The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1637: Su Yi's Surprise (1)

Even an old man as strong as that would be restrained by a powerful barrier, Su Yi's heart suddenly surged with the determination to become stronger immediately.

The glory that the old man once received and the world he saw were what Su Yi desperately longed for. Su Yi knew that when he was in the Yuanzong Realm, the old man himself wanted to rescue him.

Manyao Valley, the starting point of my own martial arts!

This understanding of the world is what made Su Yi finally decide to let Duanmu Xiaoman guide him.

But now only the absolute strong can guide him, can he make enough progress.

In the Tianfeng Ranking Tournament, the top-level martial arts competition held every sixty years, Su Yi must quickly become stronger to face those god sons of the Ba Chongbang and Baiying Palace! Keep working hard, and one day you will reach the pinnacle of martial arts.

Su Yi's complexion suddenly darkened, and he could feel a murderous intent rushing towards his heart in the distance.

Su Yi detected it with his mind, and he could feel that a handsome man was staring at him.

And everyone present had their own team, but he was alone, Su Yi couldn't help being curious.

"That is Zuoqiufeng's disciple, the number one person of his generation in Yutian Palace today, Jun Haotian! All the old people cherish their talents, it is not a big mistake to consider him, so let him stay! Let him participate in this time Yutian Palace Soul race, if nothing else happens, Tianfeng will also let him participate in the ranking battle!"

Guyue stepped forward, sighed slightly, looked at the lonely Jun Haotian in the distance, and felt a sigh in his heart.

But Su Yi was stunned, the number one person of his generation in Yutian Palace!

Su Yi raised his head and watched Jun Haotian carefully, and murmured in his heart: Jun Haotian, the fourth-rank mid-level genius who is highly respected among the disciples of Yutian Palace!

Looking carefully, Jun Haotian is in his early thirties, and he has a cultivation base equivalent to the fifth to sixth level of Yuanhuang, which is really worth doing by himself, let alone a soul master who specializes in souls! Definitely worth the all-out hit on your own.

Soul masters are stronger than ordinary cultivation bases. Back then, Xi Wuqing was able to compete with Master Huolong, who was at the third level of Yuanhuang and the sixth level of Yuanhuang. This Jun Haotian is definitely a good grinder. Knife stone!

"Okay! It's just for practice, Elder Guyue, have we made arrangements in Lingyue Peak, how to fight? What's the order!" Su Yi turned to look at Elder Guyue.

"I always knew that you would not be absent from the Heaven-Controlling Soul Competition, so Tianchang has never stopped guiding Ran'er and Chu'er!"

The old man Gu Yue said to Su Yi that Lingyue Peak is still in the same arrangement as before, let Han Yurou take Li Shiran and Ah Chu to participate in the Alchemy Competition, and let Tian Chang participate in the Artifact Refining Competition!

But Su Yi didn't have any worries, and swam to the depths to his heart's content, to the miracle of Yutian Palace!

"Sect Master Su, with this arrangement, you will be able to concentrate on winning the first place in soul cultivation and martial arts cultivation for Lingyue Peak! You can also win the reward from the Palace Master! What do you think!"

Su Yi murmured, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he said to the old man Gu Yue: "Senior, come! This time, Lingyue Peak will take four first places!"

After speaking, Su Yi took everyone from Lingyue Peak to the high cliff on the other side of the Broken Sword Sea, a remote place with few people.

Guyue couldn't help being suspicious, Su Yi always had endless ideas in his mind, and Su Yi lowered his voice and said softly.

"Shiran, Chu'er, Miss Yurou, Brother Tianchang, first of all, Miss Yurou, you are half-step Yuanhuang realm, at most you can swim to that level by yourself? To the maximum extent!"

Han Yurou thought about it seriously, alchemy and weapon refining are within seven thousand meters, and the second-grade pills of heaven and earth are extremely rare, so the most refined pills are black-grade pills. to four to five kilometers.

"It looks like four thousand meters to five thousand meters, it might be a bit strenuous!" Han Yurou was a little ashamed, but Su Yi wanted to boast that he would swim 20,000 meters, but he could only swim four thousand meters, which was a bit embarrassing .

Su Yi nodded, and turned his gaze to Tian Chang. Tian Chang, who was also slightly nervous, said to Su Yi: "Su Yi, I should be able to swim to five kilometers!"

With a slight smile, Su Yi looked at Tian Chang and Han Yurou and said, "I believe in you, besides, brother Tian Chang's diving depth is completely sufficient! You are all souls of Tianpin, and you can definitely break through the limit!"

Back then, Xi Wuqing, the eldest brother of the Yuanhuang Sanchong, was more difficult below 5,000 meters, but in terms of soul quality, Han Yurou and Tianchang of the Tianpin soul had already made up for this!

"Also, are the pills and cauldrons that you are going to refine ready?" Su Yi asked again.

"Preparation is preparation, but compared with others, the advantage is not big. Maybe the only way to compete for ranking is from the height of diving!"

Guyue said, slightly dry. After Zhongzhou, all the treasures and life's painstaking efforts were in Zhongzhou Yutian Palace, and then all were handed over to Zhongzhen Diancang Pavilion, and he didn't keep anything.

Although Zuoqiu Feng was overthrown, as the master of Lingyue Peak, Gu Yue would rather borrow from the princes and elders than bear the reputation of taking advantage of it.

"That's just right. Although the elixir I asked you to practice requires extremely harsh refining conditions, the grade is not low, and it is a high-grade mysterious grade! Have you ever heard of the Nine-Turn God Refining Pill?"

Su Yi couldn't take his eyes off, his eyes seemed to have a luster, and he stared at everyone.


Everyone in Lingyue Peak frowned. Tian Chang, who was an alchemist, and Han Yurou, a famous family, had naturally heard of the name of the Nine-Turn Alchemy Pill.

Guyue was even more speechless and said, "Could it be that Sect Master Su wants them to refine the Nine Ranks Alchemy Pill?"

"En!" Su Yi nodded heavily.

"However, we don't have the most important material needed for the Nine-Turn Refining Pill, the Nine-Turn Dragon Scale Grass! And it needs three soul masters with heavenly souls to refine it at the same time! It is difficult to achieve such a strict condition. "Tian Chang was a little disappointed, nodded and said.

"Have you seen enough of this?" Su Yi smiled lightly.

Su Yi threw out an interspatial bag from his bosom and handed it to Tian Chang, who opened the interspatial bag slightly suspiciously.


Immediately, an inexhaustible aura of heaven and earth rushed into Tianchang's nostrils, and everyone's meridians seemed to be flooded with extremely warm currents. The abundant medicinal power traveled between the wide meridians, and finally gathered into the dantian, A trace of energy turned into vitality, very comfortable.

The lingering power of the medicine blew on the face like a strong wave, and everyone's eyes lit up.

Looking carefully, there are more than ten extremely perfect Nine Turns Dragon Scale Grass inside. The crystal clear branches and leaves are engraved with patterns like dragon scales, and the blood-like branches and leaves are shining brightly in the space bag.

The blood-colored Dragonscale Grass exuded an extremely bewitching light, which was flawless and brilliant, and everyone in Lingyue Peak immediately exclaimed.

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