The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1635: Bow down! 【Third watch】

As soon as the words finished, Duanmu Xiaoman raised his eyes lightly, and unconsciously took a deep look at Su Yi whose eyes were full of light.

Then a blue wave flashed in his eyes, he stopped paying attention, and then moved lightly to the edge of Broken Sword Cliff.


The Sea of ​​Broken Swords, which has been sleeping for thousands of years, is roaring like a furious beast in the distance. Between lightning and thunder, it seems that an extremely terrifying storm will come at any time.

Like a serpent, the pillar of lightning and thunder entangled within the dark clouds, hissing and taking in people's hearts and souls.

Above the void, there was a dangerous atmosphere all around. Duanmu Xiaoman's hair fluttered and her face was dignified. Several princes and elders followed closely behind her, very respectful.

In an instant, Duanmu Xiaomanyue's eyes changed, and a soft voice pierced through the clouds.

At this moment, the overwhelming coercion surged from Duanmu Xiaoman's whole body, smashing the space around his body to pieces.

Immediately, Duanmu Xiaoman lightly stretched out his arms, raised his bare hands lightly, his robe fluttered, and a long white streak on Xue Yuhao's wrist blasted towards the low sky like an off-string arrow.

Immediately, Pi Lian burst into an extremely brilliant light, overwhelming the surface of the sea, and then spread out, turning into an extremely huge giant light curtain.

As the light curtain stretched, Duanmu Xiaoman's surging soul coercion covered the entire sea of ​​swords imperviously, and the fierce and inexplicable hurricane stopped for a while.

The light condensed, and the curtain fell to the sky!

The princes and elders behind him could feel the changes in Duanmu Xiaoman's aura, and they were all amazed and surprised.

At the highest point of the light curtain, there are densely packed light spots, which are extremely clear. This is actually an extremely huge picture of the soul race diving.

As Duanmu Xiaoman's vigor and coercion pierced through the world, and the golden light shone through the sky, everyone could clearly feel the position of each person's dive from above the light curtain.

"The current cultivation of the Palace Master can be said to be as ancient as gold, and he can cover such a vast sea area as the Broken Sword Sea with coercion. This soul coercion is really terrifying!"

Guyue couldn't help sighing, Duanmu Xiaoman has been the myth of Yutian Palace since he was born, and he has never been to the top for so many years!

"This Palace Mistress Duanmu is no longer on the same level as us! In her eyes, what kind of world does this exist?"

Han Wulong, who had always been conceited as a genius, couldn't help feeling nervous. He was forty years old, and at the sixth level of Yuanzong, he had already surpassed most warriors for half a lifetime. Even with such super speed, Han Wulong was ashamed of himself in front of Duanmu Xiaoman!

In the Wuliang Sect, Han Wulong, who is invincible at the same age, has always had a haze in his heart for so many years. Back then, in order to ascend to the position of the master of the Wuliang Sect, Han Wulong fought all over Yunzhou, but was instantly defeated by Duanmu Xiaoman twice. It still hangs over Han Wulong's heart, and it hasn't dissipated for a long time.

Only now did Han Wulong realize that this is a peak that can never be crossed. This woman is too strong! Terribly strong!

Han Wulong knew that this heavenly soul coercion alone was unmatched in the entire Yunzhou!

Han Wulong's heart was agitated, and his eyes were full of light. Infected by Duanmu Xiaoman, the golden dragon aura around him rushed out immediately, and a surge of fighting spirit rose to the sky, like a golden dragon god of war, with black hair fluttering and fire.

"Strength! This is the strength of the master of Yutian Palace!" Su Yi, who was instantly locked into his body, couldn't help feeling waves in his heart. Duanmu Xiaoman's coercion came straight to him!

There is no doubt that Duanmu Xiaoman is an existence that surpasses all sentient beings. In Su Yi's cognition, except for the saint who has never met before, among human beings, this Duanmu Xiaoman represents the strongest and supreme power!

Stronger than his master Su Kuangge, stronger than the Supreme Elder of the Divine Sword Sect, stronger than the holy fire, and even stronger than Chen Yu, this is the strength of Yutian Palace Lingli six continents, three continents and one sea for thousands of years!

Ever since practicing Hunyuan Supreme Kungfu, Su Yi's Tianyuan demon soul's ability to resist pressure has always been at its peak state, and now an unprecedented coercion makes Su Yi's heart throb, as if surrendering.

Duanmu Xiaoman's cold and beautiful face weighed heavily on his heart, making Su Yi unconsciously want to lower his haughty head. This kind of high-ranking person's looking down made Su Yi's heart continue to spread, and the anger that broke out from the root of his teeth Means like an angry dragon lifts into the sky!

Elder Gu Yue was surprised by the strangeness of Su Yi nearby. Su Yi, who was still in place, seemed to have a twitching face. Just as he was about to step forward, Gu Yue suddenly understood that this was intentional by Palace Master Duanmu.

"Palace Master Duanmu's short attack just now and the current coercion are all suppressing Su Yi! Or it's called tempering!"

Guyue stopped immediately and looked at Su Yi in front of him. Even if Palace Master Duanmu agreed with his words, he was still probing again and again.

If this cannot be done, let alone Broken Sword Sea, where the spiritual pressure is several times stronger than the ground, how can you get back from 20,000 meters smoothly!


Su Yi's expression was straightened, and his heart was full of fighting spirit. Even if he was as strong as a fellow, in this world of martial arts where the weak preyed on the strong, Su Yi, who had been a man for two lifetimes, knew that he would not bow to anyone!

Even when nothing started! Su Yi will never admit defeat!

The word "lose" will never exist in Su Yi's mind, let alone the only woman who has slapped him twice! Su Yi will not bow down to her, the greater the pressure, the more Su Yi will resist, not only to win this time, but also Duanmu Xiaoman will bow down to her in the future!

"Boom!" Su Yi shouted in his heart!

"Get up! Move for me!"

All of a sudden, the Hunyuan Supreme Power in Su Yi's body surged like a tide, and Yutian Jue and Tianyao Ancient Scripture were fully activated, and he shouted in his heart: "If you want me to surrender here? Impossible!"


The huge power is shocking, and the aura is directly frightening. The vitality in the Taixu Divine Sea is endlessly circulating in the incomparably wide meridians, and the scattered vitality is accompanied by coercion, which quickly stirs the ripples in the surrounding space. Circle after circle of ripples pushed to the horizon.

Su Yi could feel that after he woke up, the perfection of his meridians had reached a new level.

Immediately, a collision sound exploded in the heart and soul, Su Yi's eyes flickered, the breath in his body relaxed, and the lock was released.

After taking the first step, the next few steps became smoother and smoother. With a smile on the corner of Su Yi's mouth, his breath was lingering, and he quickly walked towards Elder Guyue, as if nothing happened!

Duanmu Xiaoman on the edge of the cliff was still looking at the sky full of remnants of clouds, but she always felt the change of Su Yi's coercion behind her. She watched Su Yi quietly break free, Duanmu's eyes flashed, and he said solemnly.

"There is still half a quarter of time! Send the order and prepare quickly!"

The frosty words made everyone even more anxious, and they all discussed the lineup of the team seriously, and the order of going down. No one cared about Su Yi's situation.

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