The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1629: New competition system! 【Third watch】

"Father!" Han Yurou was a little panicked, looking at Han Wulong who came out of the darkness, she dodged slightly.

"Rou'er, you're growing up too, some things are normal, but..." Han Wulong hesitated to speak, his broad energy kept turning back and forth on his body, and the golden dragon pattern was caught in the sky like a god's light.

"But what?" A trace of panic flashed in Han Yurou's moony eyes, she dodged slightly, and said softly.

Han Wulong stepped on the ground immediately, the golden dragon pattern appeared, and the surging golden waves filled the entire small courtyard like a monstrous sea water.

"Rou'er, tell Dad honestly, you really feel the same golden dragon breath from him as Dad?"

Han Yurou nodded emphatically, and said: "At first I thought he was just talented, but I found out later that his soul energy is also extraordinary. In the few fights in Yutian Palace later, I felt the same breath as you ! I thought I was wrong, and it turns out I was.”

"Hmm..." Han Wulong frowned, stood with his hands behind his back, his robe bulging, looked at the mountains and forests in the distance, and stopped talking.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

Looking at Han Wulong's tall body, Han Yurou was a little lost. Han Wulong, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly turned around, his eyes full of silence.

"If this is really the case, tomorrow's Sky-Controlling Soul Sai Su Yi must return safely!"

Han Yurou nodded slightly. Ever since Su Yi left, Han Yurou has been thinking about Su Yi all the time. Then, Han Wulong looked at Han Yurou and said solemnly.

"Also, you must not have any emotional entanglements with Su Yi in the future!"


Han Yurou's incomparably fiery body looked particularly alluring under the moonlight, and she trembled all over, her moon eyebrows furrowed, and she looked at Han Wulong in puzzlement.

"Why? Old women can do it, why can't I!"

Han Wulong, who has always loved Han Yurou, opened his tiger eyes wide and changed his previous gentle image, and shouted in a low voice.

"Stop talking nonsense, this is Yutian Palace! And if I say no, I won't! You and Su Yi are not suitable!"

"Why is it inappropriate? He is unmarried and I am unmarried! I can be with whoever I like! He can sacrifice his life to save me, why can't I express my feelings for him?"

Han Yurou, who dared to love and hate, never compromised in words, and her phoenix eyebrows were full of anger, and she couldn't stop drinking.

"Yurou! Your father has promised you everything since you were young, but this is the only thing that father can't promise you! If you want a good husband and son-in-law, even if father searched all six continents, three continents and one sea, he will find it for you. , it's this Su Yi, no way! Absolutely no way!"

After finishing speaking, Han Wulong's whole body was full of vigor, and a terrifying and domineering aura like a storm swept out, Han Yurou's delicate and attractive body immediately stepped back a few steps, her chest felt sweet, and the skirt behind her was raised high .

The skirt veil fell, and the white moonlight shone on Han Yurou's bruised face, and teardrops slid down the perfect profile.

"Clap clack!"

When Han Wulong watched, he felt a twinge in his heart, but his expression remained unchanged.

"Father, I hate you! You're actually afraid of that woman!"


Han Yurou gently raised her plain hand, wiped away the teardrops on her face, glanced at Han Wulong sadly, turned back and turned around, then with a surge of vitality, she went away into the distance like a moonlight fairy, dissipating into the night sky.

"Yurou!" Han Wulong yelled, the wind was blowing, and Han Yurou was nowhere to be seen.


Hearing a "bang", Han Wulong formed a fist with his right hand, and a ray of light flew out from the palm of his hand, removing a corner of the bluestone table. Under the neat cut marks, the stone turned into stone chips and scattered with the wind.


Restraining his breath, Han Wulong's face was extremely serious, a trace of solemnity flashed between the slightly fluctuating tiger eyes, and he looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Yurou, you must understand father! After all, you and Su Yi are not from the same world! If it is really for your happiness, what is Yutian Palace? After all, there is a top in this world, and father cannot be the master, but Someone needs to break it!"

Han Wulong's aura dissipated suddenly, and his tall figure sat directly on the stone bench, his figure was extremely haggard. At this time, he was a sad father.

A night of breeze, the stars dissipated.

The golden light from the sky once again shone down on the mountains and rivers. In the sparkling light, a round of proud scorching sun rose, as if carrying the hope of new life.

Everyone gathered in Zhongzhen Square again, Lingyuefeng and his party also arrived on the square early, Han Yurou and Han Wulong stood on both sides of the crowd.

Han Yurou's brows were full of sadness, the sleepless night made her look very haggard, her eyes were mournful, she took a faint look at Han Wulong, then turned her head away, without saying a word.

Seeing his daughter like this, Han Wulong's expression was also very unnatural, and a look of pain flooded his eyes again, but he could only stare straight at the center of the square, trying not to think about other things.

Duanmu Xiaoman had already arrived at the square, sitting on the white jade chair in the center, with an air of aloofness and innocence, like a fairy born floating in the air, but unlike yesterday, no one dared to face up to Duanmu Xiaoman's stunning beauty, and all raised their heads up. extremely low.

The princes and elders sat on both sides of the high platform. Each of the ten major princes remained motionless with a calm expression, while the leader elder and several teaching elders were finally selected to stand behind the princes and elders with a respectful expression. Dare not make any noise.

Guyue and Luo Wuya walked up to the high platform together, looking at the solemn crowd below, they were filled with sobs, compared to yesterday's crowds, today's Yutian Palace is really deserted, roughly counting, there are only half of yesterday's candidates, and then excited Surprised, loudly said.

"After the overnight selection by the princes and elders, all of you here are qualified to participate in today's Yutian Soul Competition. In other words, you are all real warriors who have been carefully selected by my Yutian Palace and can devote themselves to my Yutian Palace!"

Among the crowd, when hearing these words, a figure still had quite a throbbing feeling. It was Jun Haotian who was selected by the elders.

Gu Yue glanced at Jun Haotian in the audience, then turned his head to look at Duanmu Xiaoman, Duanmu Xiaoman nodded slightly, indicating that it was time to start, Gu Yue opened the jade slip in his hand and continued.

"The Yutian Soul Tournament will be reorganized today, and the rules are as follows."

Guyue stared at the jade slip, with a hesitant expression, paused for a moment, his eyes opened slightly, and then the vicissitudes of life came from Zhou Kong again and said.

"The Soul Control Competition is no longer the standard of four rounds in the past. Today, soul detection, alchemy, weapon refining, soul control, and martial arts will be integrated into one!"


The contestants and elders standing in the audience exploded immediately. What kind of finals method is this? Never heard of it.

All of a sudden, everyone started whispering, expressing their curiosity and doubts about the competition system with their eyes, but they didn't dare to make a loud voice.


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