The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1638: Su Yi's Surprise (2)

"Nine-turn Dragon Scale Grass!"

Seeing such a perfect Nine-Turn Dragon Scale Grass, Li Shiran, Tian Chang and the others began to breathe rapidly.

Such a perfect Nine-Turn Dragon Scale Grass can definitely produce a Nine-Turn God Alchemy Pill with an extremely perfect appearance, even the first-level Earth Grade.

One can imagine the value of such a Nine Rank Alchemy Alchemy! It will definitely cause a sensation in the entire Yutian Palace! The Nine-turn Dragon Scale Grass, which is rare in the world, is very likely to be a low-level earth grade!

Everyone immediately understood why Su Yi wanted to take everyone to a remote place, this was the key to their victory in this alchemy competition.

"There are still things inside, Brother Tianchang, look carefully!" The corner of Su Yi's mouth gradually formed a mysterious smile, as if there was an inexhaustible treasure inside.

Tian Chang carefully put aside more than a dozen Nine-Turn Dragon Scale Grass, only to see that many elixir and basic materials needed for alchemy were displayed in the space bag.

Every plant of herb is extremely perfect, glowing with radiance, and the dense medicinal energy is extremely condensed, and they are all materials that alchemists dream of.

"Here! Brother Su Yi! Where did you come from? Every plant is in perfect condition and priceless!"

Tian Chang's eyes almost fell to the ground, his hands holding the space trembled slightly, his face was full of surprise and shock, the surprise that Su Yi brought them this time was simply too great!

Su Yi smiled heartily, his clear eyes were full of complacency, it turned out that Su Yi had already woken up a long time ago, the reason why he came a little late.

Su Yi not only picked out the elixir materials of the students of Herbium Academy, but also took out some of the best-growing Nine-turned Dragon Scale Grass, and even searched the medicine fields all over, in order to get them in one fell swoop. The first place in the alchemy competition!

"Great, this is definitely the first place in the alchemy competition!" Ah Chu was overjoyed, his little face flushed red with excitement, and his eyes sparkled.

The kind and vicissitudes of old man Guyue's face was also filled with excitement, and he pondered and said, "That's right! But, Chu'er, you still can't take it lightly. Although Sect Master Su has provided you with the best external conditions! But the Nine-Turn Alchemy Pill is not It's so easy to refine! You must go all out and do your best!"

Su Yi also said: "So! That's what I asked you just now. I believe Brother Tianchang knows the refining method better than me. As for the depth of diving, it is completely enough!"

Then Su Yi said to Tian Chang: "Brother Tian Chang! You are the protagonist of Lingyue Peak in this competition of controlling the soul of the sky. You must listen clearly to what I say next! And you must not lose even half of it!"


Everyone was stunned. It seemed that Su Yi already had a complete and detailed plan in mind, and the following was the key point. Han Wulong, who stood by the side, said nothing, but was already amazed in his heart.

"This kid is courageous, smart and alert, and he does things with great vigor and swiftness. In just a few strokes, he is fully displayed! He is indeed a talent to be made! Hey! What a fucking pity! How good it is to be my son-in-law !"

Thinking of this, Han Wulong's complexion darkened, his brows were furrowed, and seeing his daughter Han Yurou staring at Su Yi affectionately, as if she was shining with light, Han Wulong felt even more uncomfortable.

"Su Yi, tell me! I will definitely do it well!" Tian Chang said with great determination.

Su Yi nodded, lowered his voice to the lowest level, and said, "Nine-turn Alchemy Pill, a high-grade elixir of the mysterious grade, so try to swim to a distance of 5,000 meters to ensure passing! Next, at the 5,000-meter mark, There should be two flat lands! Although the distance between the two places is not too far, for those of you who concentrate on refining things, running back and forth is a challenge!"

"First, you and Yurou, use your soul pressure to form a spiritual shield, and bring Ah Chu and Shiran to two flat grounds, and then start refining alchemy and medicine respectively."

Everyone paid attention and listened intently, Su Yi continued.

"The most important thing to start is the refining project. Tianchang will lead Ah Chu to lay the foundation of the refining, select the type of cultivation, and control the materials and fire. Tianchang will concentrate on refining the refining to a certain level. When it's time, give it all to Ah Chu!"

Su Yi looked at Ah Chu with serious eyes, and said, "Ah Chu, it will be time for your Tianpin soul to display itself. Although the pressure of the surrounding souls is huge, it is also an excellent environment for refining weapons. You will take over from Tianchang. Inject soul energy and complete the finishing touches, can you do it!"

Ah Chu listened, his heart was burning like a ball of flame, he nodded emphatically, and said: "Of course, Brother Su, I promise to complete the task! I, Ah Chu, will do what I say!"

Thinking of the day when Zuo Qiufeng was in the Soul Control Competition, everyone ridiculed and disdained him, the young Ah Chu seemed to be overflowing with flames, roaring furiously, wishing he could immediately throw himself into refining.


In the previous tests, Su Yi could see that although Ah Chu's cultivation base was relatively low, he had a high quality of soul and amazing perseverance. Su Yi believed that Ah Chu would be able to complete such an important task!

Su Yi then said again: "Shiran, you should lay the foundation of the Nine-Turn Alchemy Alchemy, and when Tian Chang comes over, we will work together with the three of you to refine the Nine-Turn Alchemy Alchemy!"


Li Shiran, Han Yurou, Ah Chu, and Tian Chang responded one after another. This kind of arrangement couldn't be more appropriate. Not only do they work together, but they also make the best use of everything and everyone's talents, making the best use of everyone's strengths!

Tian Chang took a deep breath, and his heart was still heavy. This time, the goal was to be the first of four, and there was no room for loss. He said softly: "Not only the nine-turn alchemy pill, but also the weapon refining must be successful!"

"Shiran, before you said that the soul-testing crystal belongs to me, does that count?" Su Yi smiled slightly.

Li Shiran and Ah Chu kept nodding, and said emphatically: "It's only natural, Shenshan recognizes you as the master! Everything in Shenshan belongs to you, Brother Su Yi!"

After saying this, Li Shiran knew that something was wrong, but she didn't know what was wrong, her cheeks were flushed with pink, and her delicate and charming demeanor suddenly became more lovely.

"Okay!" Su Yi frowned.

Su Yi groped in his chest for a while, then took out another interspatial bag and handed it to Tian Chang, saying, "Brother Tian Chang, I leave this to you! The Artifact Refining Competition is all up to you! You must fight for Lingyue Peak!"

When they heard the soul-testing crystal just now, old man Gu Yue and Han Wulong frowned, and said in their hearts: "The soul-testing crystal? Does this kid still have the soul-testing crystal? How many good things does this kid hide?"

As soon as he took the interspatial bag, the interspatial bag, which was countless times heavier than just now, seemed to be about to hit the ground.

An extremely mellow spiritual energy poured into Tian Chang's body like a dragon, and suddenly the unique spiritual energy of the primordial stone permeated Tian Chang's body. Tian Chang hurriedly used the Heaven Control Art to make this force terrifying, even viscous The aura is smoothed out.

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