The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1630: Realm of Heaven and Man?

Gu Yue cleared his throat, looked around, looked at the people who wanted to speak but did not dare to speak, and continued to speak in a deep voice.

"Everyone present here has the qualifications to participate in the Heaven-Controlling Soul Competition, but in order to improve efficiency, the soul compression of the Heaven-Controlling Soul Competition has been completed within one day, and the location of the Soul Competition has changed! This year's Heaven-Controlling Soul Competition The venue has been chosen to be held at Broken Sword Sea in Yunzhou!"

"Broken Sword Sea!" Everyone was in an uproar, and puzzled expressions surfaced in their hearts.

"Broken Sword Sea is an extremely dangerous place. I, Yutian Palace, will use all my strength to go to Broken Sword Sea to hold the Yutian Soul Competition. These are the future hopes of Yutian Palace. If there is a mistake, what should I do?"

"Yeah, I also think it's not right, can't Yu Tianchuan test it, must he go to Broken Sword Sea?"

"I probably understand what Palace Master means. Broken Sword Sea has extremely high requirements for soul quality, but not everyone can enter. In recent years, Broken Sword Sea pirates have been rampant, and many people hang around. There will be interruptions, and it’s an unknown.”

The princes and elders on the side whispered to each other, and different expressions flickered between their brows. Some were worried, some were angry, and more were doubts.

"Sect Master Han, Broken Sword Sea is under the jurisdiction of Wuliangmen, can you guarantee its safety?" Elder Guyue was fighting on the high platform, his robe waving and trembling.

Hearing this, Han Wulong walked out of the crowd slowly, his whole body bursting with vigor, as if a ferocious aura spread across the sky and earth, it was very violent, and the crowd around him avoided and retreated wherever he passed.

Facing Duanmu Xiaoman and Elder Guyue who were on the high chair, they clasped their fists slightly, the tiger's eyes burst out with brilliance, and said lightly: "Master Duanmu, Elder Guyue, if you have the pleasure to hold this event in Broken Sword Sea, I will The Wuliang Sect will definitely send the strongest guards in the sect to guarantee that Duanjianhai will not have any troubles! But I don’t know why Palace Master Duanmu chose Duanjianhai instead of other places.”

"Could it be to delay Su Yi's time?" Gu Yue glanced lightly at Palace Master Duanmu, there was still no warmth on the cold and quiet face, which was really unpredictable.


Duanmu Xiaoman, who has been silent all this time, lifts her lotus steps lightly like a banished fairy, her white robe is like a cloud of mist, between the gauze, Shengxue's skin is faintly visible, the nobility is full of grace and luxury.

Slowly, he walked to the front of the stage, and said coldly: "Han Wulong, when will I need the protection of your Wuliangmen for Yutian Palace? Everyone, listen to me, the Tianyu Soul Competition is coming soon, whether to choose talents or choose those who can rival Liulu The immediate combat power of three continents and one sea?"

Everyone was silent. This time, the Heaven-Controlling Soul Competition was different from the previous ones. It was actually prepared for the Tianfeng Ranking Tournament that was less than ten days away. Therefore, being strong in a single event was not of much practical use.

"If you don't even dare to step out of Yunzhou, you only dare to make a fuss in Yutian Palace, you only know how to fight in the nest, what kind of people are you in Yutian Palace! When will I raise such a timid person in Yutian Palace!"


There was a crackling sound, and the soul energy poured out like a flood, and all the cracks within a radius of more than 1,000 meters of the Epicenter Square began, and everyone was shocked.

This sentence meant something, and then the teaching elders who stood aside continued to nod, not daring to have any objections, and said bluntly: "What the palace master said is absolutely true!"

As soon as the power was released, the entire square was filled with the raging wind that penetrated the space. The violent power made everyone present tremble. up.

Immediately, an extremely heavy and dignified atmosphere permeated the entire square. Han Wulong, who was standing at the front, hastily produced an extremely fierce golden energy mask from the bottom of his feet. Above the mask, space ripples vibrated like ripples. Shocked in his heart, Han Wulong thought: "This woman, could it be that she has really broken through to the legendary realm of heaven and man? I guess only she knows what the realm of heaven and man is!"

Glancing at Elder Guyue, both of them were full of astonishment in their brows, Duanmu's one move ruled the world, Duanmu has such strength now, I'm afraid that Yutian Palace will only be improved to a higher level in the future.

"Let's not talk about the elders of my Wuliang Sect, even those weird people from Yutian Palace are far inferior to Duanmu Xiaoman! How did she cultivate? What a freak!" Han Wulong His breathing became heavier and heavier, and his heart was filled with surprise and shock.

"Afraid of the Holy Mountain? Intrigue! Clique formation! Much ado about nothing, when did I Yutian Palace become like this!" Duanmu Xiaoman said quietly, but a few simple words pierced the hearts of everyone present like an ice pick.

As for Jun Haotian in the audience, he felt that every word was talking about himself, he bit his lips tightly, clenched his fists tightly, and slightly spat out bright red blood.

"Thump, thump, thump!"

Jun Haotian's slender figure slowly walked out from the crowd, looked at Duanmu Xiaoman, saw Duanmu Xiaoman's frosty eyes, his heart was shaking, a kind of staring from a superior made Jun Haotian tremble involuntarily stand up.

Then he half-kneeled and said respectfully: "Palace Master, Haotian is willing to go to the Broken Sword Sea first! If there are thieves, Haotian is willing to eliminate them for Yutian Palace!"

Everyone's eyes changed, and Jun Haotian, who had always been withdrawn and ignored worldly affairs, actually took the lead, and then he understood in his heart that he no longer had a backing, and if he didn't work hard, he might really lose everyone's attention. Opportunity.

A trace of relief flashed across Gu Yue's benevolent face, this Zuo Qiufeng's apprentice was really much better than his master.

"It's good for everyone to go together, Haotian doesn't have to be like this!"

Jun Haotian's eyes changed suddenly, a trace of nervousness flashed across his face, and he said hastily.

"Palace Master, Elder, Haotian is willing to go. Although the master is guilty now, the people of Yutian Palace are not cowards. I am willing to take the lead for Yutian Palace!"

Duanmu Xiaoman still didn't change anything, glanced at Jun Haotian, and pulled a dark teardrop-shaped spatial crack from the palm of his hand.

Immediately, the entire epicenter plaza was blasted with rubble, and the hurricane generated by the space exchange made people's breathing suddenly stagnate!

"Crack in space!" Some young disciples present exclaimed, everyone including Li Shiran and Ah Chu were completely horrified at this moment.

And all the elders here seem to be familiar with it. The Yuanzong realm can affect the space and form a small space field that belongs to itself outside the body. When it comes to the Yuanzong realm, it can really change shape and shadow. Move mountains and seas, across space!

"I heard that this woman was in the Yuan Realm decades ago. It seems that she still treated me lightly back then! She is so strong!" Han Wulong's expression twitched in astonishment.

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