The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1650: Self-created soul skills?

Su Yi calmly looked at the approaching dozens of water rhino remnant souls, and the twenty Yutian Palace disciples in front of him were all at the third-rank high-level strength. more difficult.

With the Yutian Palace disciples constantly coming up, and the Broken Sword Sea under increasing pressure, Su Yi felt a sense of danger.

Su Yi knew that going down by himself was not just a simple matter of going deeper than anyone else!

"Bang bang!"

I saw dozens of iron rhinos baring their teeth and claws, stepping forward step by step, moving towards Su Yi very rhythmically like chariots.

The fierce and unparalleled strength was accompanied by a huge blow, tearing the sea water, and then came towards the white dragon god in the center.

"Ho Ho!"

Shocking roars erupted from the mouth and passed along the crack, Tian Chang and the others were stunned, and their minds were in turmoil!

"This big guy can also attack with sound waves!" Li Shiran and Ah Chu staggered immediately, and took a few steps back. The pressure bearing capacity of their souls had obviously exceeded their load!

"Quick battle, eliminate these people and remnant souls, let them start the competition as soon as possible." Su Yi thought in his heart.

At the same time, Su Yi's face was serious, he advanced instead of retreating, the handprints in his hands were strangely condensed, and countless extremely mysterious vitality rays of light flashed across his body.

"hoo hoo"

The Art of Controlling the Sky moves like the wind, and when it seems that the iron skin of the remnant soul of the water rhinoceros is about to be trampled into a pulp, the next moment, the entire White Flood Dragon God rushes down with tremendous force, out of thin air, it jumps up like a spring, and then moves forward With a vertical stroke, he once again avoided the fatal blow of the water rhino remnant soul formation.


The white mang made a big splash, and the moment he jumped out, the white dragon god's long neck was thrown back, and in the surrounding sky, a wave of soul coercion energy that swept across the sky instantly gathered, forming a cannonball shape that directly hit the armored formation superior.

The huge sonic cannonball attack was like a heavy hammer, smashing fiercely on the iron armor, and countless iron armor sound waves dissipated like water bubbles!

The white awns roared to the sky, and the golden arms screamed.

The remnant soul of the Iron Armored Water Rhino was instantly crushed by the monstrous power, the crushed stones scattered, and the layers within the circle shook like mountains. .

Some of those with low cultivation base even staggered, with blood spraying out of their mouths, and were instantly photographed in mid-air by the sudden heavy blow of Bai Jiaoshen, and fell hard on the high ground on both sides, their eyes showing shock .

When everyone looked up, they were shocked, their pupils opened violently, and saw that the aura of the remnant soul of the White Flood Dragon was no longer sluggish, and while Su Yi's feet were swaying and turning rapidly, the tiny wings behind the White Flood Flood God It is also fanning like the wind.

Above the void, the sea water is heavy.

One red and one white, two beams of light, big and small, continuously reflect the miraculous light in the space ripples seen by the naked eye Nanyi.

Tian Chang, Han Yurou, and the others all stared brightly, but they hadn't recovered yet. When they were about to fight to the death, their bodies couldn't help but lighten, and then they reached high above the sky.

"What's going on! Why did the body suddenly jump out of the remnant soul demon formation following the White Flood Flood Dragon?" Han Yurou's eyes showed astonishment, not knowing why.

An incredible expression flashed in Tian Chang's eyes. Looking at Su Yi, he could feel Su Yi's soul aura suddenly became extremely powerful, as if he had merged with the Bai Jiao God.

As a result, Su Yi's soul pressure was instantly enhanced, and the materialized soul of Bai Jiao God was much stronger than before, as if it hadn't been consumed!

"What is Su Yi doing!" Han Yurou exclaimed in shock.

Tian Chang knew it very well, and immediately made a silent movement, signaling to stop and not to speak.

I saw the luminous and dazzling soul coercion emanating from Bai Jiaoshen's body, and then the phantom of the remnant soul continued to shrink.


Accompanied by an ear-piercing cry of flood dragons rushing up to the sky, the sea water was turbulent, and the entire 5,000-meter circle of Broken Sword Sea shook like an earthquake.

Tian Chang, Han Yurou and the others quickly jumped off Bai Jiaoshen's body, retreated violently, and stared blankly at Su Yi's strange changes.

On the high platforms on both sides, the disciples of Yutian Palace who were cultivating watched the changes above their heads with grim eyes, and even forgot the elixir they were refining.

But the invincible Su Yi seemed to have been prepared for it. At this moment, his whole body was enveloped by an incomparably strange soul breath.

At this time, the Tianyuan demon soul had already exuded an extremely terrifying brilliance like a small sun, and the terrifying power of the soul surrounded Su Yi like an iron bucket.

"Tianyuan demon soul! The power of the white dragon god is for my use!" Su Yi shouted angrily in his heart!

As early as in the 3,000-meter to 4,000-meter circle, Su Yi suffered from soul skills. He knew that he didn't have many soul skills. At that time, he was able to stand out by relying on the brute force of his soul and the heroic performance of Bai Jiaoshen. The siege!

And in the process of walking, Su Yi has been thinking about what kind of soul skills he has? Which ones can be used in the next soul control contest?

The first thing that comes to mind is Tian Yu Jue, which is a soul skill for cultivating soul energy, and any soul master can gather remnant souls, and rely on their own power to summon warriors who are monster races or remnant souls.

This can be said to be the most frequently used "soul skill" that Su Yi has mastered now, or a basic skill.

In addition, the law of will comprehended through the Wuming Canjian Jue is also related to the energy of the soul, and releasing it on swords and other weapons can have an extremely terrifying attack effect.

Further down, although the killing intent of Broken Sword, Ten Thousand Monsters Alchemy Formation, Blood Phoenix Cracking Heaven, and Qimen Illusory Soul Realm are extremely powerful, they are all soul skills that are impossible to realize here or consume soul energy very much. The gain outweighs the gain, and it cannot be used until the critical moment.

Finally, Cloud Shadow Stepping on Frost is at best a martial skill driven by soul energy. It can reduce stress, but it cannot really control the enemy!

When he once again broke through the circle of light, Su Yi suddenly thought of the several god inheritances he carried, such as the extremely fierce Emperor Sparrow Fitting Skill, which is the double suppression of the soul's force.

"Yes! The imperial sparrow fits well!"

At this moment, Su Yi, who had already escaped, drew inferences, and thought of the principle of the fusion of the emperor sparrow, a strange smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth, and he thought to himself: "The emperor sparrow fits well, how can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer! The image of the sky demon is enough!"

The Heavenly Demon Ancient Classic is not only a skill, but also an all-encompassing technique, and the first condition for cultivation is to be a soul master.

As Su Yi, who had undergone countless times of soul tempering before successfully cultivating, after being in harmony with Ling Qianxue's soul, his use of the image of the sky demon has also reached a new level.

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