The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1640: Get off your horse!

"Ho Ho!"

The gloomy and gloomy sky began to make trouble, Su Yi said in a deep voice: "Sect Master Han's words don't make sense!"

"However, since Palace Master Duanmu chose to hold the race in Broken Sword Sea, at least 10,000 to 20,000 meters are strictly prohibited! It's extremely safe, so don't worry, just do your own thing! It's victory!" Su Yi comforted softly Everyone said.

"Not bad! Get ready to go into the sea!" Gu Yue stroked his beard, and there was a gleam of light in his eyes.

"Su Zongzhu, you should be especially careful. As far as I know, no one has ever descended below 20,000 meters, and there are indeed ancient monsters in the sea of ​​broken swords! And they are huge in size, and their soul attacks are extremely terrifying. It is recorded in the collection of my Yutian Palace!" Gu Yue gently pulled Su Yi aside.

Looking at the old man Guyue, Su Yi nodded slightly, it seemed that this Sea of ​​Broken Swords was going to be a fierce battle!

"It's time! Get ready to go to sea!"

Luo Wuya's vicissitudes and deep voice filled Zhou Tian, ​​everyone stopped planning and discussing in their hands, and looked up at the position where Palace Master Duanmu was.

They are all waiting for the first person to go into the sea first, and no one wants to be the first bird!

"Hey! Someone has gone down! Who is so impatient?"

"It's so fast! Everyone, come and see! Someone went into the sea! It's so fast!"

"Who is it? Which one is so courageous!"

At this moment, a light beam like flowing fire blasted towards Broken Sword Sea.

Like a sharp sword piercing the sky, cutting off the dark clouds and emptying the turbid waves, the cumulus clouds on both sides were quickly split into two halves.

"Su Yi, I'll be waiting for you at 15,000 meters! I hope you can get there!"

A roar that shattered the void suddenly created boundless space ripples, pushing around and around, stirring up the situation and changing color rapidly, as if the space ripples were torn open.

The extremely terrifying sound wave carried an extremely terrifying aura, and lifted the strong wind of the Broken Sword Sea high into the huge waves.

Above the sea surface shrouded in thick fog, the light from the eastern sky poured in, the darkness was dispelled, and the Broken Sword Mountain was a shadow.


The sky-shattering sound like a cannonball resounded through the sky, rushing to the top of the Nine Heavens!

"It's entered the sea!" The Yutian Palace disciples at the side were listening to Su Yi's name at first, and all cast strange glances at Su Yi, as if they were watching a scene!

Afterwards, the soul-stirring sound of entering the sea was like a heavy stone, causing boundless disturbances in the hearts and souls of Su Yi and everyone else.


Everyone immediately gathered around the edge of the Broken Sword Sea, gasped, all the bones stood up, and stared intently at the light curtain that Duanmu Xiaoman had set up.

"It's Jun Haotian! What a fast speed! Did he fly down?"

"Jun Haotian was the first to sink into the sea just now! What did he just say? Waiting for Su Yi at 15,000 meters!"

All the Yutian Palace disciples were aroused at once, excited, excited, fearful and worried. They all cast their eyes on Su Yi in the distance. Su Yi's face was serious, but he pulled Li Shiran aside, Don't bother here.

Invisibly, Jun Haotian has regarded Su Yi as the greatest enemy. He originally wanted to use the Yutian Soul Competition to change his image in the Yutian Palace. When Su Yi came, his focus changed drastically. How could he be reconciled? !

This is an insult to the number one person of his generation in Yutian Palace, and it is also a trample on the overthrowing dignity of his master!

"This time, the Heaven-Controlling Soul Competition is really good!" The elders of the princes and the elders of the teaching staff all had serious eyes.

The contest of the older generation has now turned into a war between Jun Haotian and Su Yi. In this soul match, there can't be any agreement between Su Yi and Duanmu Xiaoman, and between Jun Haotian and Su Yi. contest.

In an instant, the atmosphere of the Heaven-Controlling Soul Competition reached a small climax, and Long Poshan beside him couldn't help but slapped his head, heartbroken.

"It's too late! Hey! They say you don't stop me, let me open a handicap! This time it's good, be a spectator!"

"Hey! Lao Luo! Do you think it's still too late?" Long Poshan poked Luo Wuya who was on the side.

Luo Wuya chuckled, walked straight towards the light curtain, shook his sleeves, and said, "Look carefully first! You first have to see where Jun Haotian is!"

All the people came to the edge of the cliff in one go, and looked at a light spot on the light curtain that was sinking rapidly.

On the surface of the sea, the wind was calm, dark and deep, and the sea breeze was swaying, and huge waves followed one after another, with one wave higher than the other.

"This Jun Haotian has been suffocating all the time, it's hard for him!" Luo Wuya narrowed his eyes, and his robe was blown high by the sea breeze.

"At this time, people who are good at soul cultivation are often able to perform at a level beyond the past!" Long Poshan also squinted his eyes and nodded repeatedly.

"One thousand meters!"

The Yutian Palace disciples present were all shocked, and after only a few breaths of effort, Jun Haotian was like a dragon swimming in the sea, doing whatever he wanted, with extremely terrifying speed!

And all the Yutian Palace disciples haven't entered the sea yet, everyone just watched Jun Haotian show his might in the sea alone, this is giving all the Yutian Palace disciples a blow!

"Broken Sword Sea is between the formation of sea water. It used to be an ancient battlefield in ancient times! There are many undead, and the soul energy will become thicker and thicker as it goes to the bottom. When it reaches five kilometers, not only the natural water pressure, but also the light It is this dark breath that makes it difficult for ordinary souls to parry!" The princes and elders analyzed each word carefully.

"This kid can do it, he has two brushes!"

"Two kilometers away!"

Everyone's hearts immediately went up and raised again, their hearts beat wildly, as if they were choked by their throats, and they couldn't speak.

Everyone knows that Jun Haotian has a fire in his heart, with such speed and such talent.

Most of the people present are not enough to watch. If it is an ordinary talent, it is better not to enter the water.

Luo Wuya glanced at Duanmu Xiaoman at the side from the corner of his eye, still covered with frost, cold and arrogant, quietly looking at the light curtain, without any reaction, it seemed that no matter how unreasonable Jun Haotian's reaction was, he couldn't get into Duanmu Xiaoman's eyes.

Immediately, a boundless soul coercion and momentum surged through the audience, Luo Wuya shook his body, and shouted to everyone: "Jun Haotian has entered the sea first! Everyone is ready, enter the sea immediately! Don't waste time! "

Immediately, the warriors who participated in alchemy and weapon refining beside them looked at each other with twinkling eyes, pushed by their elders, and immediately began to plunge into the sea one by one.

Above the light curtain, the dense light spots began to disperse, and a small part of the light spots also started to move downstream, but compared with Jun Haotian's speed, it was nothing like cloud and mud.

The soul fighters who participated in the melee were a little ugly, a little reluctant, and even had the idea of ​​retiring from the competition, and they all stopped.

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