The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1624: Clean up the mess (2)

Duanmu Xiaoman looked indifferently, looking at Han Wulong quietly, his eyes were like charming gems, and it felt like power was hidden in them.

"Can you let him go?"

Han Wulong's body shook, Duanmu Xiaoman's voice was weak but unquestionable, and his aura weakened invisibly.

"They hurt my daughter!" Han Wulong insisted.

Duanmu Xiaoman carefully looked at Han Yurou who was beside Han Wulong, and being looked at by Duanmu Xiaoman, Han Yurou, who was always hot and unrestrained, also became shy.

"You already have daughters." Duanmu Xiaoman looked at Han Wulong, his eyes were as cold as ice.

Han Wulong didn't expect that Duanmu Xiaoman was very embarrassed when he said this sentence, and said softly: "Yeah, back then I admired the reputation of Qingtian and Yihe, and I attacked twice to ask for advice, but unexpectedly Duanmu Qingtian is no longer, only you are in charge! Now Think about it, it was thirty years ago."

"'re still so good-looking!" Han Wulong was a little embarrassed, his huge body was a little embarrassed, and his resolute, knife-like side face was slightly flushed.

Han Yurou was stunned on the spot, what is all this? My father, Duanmu Xiaoman, Qingtian Yihe? shy? What are they!

"You and I have a little friendship, let's go!" Duanmu Xiaoman didn't seem to listen to Han Wulong at all.

Han Wulong raised his eyes immediately, and said coldly, "But they deserve to die!"

"You have hurt them and you have made amends. Whether you should die or not is up to me, not you!"

A trace of murderous aura surged between Han Yurou's eyebrows, like a thousand ice skates, and she immediately bullied herself to Han Wulong's side.


The golden light of Han Wulong's bodyguard shattered in response to the sound, and bombarded the sky like fragments. Countless crystals flew, and Han Wulong's blood was mixed in them. A black shadow flashed across the sky, and Han Wulong collapsed several meters away in an instant, clutching his chest. Moaning in pain!

Jin Hong flew around, her body trembling.

Everyone was trembling, not knowing what happened just now, Duanmu Xiaoman's speed was unbelievably fast! Such a strong Han Wulong was even vulnerable to Duanmu Xiaoman!

"This woman is too perverted!" Han Wulong groaned in pain, his heart was surging like an overwhelming river, but he said it on his mouth.

"Palace Master Duanmu, your cultivation level is getting higher and higher, and it's really hard for us to keep abreast of him in our lifetime!"


"Old witch! How dare you hurt my father! I want your life!"

Without waiting for Duanmu to reply, Han Yurou saw her father was injured, and wanted to grab her with a stride.

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone stood there dumbfounded, and couldn't help sweating for Han Yurou. Guyue's eyes almost went dark, and he rushed out, blocking Han Yurou, and brought him back.


Regardless of his bloody chest, Han Wulong struggled to get up and pushed Han Yurou to the ground with a huge force, leaving only the dazed and frightened Han Yurou standing there dumbfounded.


There was only a loud noise, and an ice-blue beam of vitality floated down from the sky like a ribbon. Guyue and Han Wulong had no choice but to condense a very strong vitality attribute light again.

Immediately, the space field of the two of them spread out directly, and the terrifying and incomparable fluctuations shook the universe, and they resisted each other with the ice blue silk.


The two resisted for a while, but within less than a breath, both bodies sank into the white jade ground, the strange thing was that there were no cracks on the ground, the two of them seemed to be born on the ground.

"Palace Master, keep someone under your command! This old man has something to say!" Gu Yue couldn't help pleading, his usual indifferent face was horrified, and a stream of blood spurted out.


Duanmu Xiaoman immediately withdrew the huge force like a mountain torrent, and the two quickly escaped from the ground. Finally, they couldn't help it, and spewed out blood. The body was like a piece of paper, and it was obvious that they had suffered serious injuries.

If Han Wulong hadn't pushed Han Yurou out in time just now, he might have died on the spot by now.

This kind of crushing in strength made everyone terrified, and their eyes slowly filled with fear of terrifying strength.

Even in the face of Guyue, Duanmu Xiaoman would not hold back at all, and only heard a cold voice: "Helping outsiders, small punishments and big warnings!"

"Father!" Han Yurou crawled to her side with no strength in her hands and feet, crying unceasingly.

Han Wulong panted heavily, and smiled at Han Yurou: "Father is fine, let's figure it out, it's not home outside, so don't talk nonsense! Haha".

Before the words were finished, another large cloud of blood spilled into the sky, and the sky was immediately covered in blood, which was terrifying. A group of strong men rushed up behind him to save Han Wulong's vitality.

"I was wrong, Dad, I was wrong!" Han Yurou still couldn't stop the tears in her eyes, her fiery body trembling uncontrollably.

"Give that mysterious pill to your grandfather Gu Yue!" Han Wulong said lightly.

Han Yurou's eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately administered the elixir to the two of them, their complexions turned slightly rosy, but they were still seriously injured and unable to move.

"Palace Master Duanmu, my daughter is young and ignorant, she said something wrong, if you really want to teach me a lesson, please kill me!"

Han Wulong, who had been invincible just now, had already humbled himself for Han Yurou, and everyone present gasped and shook their heads in amazement.

In the face of absolute strength, everything is false!

Duanmu looked at Li Shiran, who was still lying on the ground, and Ah Chu, who had no idea of ​​the situation, and a trace of undetectable sadness and fluctuation flashed in his eyes.

Looking at Han Wulong, Duanmu said quietly: "You saved my disciple of Yutian Palace, I will spare you this time!"

"Thirty years ago, I spared your two lives successively. This time, I will spare you again and replace my third life with my deputy Palace Master. Do you still stop me?"

Gu Yue couldn't help feeling fluctuating in his eyes, and said in his heart: "Killing people is not enough to establish prestige, and convincing people with virtue is wisdom! My palace master fights the world with all his strength, and governs people generously! You really deserve to be the palace master of my Yutian Palace!"

"Hurry up and thank Palace Master Duanmu!"

Guyue coughed, pushed the father and daughter of the Han family who were still in a daze, and then another stream of blood flowed out slowly.

The panic-stricken Han Yurou hurriedly accompanied Han Wulong and nodded lightly, his eyes full of awe, Han Wulong said: "Thank you, Palace Master Duanmu, Xiaolong pays homage to you!"

"Gu Yue, take Zuoqiufeng, Wu Kun, Cheng Gaoming and everyone to Tiegui Pavilion! All those who left Yutianchuan first, also go there!" Duanmu Xiaoman said softly, then turned and left .

"Yes!" Gu Yue responded loudly, with solemn eyes.

"Forgive me, Palace Mistress, forgive me!" Many people who stayed behind had already smelled a hint of danger, and they were terrified, shaking like sifting chaff!

Many people left Yu Tianchuan just now, and the strong people who stayed in place did not open the barrier to protect Yu Tianchuan. They were not much different from those who fled. At this time, they were all anxious and spared their lives.

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