The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1621: Golden Dragon Space Technique

Hearing Zuoqiufeng's roar, Wu Kun and Cheng Gaoming lined up behind him, shouting loudly, and the three raised their palms to the top of their heads at the same time.

In an instant, three fist-sized rays of light gushed out from the sky spirit. The berserk energy accompanied by infinite power made everyone startled. This energy was so terrifying, it seemed as if one glance at him would make the heart stop.

Han Wulong narrowed his eyes slightly, crossed his hands, and his well-combed hair was swayed high by the violent and incomparable energy. Facing such terrifying energy, his whole body was full of overwhelming killing intent.

Looking at the neatly arranged Han Wulong, Han Wulong was flying vigorously all over his body, a faint smile was outlined on the corner of his mouth, his brocade robe was shaken back, and his toes were slightly pushed back, and the sound of golden dragon chant all over him suddenly filled the sky, dazzling The incomparable golden light shot straight into the sky like a sharp sword.


The sound of the roaring dragon's howling coupled with the burly and strong figure is full of majesty. Han Wulong's eyes showed a trace of disdain, and he shot coldly. At this moment, there was a strong and indescribable fighting spirit all over his body.

Contempt appeared in the eyes of the Wuliangmen powerhouse behind him, and the three powerhouses roared loudly: "Master, I will help you!"

"Hahaha!" Han Wulong waved his huge hand back, his eyebrows were like mountains, and his martial arts were extraordinary.

Lightning and golden dragon patterns appear like destroying the world, like a monstrous war god, where is the image of a daughter slave just now!

"Okay! I don't need you to help me! The Three-Yuan Pagoda Array really has some tricks, let me learn it!"

After speaking, the voice filled Zhou Tian, ​​echoing non-stop in the empty square.

"Rou'er, take a good look at how your father beat these three old men! Yutian Palace is nothing more than that! Hahahaha!"


As soon as the words fell, Han Wulong exploded with vigor, and everyone stepped back. Han Wulong's footsteps were light, jumping high into the sky like a rocket, looking down.

Zuo Qiufeng endured as much as he could, and now there is no need to bear it any longer. Facing Han Wulong's repeated taunts, Zuo Qiufeng's face was already gloomy to the extreme, and he said sternly.

"Fuck your grandma! Han Wulong, do you think I'm really afraid of you!"

At this time, facing Han Wulong who was high above the sky, he cursed through the air, regardless of his image.

"Above Yunzhou, is it Wuliangmen or Yutian Palace, who is number one, let's compare! Little bastard! I will kill you Longwei today!"

Zuo Qiufeng's rude behavior left everyone dumbfounded and trembling in their hearts. There was bound to be an earth-shattering battle in the future. Immediately, they were stunned by the majestic momentum in front of them, and panicked.

On the other hand, Guanlan, Yanlu and the others were full of dignity, pulling Tianchang, Han Yurou, Li Shiran and others aside. Such a duel between strong men was not something they could bear, and they might be seriously injured!

Yun Ding hurriedly walked to Guyue's side, and said in a low voice: "Palace Master Guyue, what should I do! If they really fight, the peak before the epicenter will definitely be greatly destroyed! Get organized!"

Gu Yue made a decisive decision and gave the order to the three deputy palace masters. The powerful voice like a bell filled the world, and everyone immediately understood it.

"All the elders of the princes, the elders of the teaching staff, and the two elders in charge, take all the disciples under the tree back, and open the barrier to protect Yu Tianchuan!"

"What kind of onion are you, giving orders here!" Elder Tong, who was swollen like a pig's head, heard this and cursed far away.

While the other elders were dignified, feeling deeply justified, no one paid attention to Elder Tong, only Elder Leader said from the side: "Idiot! You are going to die, I will not stop you!"

After finishing speaking, the square scattered like birds and beasts, and a streamer of light pierced the sky on the horizon, and immediately illuminated the whole universe brightly and colorfully.

Today's Yutian Palace soul match will definitely not be able to be done. After a while, it really broke out and destroyed the front peak of the epicenter. The palace master blamed it, and no one can afford it.

Elder Tong was scolded by the elder leader, his eyes were empty and dull, like a wooden fish, he gritted his teeth and flew into the distance.

"Hmph, trash, don't run away!" Han Yurou looked at Elder Tong of the round shield, and laughed loudly, her eyes were full of disdain, and the corners of her mouth slightly curled up.

Some more timid ones took their disciples and flew directly towards Gongque Lake, ignoring the matter of Qianfeng, which made Guyue and others shake their heads, because Yutian Palace always has some people who quit.

And some courageous ones, sticking to the bottom line, such as the tall and thin old elder just now, crossed the void, and said to Guyue with his eyes shining.

"Gu Yue, I'm here, if you have anything to say, tell me! I will definitely support you!"

Guyue laughed loudly, looked around at the confronting people in front of him, stroked his beards and said, "I'm convinced, I'll go to Youzhou for the next Tianfeng War, let's have a good drink!!"

In an instant, the entire square was empty, only Lingyuefeng and his party, the three deputy palace masters of Zhongzhou, Han Wulong and Zuoqiufeng who were about to start the fight, and some scattered fighters were hiding in the distance and watching , and did not open the enchantment.


Lingering through the void, Han Wulong's whole body was full of vigor, and the ripples in the space around his body directly rippling out, the dragon scale lines on his back were faintly visible, and a roar came from his huge body.

"Three old ghosts! Make amends to me, Rou'er!"


Immediately, the lingering white electric dragon turned into a majestic and infinite dragon-shaped golden light. With a look, the next second, the huge golden dragon twisted the golden light across the universe and rushed towards the three of them!

I saw that Han Wulong was like a tiger descending the mountain, like a golden dragon destroying the world, the domineering aura of destruction shook the whole space, amidst the fierceness, the three of them quickly adjusted their aura to the maximum state.

"Three Yang Wuji Kung Fu! Take it!"

The three circular golden light shields immediately gathered into a huge golden shield, which rose high above the head, and overwhelming soul energy burst out.

The power of the combination of the three is extremely powerful, like the waves of the waves, the madness and the golden dragon flying straight down from the void collide with each other!


The figures of the people in the distance were shaking, and the eyes of Gu Yue, who had already led the crowd to retreat violently, were full of astonishment. The three yuan pagoda formation, taking the number of three and three, merged the soul energy of the three people into one, and the soul power was full. Nine times as many as one person!

Such a heaven-defying soul formation, an extraordinary warrior can block it with his own strength.

"This little dragon didn't lose the slightest bit against the three of them! His progress over the years has been astonishing!" Gu Yue squinted his eyes and kept nodding and chattering.


The next moment, the space trembled, and the golden light of the three shields continued to rise like a shining sun. The light became more and more dazzling, and the temperature rose, rippling out of boundless space ripples out of thin air. When it expanded to the maximum, the golden light shield shot out of thin air.

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