The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1639: Sea monsters!

Full of expectation and excitement, Tian Chang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, opened the interspatial bag tremblingly, and dared to open his eyes after a few breaths.

Just listening to a violent bang in the sky, a bright and dazzling light suddenly appeared.


A tyrannical beam of light, heading straight into the sky, is not a horse training, not a critical strike, but pure energy! Pure primordial stone energy!

Above the void, an astonishingly majestic and incomparably majestic beam of light rushed out directly, roaring into the sky.


Immediately, the clouds were shattered severely, and a few fragments of golden light passed through the dark clouds and shot down directly, and the mottled light spots shone on the faces of Su Yi and the others, very dazzling.

Suddenly, several people were amazed, what is this kind of power? How can there be such a majestic and abundant energy.

Tian Chang changed his mind in a hurry, closed the interspatial bag, and dared not take a closer look at it before it was too late, lest Zhang Zhang just take a cursory glance.

After calculation, there are probably more than 300 soul-testing crystals and countless iron stones in it.

All kinds of iron and lime of various grades are all excellent materials for refining equipment, extremely rare, and they are all excellent treasures with prices but no market.

It was as if the best things in a second-rate sect had been snatched away, Su Yi suddenly smiled in his heart.

"If those guys from the holy mountain know that they are using all their belongings to honor the Yutian Palace, will they be pissed off?" Thinking of this, Su Yi felt a burst of satisfaction in his heart.

What's more, here is only a small part, which is enough for this time's Heaven-Controlling Soul Competition, and all of it will be handed over to the Overlord Sect for the construction of the sect.

Tian Chang's eyes were about to faint, and the terrifying beam of light just now still shrouded Tian Chang's body.

The soaring energy, the beam of light dissipated into fragments, still containing extremely powerful soul energy, the space was faintly distorted, under the power of the powerful soul, Zhou Kong suddenly solidified!

"Oh my God! Master...Master! Su Yi brought all the wonderful treasures!"

Such astonishing strength immediately attracted countless awl-like gazes. Tian Chang quickly covered the space bag tightly and told Guyue all about the space bag.

Hearing this, Guyue could not stop the excitement on his usually calm face. He knew that the beam of light just now was extraordinary, so he laughed heartily!

"God helped me Lingyue Peak! Hahaha! Sect Master Su, I am in awe!" Gu Yue kept shaking his head, looking at Su Yi with strange eyes, this boy Su is the miracle of the Heavenly Palace!

Han Wulong was also extremely amazed in his heart, and Su Yi in his eyes suddenly changed from admiration to admiration.

"It's really scary! This kid's talent is astonishing, I'm afraid the fate of this person is also strange, otherwise he wouldn't have such a big hand!"

Touching his chin, Han Wulong's eyes fluctuated again and again, and he said in his heart: "Su Yi, boy, no matter what Yutian Palace thinks, I, Wuliangmen, will definitely try my best to win him over from now on, and it would be good to pull Shengshan down!"

"Haha, Elder Guyue, what kind of treasure has to be hidden so tightly? Share it with the brothers?" Luo Wuya and Long Poshan had sensed Guyue's excitement a long time ago, and asked loudly.

Only Guyue stroked his beard, smiled and said nothing, half-closed his eyes, and said loudly: "We'll wait and see!"

"Cut! What an air! Even if Su Yi comes, at most one can get the first place! I don't believe you can get all of them!" In addition to the princes and elders, there are some ordinary elders on the side, said angrily, full of displeasure.

"This old man, he used to borrow things from me, but now he's hiding them again! It's not real!" Luo Wuya scolded with a smile.

But Long Poshan was a little mysterious, and said to Guyue: "How is it? When Su Yi boy came, Gu Gu, you were all beaming. I haven't seen you so happy for so many years! How about, let's open a handicap? Brother How many people are happy?"

"Hahaha, I think it's okay!" Gu Yue said softly, already smiling.

Luo Wuya and Long Poshan smiled at each other, looking at the Lingyue Peak group with a mysterious look, as if they had a plan in mind, with anticipation in their eyes.

Concentrating his expression, Su Yi looked at everyone and said, "Just do this! Since you have reached this Sea of ​​Broken Swords, you have to bear all the vicious risks underneath."

Hearing this, Gu Yue murmured, and said, "However, Chu'er, your cultivation level is still low, and you must follow Chang'er and Yurou after entering the sea! Although there will be no sea monsters for one to seven kilometers, But people's hearts are unpredictable, everyone will make different decisions when facing life and death in today's Yutian Palace soul competition! Be careful!"

"Yes, master!" Li Shiran and Ah Chu looked dignified, and what Gu Yue said was extremely reasonable.

"Is there a sea monster down here? Elder Gu Yue?" Han Yurou asked suspiciously.

"Hahaha, silly daughter, Broken Sword Sea is a famously dangerous place. There are wild monsters on the land, and there will naturally be some under the sea! And the things inside are dormant all the year round and never come out. Maybe it will be thousands of years old. Monster beasts! Have you ever seen wild monsters in the Demon Sect Realm?"

"Demon Sect Realm!" A trace of panic flashed in Han Yurou's eyes.

Because of their blood relationship, wild monsters of the same class must be stronger than human fighters of the same class. Therefore, the strong monsters of the monster clan in the Monster Ancestor Realm must be the great monsters of ancient times, with strength that is so powerful that it defies the sky.

Su Yi was a little dignified, and his heart was full of suspicion: "There will be wild monsters from the Demon Sect Realm here?"

Because apart from Ling Lanyin and Su Xiaoshuai, I really haven't seen any big monsters in the ancient times with the Demon Sect Realm.

The development of the Yaozu actually came in chronological order. The first great gods of the Yaozu, including Dapeng, Phoenix, and Golden Dragon, all existed since the birth of the world in ancient times.

In the ancient times, after generations of reproduction, it became the supreme ancient monster clan represented by Jiuling Lynx and Yutian Snow Ape. After that, the bloodlines diverged, and there were too many collaterals, giving rise to a wide variety of ancient monsters. , Xue Zhong belongs to this category.

And in the past few thousand years, the blood of the big demon has weakened again, like the Canglan Chijin Beast represented by Chiqing.

But all of the above belong to the real monster clan. Going down, even the monster clan is not considered, it is just a wild monster, and the low level cannot be lower.

The demon god, the ancient monster clan supreme, the ancient big monster, the big monster, and then the barbaric monsters, the history of the monster clan is actually the development history of the entire continent, and the level of cultivation and the bloodline are still inseparable.

Su Yi couldn't help wondering: "So, humans and demons have existed at the same time since ancient times? The existence of the Demon Sect that day is naturally an existence that is not allowed in the world!"

Where did the monster come from? With such an involvement, the existence and demise of the monster clan are closely related to the great calamity of the ancient times.

Turning his mind, looking at Duanmu Xiaoman in the distance, Su Yi always felt that there were too many secrets hidden in Duanmu Xiaoman.

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