The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1634: Third Grade Intermediate!

While they were in high spirits, everyone couldn't feel Su Yi's sluggish breath, and they had completely recovered. Guyue couldn't help nodding secretly, thinking: "There is such a change! The cultivation level has also improved! It's excusable for being late!"

"Third Grade Intermediate? Am I not mistaken?"

The teaching elders behind him opened their mouths, and their hearts were inexplicably shocked, while those who had participated in the earthquake before felt as if their hearts were overwhelmed.

Everyone knew that Su Yi was only at the beginning level of the third rank, but they didn't expect that Su Yi would reach the intermediate level of the third rank in just a few days! What kind of abnormal speed is this?

The cultivation of the soul is no more difficult and obscure than the cultivation of vitality. The mastery of the power of the soul requires not only extremely high talent, but also a hundred times the difficulty that ordinary people can't imagine.

Therefore, Su Yi's leap from the elementary level of the third rank to the intermediate level of the third rank surprised everyone.

This Su Yi, in just a few days, has directly risen to a small rank? Didn't he die from serious injuries? How exactly?

Shi Ran, Su Yi walked towards Duanmu Xiaoman with big strides, looked at Duanmu Xiaoman, Su Yi's eyes did not flutter in any way, his heart was pure, and he said: "Master Duanmu, I have heard your name for a long time!"

Looking carefully at Duanmu Xiaoman, his eyes were clear, and Duanmu Xiaoman under the gloomy and dark clouds was like a pearl in the sky, bright and shining.

"There is such a beautiful woman in the world!" Su Yi couldn't help but marvel in his heart, such a huge change in his soul cultivation must be related to this Palace Master Duanmu, but Su Yi didn't know why she wanted to save him.

This is the reason why Su Yi asked Duanmu Xiaoman to act so boldly. If Duanmu has such a cultivation level, it will not be difficult for Duanmu to make himself shine in the Tianfeng Ranking Tournament.

Duanmu Xiaoman's milky white charm lingered on it, floating like a fairy, her eyes were cold and cold on her extremely beautiful face, clear frost and proud snow.

Still without any expression, Duanmu Xiaoman looked at Su Yi indifferently. Only Guyue could feel it. At this time, Duanmu's aura faintly showed a slight undetectable fluctuation. Said.

"Tell me, if you dive below 20,000 meters, what do you want?" Duanmu Xiaoman frowned, her face covered with frost.

The aura around him surged extremely, and the cold vitality spread out. I saw Su Yi quietly running the Hunyuan Supreme Kungfu, and Yutian Jue secretly circulating the body protection, and the aura was easily removed in an instant.

A sly smile flickered on the corner of Su Yi's mouth, his eyes were clear and full of confidence and demeanor, it didn't look like he was talking to the most terrifying existence in Yutian Palace!

"I want you to teach me yourself! Help me win Tianfeng!"

"What! This Su Yi is too courageous, it's fine if he's not someone from Yutian Palace, but even the Supreme Elder doesn't like it!"

"Smelly shameless, I want the palace master to teach me personally! The palace master has never accepted an apprentice! Is he trying to take advantage of it?"

"Yeah, I really thought he was a hero, but he was also someone who wanted me to control the Heavenly Palace! Garbage!"

"It's really a torture, and he actually made him return from the peak after the earthquake! I'm so bah! It's like being the disciple of our palace master! Wishful thinking!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone cursed in a low voice, but Su Yi's eyes were like knives, his whole body spun vigorously, and the fiery red light surged all over his body. He turned around and looked at the disciples of Yutian Palace, and his killing intent suddenly spread out. Sweeping high cliffs.

In an instant, the entire Yutian Palace became quiet. Su Yi knew that in the face of these right and wrong people, force is the best solution. It is better to let them be completely dumbfounded than to make them laugh!

However, everyone in Lingyue Peak had suspicious gazes, and there was still a bit of doubt hidden in them. They knew that Su Yi must have something on his mind, but they still couldn't guess it.

And Han Yurou, who was standing at the side, pursed her cherry lips tightly, and her brows were slightly anxious, for fear that Su Yi would be persecuted again by the people of Yutian Palace.

"What is this kid thinking? It's interesting! But Yurou still needs to get rid of her knot quickly." Han Wulong looked at Su Yi with great interest, his tiger pupils shone brightly, and Yurou Rou's excessive concern for Su Yi also became a knot in his heart.

As for Jun Haotian just now, his eyes were gloomy, and the fighting spirit in his heart once again reached its peak, like a thousand zhang flames rushing into the sky.

Looking at Su Yi and Duanmu Xiaoman with extremely sharp eyes, he unconsciously clenched his fists even tighter, his knuckles turned white and creaked.


Elder Guyue made it very clear just now that there are rewards for Soul Control Brawl starting from 10,000 meters, and everyone who can reach it can get three Dongxuantian Fire Pills, and when it reaches 15,000 meters, it will be rewarded. The conditions to be able to obtain the middle-level magic weapon - Qingyan Yinding are already extremely harsh, and it is impossible for anyone who can achieve it.

The participants in the Yutian Palace Soul Competition this time are all strong men under the age of 32. Being able to penetrate 10,000 meters is already the limit. If they can reach 15,000 meters, they will definitely be able to compete in the Tianfeng Ranking Competition. Get pretty good grades.

If you can reach thousands of meters below 15,000 meters or even reach 20,000 meters, you can of course directly accept the gift and guidance of the Supreme Elder. With this talent and opportunity, you will break through to the middle level of the fifth rank in the future and win the position of Palace Master in Yutian Palace It's all very possible.

This Su Yi, as soon as he came up, he didn't want any grades. He directly said that he wanted to go deep below 20,000 meters, and he also pointed out that Duanmu Xiaoman would personally guide him. With just one sentence, everyone was offended, which naturally attracted a lot of attention. abuse.

Guyue and Han Wulong didn't take it seriously, with a smile on their faces. They both nodded their heads at the same time, wanting to see how Su Yi would do it, but they also wanted to see how Duanmu Xiaoman would respond.

I saw a smile in Duanmu Xiaoman's bright eyes, and said softly: "Okay! I will wait for you at 20,000 meters later! If you are destined to come out from 20,000 meters, I will take you as my disciple!" "

"It's a deal!" Su Yi laughed loudly.

"Wow! The palace lord actually agreed! To become the palace lord's disciple, wouldn't you want to be successful in the future?"

"Hmph, do you think the palace lord would accept him as an apprentice so easily? Wait for your life!"

"That's right, how can there be such a cheap deal in the world! 20,000 meters! I bet he is not qualified for 10,000!"

"Not to mention whether Su Yi has this ability, isn't there Jun Haotian! Do you think he will easily let Su Yi sink to 20,000 meters?"

From amazed to ridiculed, all the Yutian Palace disciples and elders understood in their hearts that Palace Master Duanmu would not easily agree to Su Yi like this, and there will be more fun to watch next.

"Everyone is ready. After fifteen minutes, all will descend to Broken Sword Sea!" Duanmu Xiaoman's gentle and melodious voice quietly filled the audience. live.

"Yes! Palace Master!"

"All participating teams! Leaders of their respective elders, choose their respective events, and prepare to enter the sea!" Gu Yue frowned, and confirmed to everyone again!

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