The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1649: Iron Rhino Chariot

The sudden loss of center of gravity made everyone turn pale with shock, Su Yi suddenly spread the pressure of his soul, stabilized his figure, and at the same time stabilized Bai Jiaoshen.


Peeping with spiritual consciousness, with upside-down sword eyebrows, and with soul energy that is as sharp as tentacles all over your body, you can feel a terrifying giant remnant soul nearby in the blink of an eye!

"Who is it! Get out!" Su Yi spoke harshly, and a strong killing intent emerged.

The visitor was dressed in a white gown, followed by four people who looked at Su Yi with surprise in their eyes.

"Very good, Su Yi, I thought you would be slower than I expected! It seems that I still underestimated you! Those useless hearts in front!"

"Senior Brother Zifeng told us to keep Su Yi out! Don't allow him to go down to seven thousand meters!"

"Brother, don't talk nonsense with him! Kill him quickly! Then we can fulfill what Brother Zifeng promised us!"

It turned out that those in front of him were also Yutian Palace disciples, and the critical attack just now also came from these Yutian Palace disciples.

"Zifeng? Is it powerful?" Su Yi heard this name for the first time.

Suddenly, Tian Chang's eyes showed killing intent, and he said to Su Yi in a low voice: "Zi Feng is the number one among the disciples of Gongque Lake, and his cultivation level has surpassed most of the direct disciples, and he has always wanted to compete in the Heavenly Soul Contest here." I have achieved something, but I didn't expect that he was behind it!"

"But he can't make it to seven thousand meters?" Tian Chang's eyes were puzzled, and he didn't understand.

Hearing these words, countless thoughts suddenly arose in Su Yi's heart. It seems that the road ahead is particularly difficult, not only the erosion of soul pressure, but also countless obstacles.

Before realizing the promise with Jun Haotian and Duanmu Xiaoman, he must first defeat these Yutian Palace disciples!

Immediately, Su Yi sneered, with murderous intent in his heart: "Hmph, what I hate the most is not the villain, but the dog next to the villain!"

"Don't be crazy, Su Yi, little bastard!" The soul of the leading Yutian Palace disciple surged all over his body, and echoes appeared from all directions in an instant.

In an instant, three teams flashed out from the rear, the left, and the right. A total of four teams were all soul masters participating in the soul control chaos, but they blocked Su Yi here.

Behind each of them was a terrifying phantom of remnant souls, and in an instant, they surrounded Su Yi and the other four on the White Flood Dragon God.

"What do you want to do?" Tian Chang Yinhan asked.

"Tian Chang, don't think that we will let you go because you are the tenth person who passed on your own. If you want to make alchemy, you have to pass our level first!" the disciple of Yutian Palace just now shouted coldly.

Tian Chang suddenly raised his head, and within the surrounding space, the soul energy of the disciples of Yutian Palace spread instantly, surrounding Tian Chang and others in an instant.

"What's going on! You guys really united to deal with us? Brothers from the same school, you have to deal with it too, are you crazy!" Tian Chang was furious.

Looking at the heights on both sides, some of the Yutian Palace disciples who had begun to concentrate on refining alchemy and refining weapons were deaf to what was going on above their heads, and Tian Chang's eyes were about to burst.

"Who are these people instructed by? How dare they start fighting here! It's so audacious!" Tian Chang shouted angrily.

Sneering sounded everywhere, there were dozens of ferocious remnant souls mobilized by the disciples of the Yutian Palace, and the energy of the remnant souls formed a huge energy vortex around the body, and within the vortex, a coercion so huge that it shocked the world permeated the air. open.

In an instant, Su Yi drove the White Flood Dragon God to tear a gap from the formation of remnants like a net of heaven and earth, turning into a white phantom and rushing out of the gap.


During this time, Su Yi clenched his fists with both hands, and the water attribute energy suddenly soared into the sky, the entire Broken Sword Sea circle shook violently like an earthquake, the terrifying energy exploded, the ice crystals were like dragons, and the indestructible primitive water attribute energy killed the few animals in front of him The remnant soul monster was directly frozen, and at the same time fiercely roared towards several Yutian Palace disciples.

"Chi Chi!"

The water-blue ice crystals stretched for tens of feet in the deep black Sea of ​​Broken Swords before barely stopping the attack. The huge cracks in the seawater space cracked inch by inch, and then sank down together with the floating seaweed.

Through the light of the ice crystals, it was possible to clearly see the true appearance of dozens of remnant souls. They turned out to be armored rhinoceros with fierce eyes, and their huge iron hooves trampled the entire circle under their feet like pillars.

Unexpectedly, suddenly, Su Yi tore open the siege of the soul formation, and even dealt a severe blow to the remnant soul. The disciples of Yutian Palace shouted in unison: "Su Yi, you are courting death!"

As the handprints of the twenty members of the four teams changed at the same time, with a soft drink, a vortex of dark blue soul energy burst out behind them.

The phantoms condensed, and the afterimages rushed out instantly, dozens of ferocious roaring iron rhinoceros and iron hooves stomped behind them, and the entire sea water poured out like an earthquake, sweeping towards Su Yi's side fiercely.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The monstrous force soared into the sky, bringing countless water arrows with it. Compared with the giant water rhino in front of you, the blood-toothed mad shark just now is not at the same level at all.

Dozens of iron-skinned giant rhinoceros are all dark blue, roaring, the huge horns on the top of their heads are like sky-shattering soldiers, and the scales like steel cover the whole body. Their huge bodies quickly rush towards them from all directions, and they will smash the broken sword sea. The situation below trembled until countless cracks opened.


Horror energy swept across again, and the disciples of Yutian Palace activated their soul energy at the same time, Tie Guangshui Lanxi made a "snoring" sound in the water, and then turned into a group of dark afterimages in the air, and the reappearing At that time, it was almost at the front of Su Yi.

The iron horn like a giant cluster of arrows once again showed a tendency to encircle Su Yi's White Flood Dragon God. Suddenly, countless spatial ripples with a width of tens of meters appeared all over Su Yi's body, moving towards the distance at a speed visible to the naked eye. spread.

"What a fast speed! How could this big guy be so fast!" Su Yi pondered in his heart, completely unexpected that the remnant soul of the water rhinoceros with such a bulky appearance would charge towards him like lightning.

Tian Chang and Han Yurou did not show weakness, and at the same time they struck out two horizontal strokes in their hands. The horses were like a dragon, sweeping out with a majestic soul attack, and collided with the scales of the iron brilliance and water rhinoceros.


Immediately, there was a huge wave of water around the body at the same place, but only a dull sound was heard, and there was no slowing momentum of the remnant soul of the water rhinoceros.

A look of surprise flashed across Han Yurou's moon eyes. The attack just now was like hitting a black iron stone, and there was no reaction at all.

"Isn't this guy a remnant soul! Why is his physical strength so strong?"

"Iron Guangshui Lanxi, the descendant of the great demon, every remnant soul in front of me should be in the realm of the eighth level of demons! Don't even think about the strength in life, each one is like a heavy armored chariot!"

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