The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1628: Both Good and Bad

"Haha, old friends, don't be alarmed. The palace lord knows right from wrong. He has been in Tieguitang for so long, so he just asks me the ins and outs of the whole matter. For those who never leave Yutian Palace, the palace lord will naturally reuse it in the future. And those who have ulterior motives for Yutian Palace, I'm afraid they will be doomed forever!"

Elder Gu Yue said the last four words in a loud voice on purpose, and immediately the group of people below began to tremble, feeling uneasy in their hearts, and some timid ones even passed out on the spot.

"Okay, elders, now pass on the Palace Master's order!"


The ten princes and elders plus one or two scattered elders immediately half-kneeled on the ground, with serious expressions, listening carefully!

"The disciples of Yutian listen to the order, and tomorrow's Yutian Soul Competition will continue! All those who cause trouble will be temporarily detained in the Iron Rules Hall, and will be dealt with after the game. Tonight, I invite the elders present to list all the guilty names. Make it clear with those who can participate in the Soul Control Competition! Continue tomorrow morning."

As soon as the words fell, Elder Guyue's robe fluttered, his expression restrained again, and he said.

"Just now, I was re-enacting the rules of Yutian Soul Competition, keeping everything simple! Just looking for the strongest Yutian Palace disciple! Tonight, brothers, please take care of yourself!"

"Hey! We were talking just now, what a pity for Jun Haotian, this little doll!"

Gu Yue glanced at the list kneeling underneath, and said calmly: "The master is guilty, and the disciples are not all like dogs. Please follow the rules of Yutian Palace and carefully select them. need for revitalization."

"Yes!" The elders looked solemn and did not dare to make any accusations.

"Elder Luo, this Tianfeng Ranking Tournament is being held in Youzhou. The Palace Master has summoned you to enter the hall for discussion. Other elders, please start!"

Luo Wuya took a deep look at Guyue, nodded slightly, the vitality under his feet rose sharply, and a gust of wind like a purple cloud suddenly blew up, rushing directly into the Tiegui Hall.

"Palace Master Duanmu is indeed wise and powerful!" Long Poshan nodded and said.

After the reading, Gu Yue returned to Lingyue Peak with the three deputy palace masters, and all the people who bowed in front of the Tie Gui Hall immediately left one after another under the command of the elders.

The four people who returned to Lingyue Peak, as soon as they landed, Guanlan impatiently asked Gu Yue about Su Yi's situation.

"Palace Master Guyue, what happened to that boy Su Yi?"

Guyue sighed softly, and under the deep and kind face, he sighed three times in a row, making Yun Ding and others confused.

"Let's go in and talk!"

Han Yurou and Han Wulong were also waiting in the room. Gu Yue briefly explained the punishment of the palace lord, and Han Wulong couldn't help but nodded.

"Palace Master Duanmu still puts the overall situation first, and I should do the same."

Guyue groaned, looked around Tianchang, Ah Chu and the others said: "So you have to hurry up and get ready for tomorrow's Tianyu Soul Competition, this time the test is no longer a standard, everything is kept simple, and the details will be announced tomorrow! Fortunately, , you and Ran'er's soul quality is very high, it is undeniable! By the way, Ran'er, how is it?"

Ah Chu looked at Elder Guyue and said gratefully to Han Wulong: "Master, Sect Master Han has already sent a strong man from Wuliangmen to heal my sister, and there is no serious problem. She is resting in the room now!"

"Sect Master Han, thank you, old man!" Guyue bowed lightly to Han Wulong.

Han Wulong waved his hand and said sharply, "You're welcome, Elder Guyue, and Sairou'er, the soul of Yutian, is also going to participate. Everyone is advancing and retreating together now, it doesn't matter!"

Elder Guyue took out a bottle of elixir from his sleeve, handed it to Ah Chu, and said with a smile: "Since Sect Master Han healed your wounds, the elixir given to you by the palace lord will be reserved for self-defense in the future, for ordinary research on elixir There are also great benefits!"

Han Wulong's eyes moved slightly, and he said in surprise, "Is this a gift from Palace Master Duanmu?"

Gu Yuezhong nodded emphatically, and sighed endlessly: "I have Palace Master Duanmu in Yutian Palace, it is really a blessing for me to Yutian Palace! Under Qingshuang's arrogance, she is full of concern for Yutian Palace! However, the performance of Yutian Palace and Chu'er The palace lord appreciated it very much, so I personally bestowed this bottle of profound product 'Taiwei Dan'. You must devote yourself to cultivation in the future, and it is your own good luck to be favored by the palace lord!"

Immediately, everyone gasped, thinking of the powerful aura that was at the peak before the earthquake during the day, it was hard for everyone to imagine that Duanmu Xiaoman still had such tenderness in his heart.

"By the way, Palace Master Guyue, have you heard about Su Yi from the Palace Master?" Han Yurou's crescent eyebrows frowned.

Guanlan, Yun Ding and Yan Lu were also very anxious, and said anxiously: "Palace Master Gu Yue, you can say it! We are all going to die of anxiety!"

"There are two pieces of news. The good news is that today's Yutian registration day, the Palace Mistress came to ask for leave for Su Yi in person!"


Upon hearing this news, countless surprised images flashed in everyone's pupils, and their hearts were like tens of thousands of galloping horses.

"Palace Master... come to ask for leave for Su Yi in person?"

No one has ever enjoyed this kind of treatment. Duanmu Xiaoman, who has always lived alone, would do this for a young boy.

"That woman... actually asked for leave for Su Yi!"

Han Yurou's face became a little unnatural, and Han Wulong gently pulled her back before she calmed down. Those who noticed Han Yurou's change were also stunned.

"But there is another problem here. Su Yi himself cannot come to sign up, which means that he has not passed through the dangerous period. It can be said that his life is in danger!"

"Then how is Su Yi doing now?"

"That's right, this palace lord is extremely mysterious, how do we know what's going on with Su Yi?" Several deputy palace lords responded one after another.

Gu Yue stroked his long beard, and sighed: "Since the palace lord has come to sign up for Su Yi, judging by the palace lord's advanced cultivation, naturally Su Yi can survive! It's better for everyone to wait properly!"

Listening to Guyue's words, everyone did not relax their frowning brows, but became more dignified.

"The mountain-protecting formation is no small matter. It is a restriction set by countless generations of strong men in Yutian Palace. The elders actually use the mountain-protecting formation to deal with a kid who can't even reach the crown! It's really possible!" Guanlan became more and more angry when he thought about it. His body couldn't help shaking, and a strong killing intent gushed out.

"Wicked people will be punished by wicked people, isn't retribution already here! Well, it's getting late, tomorrow morning, the new Yutian Palace competition system will come out! The competition system formulated by the Palace Master himself will only be infinitely more difficult than the previous ones! Everyone, get ready!"

After speaking, the eyes of all the people present were bright, and they were extremely serious. After exchanging a few words, they went back to their room directly.

Lingyue Xiaozhu, in the courtyard, the moonlight shines.

"That old lady also likes Su Yi, right?" Han Yurou propped up her peach-red apricot cheeks and looked at the full moon in the sky.

"You really have feelings for that kid?" Han Wulong's huge figure paced out of the shadows, with extreme tenderness, said faintly.

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