The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1623: Cleaning up the mess (1) [Midnight]

Seeing that Han Wulong had not spoken the whole time, Han Yurou followed his eyes and saw a dreamy white figure slowly walking out of the tear-stained space.

The woman takes one step to grow a lotus, three steps and one sway, her appearance is better than snow, ice is pure and jade clean, the sky shines on her face, it is a beautiful and holy face.


The deep darkness full of electricity, wind and thunder gradually dissipated, and as soon as the fairy-like figure walked out, everyone's faces showed surprise and unbelievable expressions.

"There are such beautiful faces in the world!" As women, Li Shiran and Han Yurou were both amazed at the same time, not to mention all the male cultivators present.

In the amazed eyes, everyone's pupils reflected a woman with an unparalleled beauty and a perfect figure.

Between the slender hands, the skin like suet white jade is shining under the golden light, and there is a trace of light hair floating among the green waves.

The face is delicate and beautiful, between the perfect greasy nose is a pair of eye-catching water-cut eyes, and the high nose bridge and slightly pursed red lips reveal a hint of danger.

Quiet and glamorous but mixed with a bit of awe, aloof and unparalleled, without the slightest expression, like a dusty beauty who does not eat the fireworks of the world.

Her long black hair was pulled up high into a princess bun, and her eyebrows were slender and picturesque, shining like stars. She looked about in her early twenties, but the aura on her body made people feel as if they had fallen into the river of time. It will make that person extricate himself.

Sai Xue's skin is paired with a snow-white and flawless robe. From top to bottom, the round peaks are abundant, and the slender legs are looming below. Even if it is hidden under the white robe, one can imagine the beauty The waist that is too full to be grasped can instantly make everyone's hearts soar and their emotions light up.


There was the sound of swallowing saliva from male cultivators everywhere, and then looking at Zuoqiu Feng, Han Wulong and others, how could they manage to fight, their eyes seemed to be frozen, staring straight at this peerless beauty from the painting!

"Who is... who is she! How can she be so beautiful!" Han Yurou said softly, such beauties are really rare,

Han Wulong shook his head in a daze, and said softly: "I don't know, I hope it's not her, but it seems to be, and it doesn't seem to be. But why is it getting better and better!"

Han Yurou looked at Han Wulong suspiciously. He was always brilliant outside, but his extraordinary father would lose his composure like an admirer who had fallen into the dust.

"What's going on, Dad? You won't be unable to walk when you see a beautiful woman!" Han Yurou whispered softly.

Gu Yue also shook his head for a while, and sighed secretly: "No wonder the Palace Master hasn't come out casually in the past two years, and he's getting younger every year. This kind of skill and appearance will probably attract the jealousy of all women in the world!"

"Subordinate Gu Yue, join the Palace Master!"

Guyue took the lead, knelt down on the ground respectfully, and called out to the woman, like a wake-up call, instantly awakened the intoxicated crowd.


All the elders at the scene couldn't bear it any longer. After a little relaxation of their restrained breath, they directly fell to the ground and knelt down. Some of the more timid ones fell directly to the ground.

"Bang bang!"

In an instant, all the remaining people were like birds with broken wings, but they knelt down in an extremely tacit and unified manner, not daring to raise their heads, trembling.

But Zuoqiu Feng, Wu Kun and the others, who were facing away from each other, saw everyone's reaction, their eyes immediately showed horror, they turned their heads very slowly, and when they saw the woman's face, they immediately collapsed to the ground.

The woman who walks out Rouran is the main palace lord of Yutian Palace, Duanmu Xiaoman.

There was a gleam of light in Han Wulong's eyes, and Han Yurou could feel the trembling on Han Wulong's body.

"Palace...Palace Master? Is it really Duanmu Xiaoman?" Han Yurou was dumbfounded and shouted in a daze.

All the people who are not from Yutian Palace are surprised and stunned. Elder Guyue and all the strong men from Yutian Palace are already at the age of seventy, why is this Palace Master only twenty years old?

"She may be older than your grandma!" Han Wulong said softly.


This sentence made Han Yurou jump back in fright, covered her breath immediately, and hid beside Han Wulong, as if she saw a monster!

I saw Duanmu Xiaoman looked around for a week, casting frosty eyes on everyone present, and the breath of millennium-year-old ice exuded from the slim waist, making everyone tremble uncontrollably.

"Where are people?" Duanmu Xiaoman said lightly.

Just two words came out from Duanmu Xiaoman's throat, and the voice as soft as light feathers melted into everyone's heart like flowing water, and at the same time carried the extremely low temperature, freezing everyone's spiritual consciousness in an instant.

It was bone-chillingly cold and the atmosphere was low.

Everyone knew that Duanmu Xiaoman had come to Xingshi to inquire about his crimes, although the Heaven-Controlling Soul Competition would only officially start tomorrow.

But today is the test registration, and all the direct disciples will never be so deserted, miserable, and fragmented.

The cold wind blowing over the huge epicenter square made it even more deserted.

Only Elder Gu Yue continued: "Master Hui, today is indeed the registration day for the Heaven Yuhun Competition, but it was all destroyed by Zuoqiu Feng!"

Zuo Qiufeng, who was suddenly named, suddenly looked like a sinner, lying on the ground in fear and fear, with big beads of sweat rolling down with tears.

"Palace...Palace Master, don't listen to Gu Yue's nonsense. Today's Yutian Soul Competition is completely normal. He brought two outsiders in, and invited the master of Wuliang Sect. Our reputation of Yutian Palace will be destroyed. All they have ruined!"

Tian Chang and Ah Chu got angry at the moment, and the old man Gu Yue also frowned. In front of the Palace Master, it is not good for an old man to continue to make trouble, but Zuo Qiufeng complained first, which is really disgusting.

"Zuo Qiufeng, let go of the stinky farts of your eighteenth generation ancestors!" Ah Chu is no longer a member of Yutian Palace anyway, and he is really angry because of his sister's affairs.

"Yes, old man Zuo, let your mother's shit go!" Han Wulong also cursed.

Zuo Qiufeng was extremely calm and didn't say a word. Immediately, all the teaching elders present showed contempt. He really suspected that he was on the wrong team.

"Chi Chi!"

Duanmu Xiaoman still had no expression on his face, raised his jade hand lightly, and his incomparably mighty soul immediately hit the hearts and souls of everyone like a gust of wind and rain.

The energy rippled like light waves, the tear-stained space behind him was instantly closed, the wind and thunder staggered, and the electric light roared, everything was understated.

"So strong! Over the years, this woman has become stronger by no means!" Han Wulong narrowed his eyes, his vitality turned around, and the three suppressed palace masters immediately felt relieved.

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