The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1713: Su Yi's master!

The bright red lips parted, and a sneer came out faintly.

"It's beyond your control!"

The pressure of the soul skyrocketed again, and a heavy pressure that was so strong that it could not be dispelled was exerted on Su Yi's neck again.

Pressing together, there were two more heavy impact sounds, resounding through the sky.

In addition to the kowtow just now, a total of three muffled sounds resounded through the void in turn, and the air ripples in the midair instantly rippled with countless ripples.

At this time, Su Yi's eyes were extremely red, and the strong killing intent and evil spirit permeated the air again, but it was of no avail at all, and he was at the mercy of Duanmu Xiaoman.

In the face of real strength, Su Yi once again felt his own helplessness and insignificance.

The sense of powerlessness from the bottom of his heart made Su Yi extremely depressed, the mysterious light group was sealed off, and his last power was also deprived.

In front of Banbu Yuantian, is he just so useless! Su Yi's unwilling blood was boiling and surging.

His beard and hair were all standing up, his hands resting on the ground, trying to reopen the mysterious light with all his strength, he raised his head to the sky and shouted.

"Get up! Get up for me!"

Duanmu Xiaoman's seductive waist twisted in the air, and the unparalleled coercion immediately surged like waves.

"Do you want to use that power that doesn't belong to you again?" Duanmu Xiaoman's eyes fluctuated slightly, and there was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

"Could it be that you will only rely on power that doesn't belong to you when it's critical! It's so sad!"

Qianmei frowned slightly, Duanmu Xiaoman seemed to think of something in his eyes, looking at Su Yi who was still stubborn and unyielding on the ground, his eyes sparkled.

"You don't care!" Su Yi shouted hoarsely.

Su Yi, who had never been so humiliated before, pressed hard on the stone slab, struggling with all his strength, and the continuous sound waves and explosions rang out, shaking people's hearts.

"There's blood! But this is a world that speaks with strength! You can't reach the top with passion!"

Every single word, every single word, fell heavily on Su Yi's heart.

Su Yi, who had a dignified expression, suddenly had a flash of light in his heart, and the feeling of shock surged again, and he couldn't help sighing bitterly.

"Indeed, I'm too weak! I'm so weak that I don't even have the ability to stand up in front of Yuan Tianjing!"

Without absolute strength, one can only be slaughtered by others. All along, Su Yi has been constantly asking himself to improve his cultivation ability, with the goal of flattening the holy mountain.

But now, in front of the Yutian Palace that has also been settled for thousands of years, he is like a muddy mud, so what is he in front of the Holy One?

The hands that were struggling to bend gradually froze. In an instant, Su Yi seemed to have an epiphany, his eyes moved slightly, and his lips were clenched by his teeth, dripping with blood.

"If you fight with death in everything, you don't deserve me to teach you at all! You are just a coward through and through, a brainless dead soldier!"

The air flow was surging, and the huge Temple of Yutian Temple was extremely empty. Duanmu Xiaoman stood beside Su Yi, there seemed to be light flowing from the corner of his eyes, and he said calmly.

"Without strength, your so-called desperate efforts are empty talk!"


Su Yi, whose face was livid, could feel that the heavy pressure on his body had disappeared.

Su Yi sat cross-legged, with a serious expression, and the tyrannical blood energy just now had disappeared.

Su Yi couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. Without absolute strength, you can't protect anyone by desperately fighting. The principle of dignity is all empty talk.

As if suddenly enlightened, Su Yi stood up, his face still sinking like water, and nodded towards Duanmu Xiaoman.

"Palace Master Duanmu, I understand!"

Looking at Duanmu Xiaoman again, Su Yi had no intention of teasing at all, only solid respect and admiration.

A strange woman who is half a step up from Yuantian, why should I not humbly ask for advice?

Serious eyes were cast on Duanmu Xiaoman in the distance, the elegant and solemn Duanmu Xiaoman frowned slightly, and flitted out with a trace of sadness.

"What did you call me?" Duanmu Xiaoman said calmly.

Gritting his teeth, Su Yi frowned and called out in a low voice, "Master!"


The strong wind swept across, and a terrifying wave rushed into Su Yi's mind again, and all the restrictions just now were instantly released like shackles.

When the eyebrows were raised again, Duanmu Xiaoman's figure had disappeared, and Gujing Wubo's voice came from a distance.

"follow me!"

He let out a long sigh of relief, without Duanmu Xiaoman, Su Yi felt a lot more relaxed, half a step of Yuantian's soul coercion was really too terrifying, and his Yuanhuang Realm was completely destroyed in seconds.

"Boy, did you suffer?" Tie Hunxuan covered his mouth and hummed softly.

Su Yi gave the soul beast a hard look, and grinned again, the few hits just now really hurt a lot.

Let out a long sigh, let's quickly improve our strength! Without strength, everything is nonsense!

One day, Duanmu Xiaoman, I will stand as tall as you, or even taller than you, Su Yi pondered for a moment, his resolute expression was extremely serious.

Immediately, Su Yi headed towards the direction where Duanmu Xiaoman disappeared. In the darkness, a fiery red butterfly spread its wings and flew, and the bright light was like a sunray, illuminating the entire Yutian Palace.

The direction in which Duanmu disappeared was exactly where the leylines were located.

Su Yi, who had been in the earth veins before, found Duanmu Xiaoman not long after.

Entering the earth veins again, a surge of spiritual energy rushed to Su Yi's body like a thunderbolt.

Waves of warm currents swim all over the body, in such a place, it is simply the gospel for those who practice martial arts.

Su Yi curled his lips, looked at Duanmu Xiaoman's back, and murmured in his heart.

At this moment, Su Yi didn't dare to talk any more nonsense, and his attitude was slightly respectful.

Su Yi always reminded himself not to be deceived by Duanmu Xiaoman's beauty, she is a half-step Yuantian powerhouse stronger than anyone else!

The key is still a suzerain who has an extremely rich experience, Su Yi's throat moved again, and now he is more nervous than ever.

Yutiandimai is at the bottom of the Yutian Temple, where the aura of the entire Yutian Palace is provided.

Yu Tianchuan has a beautiful wind and spirit, and the energy of the sky and the earth is endlessly powerful, because there are incomparably thick earth veins hovering in the mountains.

"When the master of Yutian Palace built the palace here, he took a fancy to the deep veins and abundant spiritual energy here! This has always been a place where only the master of Yutian Palace can come in to practice, and I brought you in for the first time!"

Su Yi's eyes were shocked, and his heart was struggling. On the one hand, he was careful about Duanmu Xiaoman, and on the other hand, he unconsciously approached Duanmu Xiaoman.

Having said that, Duanmu Xiaoman was not only kind to the Su family, but also kind to herself, healed her wounds, and Broken Sword Haixia sacrificed her life to save her.

But for this equally mysterious woman, Su Yi always felt elusive, with a look of doubt in his eyes, he licked his dry lips, and said respectfully.

"Thank you master!"

"I accept you as an apprentice, I don't need you to participate in the Tianfeng Ranking Tournament for Yutian Palace!"

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