I can be regarded as an uninvited guest, Yutian Palace will welcome you!" Han Wulong laughed loudly, with extraordinary momentum.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, as long as Sect Master Han still remembers the old man, that's fine!" Gu Yue laughed.

Immediately, Han Wulong's whole temperament changed drastically. He was muscular like a bull, but his eyes were burning, and he said.

"Today, I was entrusted by my little girl to come to Yutian Palace. Yutian Palace has always been concentric, and I never thought there would be such a lively scene! However, if you are with Palace Master Duanmu, it wouldn't be like this!"

When Palace Master Duanmu was mentioned, Han Wulong trembled slightly, and Tian Chang asked softly, "What is the relationship between this Suzerain Han and our suzerain?"

Guyue smiled and said in a low voice, "You are defeated!"

Immediately, Han Wulong said to Guyue: "By the way, is Yutian Palace the master of Gu Yue now? I have one thing to ask of you!"

Gu Yue waved his hand, and said to Zuo Qiufeng: "This Zuo Sect Master is our current Acting Palace Master, this old man is just a wild crane!"

"You!" Zuo Qiufeng immediately stood up, Han Wulong's name, Zuo Qiufeng was like thunder, one of the Yunzhou Shuangjie back then, at a young age, he was already at the sixth level of Yuanzong.

Zuo Qiufeng had seriously injured Han Yurou before, fearing that Han Wulong was here to seek revenge, his pores stood up immediately, his eyes were full of solemnity.

"Are you the Acting Palace Master?" Han Wulong said lightly, bursting out with an unparalleled vigor.

Zuoqiufeng's eyes jumped, and he said in a deep voice, "I'm Yutian Zuoqiufeng, I've seen Sovereign Han!"

"Father, it's this old man who beat his daughter with the two old men around him! He even beat that man seriously!" After speaking, Han Yurou's eyebrows and eyes were like this, and a touch of pink flew up.


Whatever came to mind, Zuo Qiufeng was sweating profusely, and hurriedly explained: "Miss Han, it's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!"

And Han Wulong suddenly approached, followed by a group of strong men, like a golden beam of thunder, Han Wulong smashed on the high platform like a golden dragon.


Under this attack force, the situation suddenly changed color, and a domineering and destructive energy hit the square like a shell, and the energy light wave spread out in a semicircle.

Everyone on the scene was stunned immediately, circulating their vitality and resisting the powerful aura of terror. Han Wulong's murderous appearance formed a sharp contrast with the gentle image in front of Han Yurou just now.

But Zuoqiu Feng, Wu Kun and the others who retreated violently were very embarrassed, their eyes were full of fear, and they said in shock.

"It's only middle-aged, but to have such a cultivation base, and the aura of cultivation base is even more domineering, too powerful!"

"How do you want to die! Choose yourself!" Han Wulong said lightly, with boundless killing intent rolling out.

Zuoqiu Feng was extremely embarrassed. The Wuliangmen existed in the same size as the Holy Mountain. Offending the Wuliangmen was equivalent to offending the entire Yunzhou. As the Acting Mistress, one must not make such a strong enemy.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

Han Wulong stomped the sole of his foot directly, and immediately, cracks like spider webs began to appear on the high platform blessed by the strong man, he said angrily.

"I misunderstood your grandma, the daughter on my heart was beaten for you! Whoever beat you, decide yourself! lest I dirty my hands!"

The ferocious Han Wulong poured his angry flames directly on the three palace masters with his breath, and the three of them were terrified immediately and dared not speak.

While everyone in the square was embarrassed to see the three palace lords being made things difficult by Han Wulong, Ling Yuefeng had a relaxed expression on his face, looking at Zuoqiu Feng deflated, so happy!

"Sect Master Han, it's too domineering to act like this without listening to the explanation!" Zuo Qiufeng couldn't get down, and his heart was filled with anger.

"Yes, Sovereign Han, if there is any misunderstanding, we can sit down and look at it. We have different positions, but that doesn't mean there is no possibility of reconciliation!" Wu Kun smiled.

The three deputy palace masters are all above the fifth rank. If they fight recklessly, they won't be defeated, but it will just cause Yutian Palace to suffer unreasonable disasters.

"I'm domineering? Beat my daughter, who is domineering? Forced these two dolls to seek death, who is domineering?"

Han Wulong let out a deep shout, and the space field in front of him opened immediately, and a golden light was faintly seen, and a dragon's howl soaring into the sky swept out, everyone was shocked.

"What a strong spiritual field!"

The onlookers let out a low cry in their hearts, and the space in front of them immediately began to explode. The strength is released!


Elder Guyue squinted his eyes, and could feel from his aura that Han Wulong's strength was no longer what it used to be. He said slowly in his heart: "This... is a dual domain of spirit and attack!"

Guanlan, He Lu and the others kept nodding their heads, circulated their vitality to protect their minds, and said in a low voice: "There are such geniuses in the world who can cultivate such powerful martial arts. No wonder we have always looked down on us Yutian Palace. If you want to be a soul master, you must be above me!"

How could Zuoqiu Feng not know the strength of Han Wulong's domain skills, his face twitched, and he said in a harsh voice, "Since this is the case, Yutian Palace is not afraid! Sect Master Han, please enlighten me!"

"Crack Crap Crap!"

"Three Yuan Pagoda Formation!" Zuoqiu Feng said loudly as the soul energy spread wildly all over his body.

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