The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1633: Water Bombs!

The fierce beast soared to the sky, and the huge fierce eyes radiated a faint light like gems, looking at everyone fiercely!


Bai Jiaoshen twisted his body slightly, his huge figure lifted up the terrifying waves, the vitality under Su Yi's feet rose sharply, and the fluctuations of the soul energy around him revealed a sense of mystery, his eyes suddenly sparkled, and he said quietly again.

"Palace Master Duanmu, if I sneak below 20,000 meters, what should you do!" Su Yi burst out, and volleyed to the people below.

At this moment, a cooing sound came from everyone's throats, and everyone was gulping. Is this Su Yi challenging Duanmu Xiaoman?

Duanmu Xiaoman had also stood up at this time, looking at the young man who had crossed the dragon, an imperceptible fluctuation flashed in his calm eyes, and said softly with her cherry lips: "Over 20,000 meters, what do you want? "

As soon as the words fell, Duanmu Xiaoman's voice was approaching, and Duanmu Xiaoman's spirit was surging, his mind moved slightly, his voice was filled with incomparable arrogance and domineering, and suddenly the sound of sonic boom resounded high above the sky.

The all-pervasive icy aura raged in the air, and with a huge sonic boom resounding through the space, the pressure of the soul suddenly smashed towards Su Yi who was above the remnant soul with a violent force.

Under such a berserk attack power, the White Flood Dragon God's body moved immediately, and the cold and shining scales were like the blade's edge, making a sharp hissing and roaring sound fiercely.

Without any hesitation, Su Yi's handprints condensed, and Yu Tian Jue was cast again, and in response to the sound, Bai Jiaoshen immediately shook the wings behind him, and a ray of light burst out from his mouth, like a small meteor, rushing straight towards Duanmu Xiaoman bombarded away.


Su Yi's eyes on the remnant soul of the giant beast raised his gaze, the handprints in his palms condensed, and he shouted in his heart, the Art of Controlling Heaven and the demon soul of Tianyuan spread at the same time, and the energy that swept across the world made Su Yi's body tremble.

When the incomparably huge critical blows of the two collided with each other, Su Yi took a step forward, the fiery red wings puffed up behind him, and the fiery red vitality radiated like a divine fire reaching the sky. Everyone's heart and soul!

In an instant above the space, a huge space crack reappeared, and suddenly, the space trembled to shatter. The beams of energy beams gathered directly and hit Bai Jiaoshen's body.

The fierce eyes of the white flood dragon were shocked, and the sound of the dragon's roar roared out. Duanmu Xiaoman was shocked for thousands of meters, and the wailing continued. The ferocious eyes became languid for a few times, and bright red poured out from the scales and fell into the sea of ​​broken swords.

"Xiaobai!" Su Yi shouted angrily from the bottom of his heart, the ripples in Zhou Kong were crushed, and Su Yi rushed to Bai Jiaoshen's side in an instant.

Everyone present was extremely astonished and confused, why can he control the White Flood Dragon God! The White Flood Dragon God is the remnant soul who controls Tianchuan! How can it be so easy to control?

"Is he really Qingtian?" Several princes and elders behind him stared at the small figure in the void.

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, and dark clouds stirred.

"Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, wherever the beam of light passed, the overwhelming aura brought up waves of thousands of meters, and a monstrous storm that covered the sky and the sun rushed out.

The water waves that poured down suddenly burst, like tens of thousands of shells continuously bombarding the sea level, the cracks in space spread rapidly, and the energy swept across, everything along the way turned into fragments and dissipated.

In just a short moment, the waves on the turbulent sea level were undulating, the waves were surging, countless continuous shocking sonic booms sounded, the white twist roared in the distance, and the cold light in the fierce eyes was weak.

And in the water bomb formation all over the sky, a ball of fire was like a butterfly in the rain, dodging back and forth. After investigating the injury of Bai Jiaoshen, Su Yi did not retreat but advanced, his body turned into fire and burst out suddenly, golden The flames waved out, blasting the water cannonballs down to the bottom of the sea!


The void roared, and the world was in turmoil!

Terrifying vigor swept across, high in the sky, violent wind and showers swept across, everyone's minds and minds were shattered, and they continued to use Yutian Jue to resist such a powerful and terrifying storm.

Guyue saw Su Yi spinning back and forth in the sky, and at this moment, his aura gradually became disordered because of Duanmu Xiaoman, and he said loudly, "Palace Master, keep someone under your command!"

Among the crowd, Han Wulong was tall and strong, very conspicuous. Watching the short-term confrontation between the two, he couldn't help but make his face dignified.

"What a boy! Is he Su Yi? Although Duanmu didn't use all his strength, it's already astonishing to be able to survive until this point! Not bad!" Han Wulong's eyes moved, and his eyes were full of admiration.

Looking at Han Yurou next to her, her face was dignified and anxious, the brows were gradually full of concern, and she couldn't help sighing inwardly.

All the elders and disciples of Yutian Palace behind him were all shocked. Wasn't this Su Yi seriously injured? Why is this soul energy so much stronger than before?

Bai Jiaoshen wailed in the distance, Duanmu Xiaoman seemed to think of something, his eyes froze, his sleeves waved in an understatement, and the monstrous wind and waves stopped instantly.

Above the distant sky, Su Yi shouted loudly, the palms of his hands surged with light, and the four gods around him were blessed, and the domineering and destructive aura suddenly broke through the ripples in the space in front of him.

A fiery red figure pierced the sky and came out, and the fire attribute energy surged out, rushing to the high cliff in an instant with the momentum of rushing thunder.

Clothes fluttered, the eyes on the handsome and mature face were like pools of gods, and the vigor of the whole body shone brightly, which immediately attracted countless female disciples of Yutian Palace to groan.

As soon as he landed, Su Yi, who was like a god descending, was so powerful that everyone present was amazed and horrified. He was able to walk several rounds under Duanmu Xiaoman's hands without losing his momentum. Not only was this Extremely high soul quality, extraordinary courage and wisdom, and absolute strength!

At this moment, Su Yi looked at Duanmu Xiaoman completely, a trace of surprise flashed in Su Yi's deep and cold eyes, and he said in his heart: "It really was you! The person who hit me that day was you! The person wearing the veil is indeed you!"

Immediately, Su Yi pressed the palm of his hand lightly, and the handprints on his palm kept changing. The Art of Controlling the Sky all over his body immediately restrained, and the monstrous soul energy immediately restrained. There was no longer any breath fluctuation, and he smiled heartily.

"Is he Su Yi?" Long Poshan, Luo Wuya and other elders touched their chins and their eyes moved slightly. They had heard Su Yi's name for a long time, and now they nodded secretly when they saw it.

"This kid is fine?" Guyue and Han Wulong were startled at the same time. From the aura, it could be seen that Su Yi was refreshed, and the energy in his body was circulating smoothly without any stagnation.

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