The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1712: Heart of Stone

"Joke! You are just a small speck of dust in front of me, why do I have feelings for you! Besides, do you dare to defile me?" Duanmu Xiaoman's pretty face was slightly red, and there was a little charm in her cold and beautiful eyes .

There was a cunning smile on the corner of Su Yi's mouth, and he could feel that Duanmu Xiaoman's soul pressure had completely disappeared at this time.

If Duanmu Xiaoman was said to be indifferent, he definitely would not believe it.

"Anyway, I won't recognize Master! But I really want to know if you are really so hard-hearted!"

Su Yi, who had made up his mind, looked at the bright red and tender cherry lips slightly opened, with white teeth flowing.

The fiery eyes trembled slightly, and a ball of raging fire shot directly from the center of Su Yi's mind.

jumped out.

Leaning down gently, when Su Yi's head just turned away, it hadn't touched the lips that were as luscious as grease.

There was only a muffled sound resounding through the hall, dust dancing all over the sky, and the candle flames on the wall also swayed accordingly.


Su Yi flew straight upside down like a cannonball, and then hit the ground heavily. The ground didn't move at all, but the whole hall was still dull and cold.

Su Yi, who fell to the ground, felt as if his entire skeleton was broken, and there was no pain in his limbs and torso. Duanmu Xiaoman had used a heavy hand in that move just now.

Taking a deep breath, she stood up, her footsteps trembled slightly, and Duanmu Xiaoman's long skirt in front of her trembled, and her sleeves fluttered.

The momentary blushing, Hongxia has returned to her calm expression again, her pair of pupils on her pretty face are like cold ice diamonds, she lightly looks at Su Yi in the distance.

"Duanmu Xiaoman! Why are you working so hard!" Su Yi was in so much pain, he called out softly, and rubbed the place where he had just landed, and a violent tearing sensation came instantly.

The old wound was not healed, and the heartache was added, Su Yi's eyes were on fire, and he stared at Duanmu Xiaoman.

"It's up to you! You're not worthy of testing me!"

The jade teeth parted lightly, obviously she didn't have the slightest sympathy for Su Yi, under the cover of frost, Duanmu Xiaoman moved lightly with lotus steps, and quickly walked towards Su Yi.

Su Yi's eyes sank, and he could instantly feel the soul energy from Duanmu Xiaoman in his body, which directly made the Tianyuan demon soul tremble like a tide, as if he had fallen into a dream.

"This kind of coercion is so terrifying!"

Su Yi's heart was awe-inspiring, Duanmu Xiaoman in front of him suddenly became extremely huge, and himself in front of him became extremely small, a spontaneous sense of humbleness filled Su Yi's mind instantly, when the pupils shrank suddenly, Duanmu Xiao Man had already walked in front of her, her lofty eyes lowered, as if she was looking at a low-ranking person.

"This woman is serious, you should admit defeat! Half step Yuantian, don't struggle!" The soul beast looked at Duanmu Xiaoman, who was born spontaneously by Wei Ling, like a goddess.

It's completely different from the enchanting and shy one just now. The shy Duanmu Xiaoman is definitely the top powerhouse in this continent.


Su Yi's mind was in turmoil, and he struggled to stand up. Duanmu Xiaoman's gaze was cold, like ice and snow that would not melt for thousands of years.

"I don't want you for the rest of my life, I know what you mean, let's learn from you!" Duanmu Xiaoman's charming face flashed a trace of sadness.

Endless pain came out from the blood vessels and pores, the injury just now was still aching, Duanmu's gaze was slightly bruised, but it was more like a bloody sharp knife piercing Su Yi's heart.

It's been a long time since Su Yi saw such anxious eyes.

"What does she know?" Su Yi was a little confused, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

Su Yi's eyes were full of doubts, his nose slightly raised, and he said, "I can't have a master! I just said that there is a master!"

"No matter what your master is, you must worship me as your master!"

Su Yi cast his eyes on Duanmu Xiaoman, who had started to get angry, and saw that his cold face was covered with frost.


A burst of anger and resentment suddenly erupted, and Su Yi's long hair fluttered, revealing a pair of dark eyes, which contained extreme anger.

As soon as the words fell, Su Yi turned around and left. Today, he will definitely not worship Duanmu Xiaoman as his teacher, nor will he enter Yutian Palace. There is a trace of arrogance on his resolute face, which is Su Yi's last stubbornness.


The huge suction like a vortex pulled Su Yi's body backwards suddenly, and his body turned around involuntarily.

Su Yi was shocked in his heart, and when he looked up at Duanmu Xiaoman again, the condensed fragrance of jade fat was already filled with awe-inspiring murderous aura.

The majestic soul energy gurgled out from Duanmu Xiaoman's body, but Duanmu Xiaoman's figure was infinitely enlarged in Su Yi's mind, and the milky white divine light shrouded the heaven and earth like a celestial glow.

The face as soft as the snow is high and condescending, and the elegant eyes are like the eyes of the gods who have been opened for thousands of years. In an instant, Su Yi's mind collapsed into nothingness.


With a bad sound, Su Yi's knees disobeyed and smashed heavily on the stone slab. The sharp pain did not pull Su Yi out of his insignificance.

"Before you are strong, you don't have any rights and qualifications to negotiate any conditions in front of me! This is strength!"

Beads of sweat slid down Su Yi's forehead like running water, and these words shocked Su Yi's heart like the sound of heaven.

Su Yi, who was completely out of control, his eyes turned blood red instantly, the Taixu deep sea in his body was already dead, only the mysterious light group was still emitting an extremely faint light.

Gritting his teeth tightly, a burst of stubbornness gushed out from his heart, his eyes flickered with coldness, and Su Yi roared angrily.

"I don't ask! Don't you understand!"

Immediately, a mighty wave of soul energy began to gushe out from Su Yi's body like a spring.

Su Yi's muscles and bones kept crackling and vibrating, and the piercing pain once again filled every blood vessel.

If it could be seen, Su Yi's meridians began to burst out extremely weak small cracks again.


Duanmu Xiaoman's complexion changed suddenly, and she let out a coquettish shout, clasped her palms together, made the handprints, her index thumb and two fingers touched, and her middle fingers joined together, a dazzling soul energy instantly shot towards Su Yi's eyebrows.


Immediately, Su Yi completely lost his energy, and the mysterious light group was obviously entangled by countless tiny light threads, instantly losing its vitality.

At this moment, Su Yi stood on the spot as if he had no bones, his limbs were stiff, and only his eyes were filled with endless anger.

Without the ability to resist at all, Su Yi's head was invisibly controlled by a wave of energy, and it slammed heavily on the stone slab.

A dull roar resounded through the hall, dust flew, and sound waves burst out.

Su Yi, who couldn't bear the pressure, had bulging veins, and his flushed skin seemed to be scorched by the scorching sun, roaring again and again.

"Let go of me! I don't want to be a teacher!"

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